Wednesday, 24 February 2016

“Cântico do Calvário” by Fagundes Varela (in Portuguese)

À memória de meu Filho
morto a 11 de dezembro de 1863

Eras na vida a pomba predileta
Que sobre um mar de angústias conduzia
O ramo da esperança. Eras a estrela
Que entre as névoas do inverno cintilava
Apontando o caminho ao pegureiro.

Eras a messe de um dourado estio.
Eras o idílio de um amor sublime.
Eras a glória, a inspiração, a pátria,
O porvir de teu pai! - Ah! no entanto,
Pomba, - varou-te a flecha do destino!

Astro, - engoliu-te o temporal do norte!
Teto, - caíste!- Crença, já não vives!
Correi, correi, oh! lágrimas saudosas,
Legado acerbo da ventura extinta,
Dúbios archotes que a tremer clareiam
A lousa fria de um sonhar que é morto!

Correi! um dia vos verei mais belas
Que os diamantes de Ofir e de Golconda
Fulgurar na coroa de martírios
Que me circunda a fronte cismadora!
São mortos para mim da noite os fachos,
Mas Deus vos faz brilhar, lágrimas santas,
E à vossa luz caminharei nos ermos!

Estrelas do sofrer, gotas de mágoa,
Brando orvalho do céu! Sede benditas!
Oh! filho de minh'alma! Última rosa
Que neste solo ingrato vicejava!
Minha esperança amargamente doce!

Quando as garças vierem do ocidente
Buscando um novo clima onde pausarem,
Não mais te embalarei sobre os joelhos,
Nem de teus olhos no cerúleo brilho
Acharei um consolo a meus tormentos!

Não mais invocarei a musa errante
Nesses retiros onde cada folha
Era um polido espelho de esmeralda
Que refletia os fugitivos quadros
Dos suspirados tempos que se foram!

Não mais perdido em vaporosas cismas
Escutarei ao pôr-do-sol, nas serras,
Vibrar a trompa sonorosa e leda
Do caçador que aos lares se recolhe!
Não mais! A areia tem corrido, e o livro
De minha infanda história está completo!

Pouco tenho de andar! Um passo ainda
E o fruto de meus dias, negro, podre,
Do galho eivado rolará por terra!
Ainda um treno, e o vendaval sem freio
Ao soprar quebrará a última fibra
Da lira infausta que nas mãos sustenho!

Tornei-me o eco das tristezas todas
Que entre os homens achei! o lago escuro
Onde o clarão dos fogos da tormenta
Miram-se as larvas fúnebres do estrago!
Por toda a parte em que arrastei meu manto
Deixei um traço fundo de agonias!...

Oh! quantas horas não gastei, sentado
Sobre as costas bravias do Oceano,
Esperando que a vida se esvaísse
Como um floco de espuma, ou como o friso
Que deixa n'água o lenha do barqueiro!

Quantos momentos de loucura e febre
Não consumi perdido nos desertos,
Escutando os rumores das florestas,
E procurando nessas vozes torvas
Distinguir o meu cântico de morte?

Quantas noites de angústias e delírios
Não velei, entre as sombras espreitando
A passagem veloz do gênio horrendo
Que o mundo abate ao galopar infrene
Do selvagem corcel!... E tudo embalde!

A vida parecia ardente e doida
Agarrar-se a meu ser!... E tu tão jovem,
Tão puro ainda, ainda n'alvorada,
Ave banhada em mares de esperança,
Rosa em botão, crisálida entre luzes,
Foste o escolhido na tremenda ceifa!

Ah! quando a vez primeira em meus cabelos
Senti bater teu hálito suave:
Quando em meus braços te cerrei, ouvindo
Pulsar-te o coração divino ainda;
Quando fitei teus olhos sossegados,
Abismos de inocência e de candura,
E baixo e a medo murmurei: meu filho!

Meu filho! Frase imensa, inexplicável,
Grata como o chorar de Madalena
Aos pés do Redentor... ah! pelas fibras
Senti rugir o vento incendiado
Desse amor infinito que eterniza
O consórcio dos orbes que se enredam
Dos mistérios do ser na teia augusta
Que prende o céu à terra e a terra aos anjos!

Que se expande em torrentes inefáveis
Do seio imaculado de Maria!
Cegou-me tanta luz! Errei, fui homem!
E de meu erro a punição cruenta
Na mesma glória que elevou-me aos astros,
Chorando aos pés da cruz, hoje padeço!

O som da orquestra, o retumbar dos bronzes,
A voz mentida de rafeiros bardos,
Torpe alegria que circunda os berços
Quando a opulência doura-lhes as bordas,
Não te saudaram ao sorrir primeiro,
Clícia mimosa rebentada à sombra!

Mas, ah! se pompas, esplendor faltaram-te,
Tiveste mais que os príncipes da terra!
Templos, altares de afeição sem termos!
Mundos de sentimento e de magia!
Cantos ditados pelo próprio Deus!

Oh! quantos reis que a humanidade aviltam,
E o gênio esmagam dos soberbos tronos,
Trocariam a púrpura romana
Por um verso, uma nota, um som apenas
Dos fecundos poemas que inspiraste!
Que belos sonhos! Que ilusões benditas!

Do cantor infeliz lançaste à vida,
Arco-íris de amor! luz da aliança,
Calma e fulgente em meio da tormenta!
Do exílio escuro a cítara chorosa
Surgiu de novo e às virações errantes

Lançou dilúvios de harmonia! O gozo
Ao pranto sucedeu. As férreas horas
Em desejos alados se mudaram.
Noites fugiam, madrugadas vinham,
Mas sepultado num prazer profundo
Não te deixava o berço descuidoso,
Nem de teu rosto meu olhar tirava,
Nem de outros sonhos que dos teus vivia!

Como eras lindo! Nas rosadas faces
Tinhas ainda o tépido vestígio
Dos beijos divinais, - nos olhos langues
Brilhava o brando raio que acendera
A bênção do Senhor quando o deixaste!

Sobre teu corpo a chusma dos anjinhos,
Filhos do éter e da luz, voavam,
Riam-se alegres, das caçoilas níveas
Celeste aroma te vertendo ao corpo!

E eu dizia comigo:- teu destino
Será mais belo que o cantar das fadas
Que dançam no arrebol, - mais triunfante
Que o sol nascente derribando ao nada
Muralhas de negrume!... Irás tão alto
Como o pássaro-rei do Novo Mundo!

Ai! doido sonho!... Uma estação passou-se
E tantas glórias, tão risonhos planos
Desfizeram-se em pó! O gênio escuro
Abrasou com seu facho ensangüentado
Meus soberbos castelos. A desgraça
Sentou-se em meu solar, e a soberana
Dos sinistros impérios de além-mundo
Com seu dedo real selou-te a fronte!

Inda te vejo pelas noites minhas,
Em meus dias sem luz vejo-te ainda,
Creio-te vivo, e morto te pranteio!...
Ouço o tanger monótono dos sinos,
E cada vibração contar parece
As ilusões que murcham-se contigo!

Cheias de frases pueris, estultas,
O linho mortuário que retalham
Para envolver teu corpo! Vejo esparsas
Saudades e perpétuas, sinto o aroma
Do incenso das igrejas, ouço os cantos
Dos ministros de Deus que me repetem
Que não és mais da terra!... E choro embalde.

Mas não! Tu dormes no infinito seio
Do Criador dos seres! Tu me falas
Na voz dos ventos, no chorar das aves,
Talvez das ondas no respiro flébil!
Tu me contemplas lá do céu, quem sabe?
No vulto solitário de uma estrela.

E são teus raios que meu estro aquecem!
Pois bem! Mostra-me as voltas do caminho!
Brilha e fulgura no azulado manto,
Mas não te arrojes, lágrima da noite,
Nas ondas nebulosas do ocidente!

Brilha e fulgura! Quando a morte fria
Sobre mim sacudir o pó das asas,
Escada de Jacó serão teus raios
Por onde asinha subirá minh'alma.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Untitled Poem by José Thiesen (in English)

year after year I am here waiting for you
but for how long can I do this, my love?

every beat of my heart ask me to leave and
run through the free spaces in the sky, my love.

year after year I am here waiting for you
but for how long, how long more, my love?

Saturday, 20 February 2016

"The Book of Exodus" - Chapter XII (translated into English)

Chapter 12

1The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2 "This month shall stand at the head of your calendar; you shall reckon it the first month of the year. 3 Tell the whole community of Israel: On the tenth of this month every one of your families must procure for itself a lamb, one apiece for each household. 4 If a family is too small for a whole lamb, it shall join the nearest household in procuring one and shall share in the lamb in proportion to the number of persons who partake of it. 5 The lamb must be a year-old male and without blemish. You may take it from either the sheep or the goats. 6 You shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month, and then, with the whole assembly of Israel present, it shall be slaughtered during the evening twilight. 7 They shall take some of its blood and apply it to the two doorposts and the lintel of every house in which they partake of the lamb. 8 That same night they shall eat its roasted flesh with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9 It shall not be eaten raw or boiled, but roasted whole, with its head and shanks and inner organs. 10 None of it must be kept beyond the next morning; whatever is left over in the morning shall be burned up. 11 "This is how you are to eat it: with your loins girt, sandals on your feet and your staff in hand, you shall eat like those who are in flight. It is the Passover of the LORD. 12 For on this same night I will go through Egypt, striking down every first - born of the land, both man and beast, and executing judgment on all the gods of Egypt-I, the LORD! 13 But the blood will mark the houses where you are. Seeing the blood, I will pass over you; thus, when I strike the land of Egypt, no destructive blow will come upon you. 14 "This day shall be a memorial feast for you, which all your generations shall celebrate with pilgrimage to the LORD, as a perpetual institution.

15 For seven days you must eat unleavened bread. From the very first day you shall have your houses clear of all leaven. Whoever eats leavened bread from the first day to the seventh shall be cut off from Israel. 16 On the first day you shall hold a sacred assembly, and likewise on the seventh. On these days you shall not do any sort of work, except to prepare the food that everyone needs. 17 "Keep, then, this custom of the unleavened bread. Since it was on this very day that I brought your ranks out of the land of Egypt, you must celebrate this day throughout your generations as a perpetual institution. 18 From the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month until the evening of the twenty-first day of this month you shall eat unleavened bread. 19 For seven days no leaven may be found in your houses. Anyone, be he a resident alien or a native, who eats leavened food shall be cut off from the community of Israel. 20 Nothing leavened may you eat; wherever you dwell you may eat only unleavened bread."

21 Moses called all the elders of Israel and said to them, "Go and procure lambs for your families, and slaughter them as Passover victims. 22 Then take a bunch of hyssop, and dipping it in the blood that is in the basin, sprinkle the lintel and the two doorposts with this blood. But none of you shall go outdoors until morning. 23 For the LORD will go by, striking down the Egyptians. Seeing the blood on the lintel and the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over that door and not let the destroyer come into your houses to strike you down. 24 "You shall observe this as a perpetual ordinance for yourselves and your descendants. 25 Thus, you must also observe this rite when you have entered the land which the LORD will give you as he promised. 26 When your children ask you, 'What does this rite of yours mean?' 27 you shall reply, 'This is the Passover sacrifice of the LORD, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt; when he struck down the Egyptians, he spared our houses.'" Then the people bowed down in worship, 28 and the Israelites went and did as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron.

29 At midnight the LORD slew every first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh on the throne to the first-born of the prisoner in the dungeon, as well as all the first-born of the animals. 30 Pharaoh arose in the night, he and all his servants and all the Egyptians; and there was loud wailing throughout Egypt, for there was not a house without its dead. 31 During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, "Leave my people at once, you and the Israelites with you! Go and worship the LORD as you said. 32 Take your flocks, too, and your herds, as you demanded, and be gone; and you will be doing me a favor." 33 The Egyptians likewise urged the people on, to hasten their departure from the land; they thought that otherwise they would all die. 34 The people, therefore, took their dough before it was leavened, in their kneading bowls wrapped in their cloaks on their shoulders.

35 The Israelites did as Moses had commanded: they asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing. 36 The LORD indeed had made the Egyptians so well-disposed toward the people that they let them have whatever they asked for. Thus did they despoil the Egyptians.

37 The Israelites set out from Rameses for Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, not counting the children. 38 A crowd of mixed ancestry also went up with them, besides their livestock, very numerous flocks and herds. 39 Since the dough they had brought out of Egypt was not leavened, they baked it into unleavened loaves. They had been rushed out of Egypt and had no opportunity even to prepare food for the journey. 40 The time the Israelites had stayed in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years. 41 At the end of four hundred and thirty years, all the hosts of the LORD left the land of Egypt on this very date. 42 This was a night of vigil for the LORD, as he led them out of the land of Egypt; so on this same night all the Israelites must keep a vigil for the LORD throughout their generations.

43 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "These are the regulations for the Passover. No foreigner may partake of it. 44 However, any slave who has been bought for money may partake of it, provided you have first circumcised him. 45 But no transient alien or hired servant may partake of it. 46 It must be eaten in one and the same house; you may not take any of its flesh outside the house. You shall not break any of its bones. 47 The whole community of Israel must keep this feast. 48 If any aliens living among you wish to celebrate the Passover of the LORD, all the males among them must first be circumcised, and then they may join in its observance just like the natives. But no man who is uncircumcised may partake of it. 49 The law shall be the same for the resident alien as for the native." 50 All the Israelites did just as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron. 51 On that same day the LORD brought the Israelites out of Egypt company by company.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Catechesis About the Family (8.2): "the children" by Pope Francis I (translated into English)

General Audience at Saint Peter's Square on Wednesday, 8 April 2015.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,

In this series of Catecheses on the family, today we are completing our reflection on children, who are the most beautiful gift and blessing that the Creator has given to man and woman. We have already spoken about the great gift that children are. Today sadly we must speak about the “passions” which many of them endure.
From the first moments of their lives, many children are rejected, abandoned, and robbed of their childhood and future. There are those who dare to say, as if to justify themselves, that it was a mistake to bring these children into the world. This is shameful! Let’s not unload our faults onto the children, please! Children are never a “mistake”. Their hunger is not a mistake, nor is their poverty, their vulnerability, their abandonment — so many children abandoned on the streets — and neither is their ignorance or their helplessness... so many children don’t even know what a school is. If anything, these should be reasons to love them all the more, with greater generosity. How can we make such solemn declarations on human rights and the rights of children, if we then punish children for the errors of adults?
            Those who have the task of governing, of educating, but I would say all adults, we are responsible for children and for doing what we can to change this situation. I am referring to “the passion” of children. Every child who is marginalized, abandoned, who lives on the street begging with every kind of trick, without schooling, without medical care, is a cry that rises up to God and denounces the system that we adults have set in place. And unfortunately these children are prey to criminals who exploit them for shameful trafficking or commerce, or train them for war and violence. But even in so-called wealthy countries many children live in dramatic situations that scar them deeply because of crises in the family, educational gaps and at times inhuman living conditions. In every case, their childhood is violated in body and soul. But none of these children are forgotten by the Father who is in heaven! Not one of their tears is lost! Neither is our responsibility lost, the social responsibility of people, of each one of us, and of countries.
            Once Jesus rebuked his disciples because they sent away the children whose parents brought them to Him to be blessed. It is a moving Gospel narrative: “Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people; but Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’ And he laid his hands on them and went away” (Mt 19:13-15). How beautiful is this trust of the parents and Jesus’ response! How I would like this passage to become the norm for all children! It is true that by the grace of God children in grave difficulty are often given extraordinary parents, ready and willing to make every sacrifice. But these parents should not be left alone! We should accompany them in their toil, and also offer them moments of shared joy and lighthearted cheer, so that they are not left with only routine therapy.
            When it comes to children, no matter what, there should be no utterance of those legal defense-like formulas: “after all, we are not a charity”, or, “in private, everyone is free to do as he or she wishes”, or even, “we’re sorry but we can’t do anything”. These words do not count when it comes to children.
            Too often the effects of a life worn down by precarious and underpaid work, unsustainable hours, bad transport rebound on the children.... Children also pay the price for immature unions and irresponsible separations: they are the first victims; they suffer the outcome of a culture of exaggerated individual rights, and then the children become more precocious. They often absorb the violence they are not able to “ward off” and before the very eyes of adults are forced to grow accustomed to degradation.
            Also in our age, as in the past, the Church sets her motherhood at the service of children and their families. To parents and children of this world of ours, she bears the blessing of God, motherly tenderness, a firm reproach and strong condemnation. Children are no laughing matter!
            Think what a society would be like if it decided, once and for all, to establish this principle: “It’s true, we are not perfect and we make many mistakes. But when it comes to the children who come into the world, no sacrifice on the part of adults is too costly or too great, to ensure that no child believe he or she was a mistake, is worthless or is abandoned to a life of wounds and to the arrogance of men”. How beautiful a society like this would be! I say that for such a society, much could be forgiven, innumerable errors. Truly a great deal.
            The Lord judges our life according to what the angels of children tell him, angels who “always behold the face of the Father who is in heaven” (cf. Mt 18:10). Let us always ask ourselves: what will the children’s guardian angels tell God about us?

Special greetings:
            I offer an affectionate greeting to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Ireland, Sweden, Nigeria, Japan, Thailand, Canada and the United States. May the Risen Lord confirm you in faith and make you witnesses of his love and mercy to all people. May God bless you!
            I send out a special thought to young people, to the sick and to newlyweds. May the Easter message continue to make the hearts in our chests burn, like the disciples at Emmaus: dear young people, only the Lord Jesus can respond completely to your hopes for happiness and for the good of your life; dear sick people, there is no more beautiful consolation to your suffering than the certainty of Christ’s Resurrection; and you, dear newlyweds, live out your marriage in concrete adhesion to Christ and to the teachings of the Gospel.