Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Tuesday's Serial: “The Messiah of the Cylinder” by Victor Rousseau (in Englsih) - III



I have heard patients, emerging from the chloroform swoon, describe how, before awakening, they had seemed to view themselves lying unconscious upon their beds, detailing the posture of their motionless bodies and inert limbs. In this way, now, I seemed to see myself.

I am sure that was no dream of the vague borderland between death and life. I saw the pallid face, so shrunken that the skin clung to the edged bones, and the dry hair, the pinched lips and waxen hands. I saw myself as if from some non-spatial point, and with singular indifference, except that one fragment of knowledge, detached from my serene omniscience, troubled me. I had to return within that physical envelope; and behind me lay dim memories, quite untranslatable, but ineffably rapturous, which made that projected incarnation an event of dread.

Vague images of earthly things began to float upward out of the dark, as it were, symbols of physical life whose meaning remained obscure. I pictured a spring-board, on which a swimmer stood poised, waiting to dive into the sea and set the plank behind him quivering, and a large roll of some material, like a carpet, blocking a cellar door.

Gradually, through an alternation of dreams and blankness, I began to be aware of the parched and withered body that cloaked me. The point of consciousness had shrunk within its earthly envelope. Soon it diffused itself throughout my members. Now I could translate my symbols into ideas. That coiled-up substance that blocked the door was my tongue, fallen back into the throat. And the spring-board on which the swimmer stood—that was my heart, waiting to beat. And unless and until the swimmer—I—made that plunge into life’s ocean, it could not. Slowly the need of physical resurrection urged me onward.

A thousand darts were stabbing in my flesh, like purgatorial fire. No motor nerve had yet awakened, but the capillaries, opening, pricked me like red-hot needles. Faint memories of the past flashed through my mind, and, though I recalled no intervening period, I was sensible that those events had happened infinitely long before.

Suddenly I plunged. I felt as if a sword had pierced my body. I felt the waters of that living ocean close over my face, and gasped. I breathed. Simultaneously, with a loud click, the cap of the cylinder flew off, air rushed in, a stabbing light broke through my closed eyelids; I fainted.

It was, of course, the gradual unscrewing of the cylinder cap as the mechanism ran down, and the consequent admission of minute quantities of oxygen, that had begun to restore me. I must have passed several days in semi-consciousness before the cylinder opened. When the last thread of the screw was traversed, the inrush of air caused the respiration to begin.

I was breathing when I became conscious once more, and my heart was straining in my breast. I got my eyes open. There followed hours of light-tortured delirium, during which I struggled to regain the motor powers. With infinite endeavor I placed one hand upon the other and passed it up the wrist and forearm. The muscles were all gone. The ulna and radius were perfectly distinguishable, and I could encircle either with my fingers, after I had managed to flex them. I noticed that my joints creaked like rusty hinges.

I tried to bend my elbows, and this next grim battle lasted an incalculable time. Gradually I became aware of some obstacle on each side of me. Then, for the first time since my awakening, I knew that I was inside the cylinder. But I did not know that it had fallen upon its side until it slid forward, and my puny struggles dislodged me and flung me free into a pool of water. I drew in a deep breath, feeling my lungs crackle like old parchment, and plunged my face and shoulders beneath the surface. My skin sucked up the moisture like a sponge, and I contrived to get a few drops past my swollen tongue. I had just sense enough and time to turn my face upward before I became unconscious again.

I must have slept long, for, on my next awakening, the light was brighter and still more torturing. Memory began to stir. I recalled my conversation with Sir Spofforth, our journey into the annex, Lazaroff’s invitation to me to enter the cylinder. He must have shut me in for a moment by way of a practical joke, and gone away with Esther, persuading himself and her that I could free myself and would follow. I tried to call him. But only a croaking gasp came from my lips. I tried again and again, gradually regaining the power of vocal utterance. But there came no answer, and each time that I called, the echoing, hoarse susurrus brought me nearer to the realization of some terror at hand which I did not dare to face.

I looked about me. Beside me lay the cylinder, almost buried in mud. I was still within the secret vault, but a part of the brick partition had fallen inward in such a way as to screen the few visible inches of the steel case that had housed me, so that nobody would have suspected its presence in the mud of the little chamber. I remembered that there had been two more; I looked about me, but there was no sign of them.

Now I began to realize that there had been a considerable change in my surroundings since I became unconscious. The light which had distressed me came through a hole in the roof of the adjoining cellar, filtering thence through the aperture in the broken wall, and was of the dimmest. In place of the concrete floor there was a swamp of mud, with pools of water here and there, and the dirt was heaped up in the corners and against the walls. Moss and splotched fungi grew among the tumbled bricks, and everywhere were spore stains and microscopic plant growth.

I was bewildered by these signs of dilapidation everywhere. The guinea-pigs and monkeys were gone; the cellar was empty, save for some low, rough planks of wood fitted on trestles and set about the floor. On the wall at the far end hung something that gradually took form as I strained my aching eyes to a focus.

It was a crucifix. The cellar had become a subterranean chapel. The cross was hewn coarsely of pine, and the figure that hung upon it grotesquely carven; yet there was the pathos of wistful, ignorant effort in the workmanship that bespoke the sincerity of the artist.

I made my difficult way toward the stairs

I made my difficult way upon hands and knees through the gap in the wall, across the mud floor of the cellar, toward the stairs, resting several times from weariness before I reached my destination. But when I arrived at the far end, where the stairs should have been, I received a shock that totally unnerved me. The stairs were gone. In place of them was a debris of rubble and broken stones, as firmly set as if workmen had built it into the wall. The mass must have been there for years, because, out of the thin soil that had drifted in, a little oak tree sprang, twisting its spindling stem to rear its crown toward the patch of daylight.

At last I understood. I had come to realize the fact that my sleep had been a prolonged one; it might have lasted weeks—even months, I had thought, as with cataleptics; but an entire century! that idea had been too incredibly grotesque for consideration. That Sir Spofforth, with whom, it seemed, I had dined almost yesterday, had gone, ages ago, to his long home; Lazaroff; Esther, whom I loved; that generations had come into birth and died ... it seemed too cruel a jest. I wept. I raved and called for Esther. Surely a hundred years had never passed, turning her brown hair to gray, lining her gentle face, bringing at last the gift of death to her, while I lay underground, encased in steel and air!

I cried aloud in terror. I hammered helplessly upon the walls. Again I called Esther, Lazaroff, George. There was no answer of any kind.

Presently a ray of light quivered through the hole, falling upon the heap of debris that blocked the stairway. The yellow beam moved onward, and now it bathed the thin branches of the little twisted tree that, by the aid of those few minutes of sunlight daily, had ventured into life. It had grown cunningly sidewise, so as to expose the maximum of wood to the light. I watched the ray till it went out; I wanted to show the plant to Lazaroff, to ask him whether the mechanics of heliotropism could suffice to answer the problem of the tree’s brainless consciousness; and my chagrin that this whim could not be fulfilled assumed an absurd significance. It was, in fact, the realization of this loss of responsiveness to the reality of the situation that constantly urged me to find some way of escape when I might have relapsed otherwise into an acquiescence which would have brought insanity and death.

The stairs being gone, I turned my consideration to the cellar roof. To reach this it would be necessary to drag one of the planks beneath the hole and scramble up, clinging to the sides with my fingers and bracing my feet against the wall. This feat was not a difficult one for a normal man, but for me clearly impossible. I must wait until I became stronger.

It is a strange thing, but I had not associated the need of waiting with the idea of food until I found the box of biscuit. I stumbled upon the box by the accident of scratching my wrist against the edge as I crawled along the wall. I saw the corner projecting from a mound of earth, and, scraping some of the dirt away, I lifted the pine-wood lid.

Inside the box I found a quantity of biscuit which seemed to have been baked recently. It was crisp, and too hard for me to break. I dipped a piece in the stagnant water, and, as I swallowed the first morsels, became aware of my ravenous hunger.

I can hardly estimate the duration of the imprisonment that followed. It was of days and nights which succeeded each the other in monotonous succession, during which, like a hibernating beast, I crouched and groped within the cellar, dozing and shivering, and gnawing incessantly at my food. Only those few minutes of sunshine daily saved my reason, I am convinced now. My evening clothes, which at first had appeared to have suffered no injury during my century of sleep, had begun to disintegrate, and hung upon me in tattered fragments. It was a period of despair, with very little alternating hope. Sometimes I prayed wildly beneath the crucifix, sometimes, in an access of madness, I cried for Esther and Lazaroff again. And for whole hours I convinced myself that this was a dream.

But my strength returned with amazing swiftness. As in the case of a typhoid convalescent, every particle of food seemed to build up my body. I must have put on pounds each day. The barrel framework of my ribs filled out, the muscles showed their old outlines beneath the skin, the fluid rushed into the joints and restored their suppleness. And daily I practiced exercises. I managed to drag one of the benches beneath the hole at last, and, standing on this, tried often to draw myself up; but on each occasion my struggles only brought down a shower of earth and stones, and I resigned myself to a period of further waiting, watching for dawn like a troglodyte, and for the sun like a fire-worshiper.

In the end my escape developed in a manner the least imaginable. It began with my discovery of a second box in another of the mounds. I opened it hastily, in the greedy anticipation of finding something more palatable than biscuit.

Instead of this I found a number of strange batons of wood. They resembled policemen’s truncheons, but each had a tiny rounded plate of glass near the head, and there evidently was some sort of mechanism near the handle, for there was a push-button, fitted with a heavy guard of brass, so strong that I could not raise it with my fingers. It was indeed providential that I was unable to do so.

I carried the strange implement beneath the hole in the roof and laid it on the bench, intending to examine it more carefully as soon as the sun appeared. Meanwhile, this being the time for my daily exercise, I mounted the bench and tried to pull myself up. I failed; yet I detected a considerable improvement in my muscular power, and, becoming exhausted, I prepared to descend. Inadvertently, but without anticipating any serious result, I placed my foot against the truncheon in such a way as to elevate the guard.

I heard it click as it rose into position, and, in setting down my foot again, depressed the push-button.

The truncheon tipped to the ground, pointing upward. I saw a ray of blinding light, of intense whiteness tipped with mauve, shoot from the head, and, with a crash, a shower of stones fell on me, bearing me to the ground and enveloping me in a cloud of dust.

I must have lain half stunned for some minutes. I was aroused by feeling the sunlight on my eyelids. I started to my feet. The hole in the roof was nearly twice the former size, and a heap of fallen stones and pieces of brick afforded me a perfect stepway. I was scratched by the falling debris, but happily the explosion, as I deemed it, seemed to have been in an upward direction.

In a moment I was scrambling up the stones. I slipped and clutched and struggled; I got my head and shoulders in the air and pulled my body after me; I trod upon leaves; I looked about me.

I was standing in the midst of what appeared to be an ancient forest of oak and beech trees, whose bare boughs, covered with snow, shook under a gray sky above a carpet of withered, snow-spread leaves, and under these were endless heaps of disintegrating bricks. In vain I looked about me for the Institute. There was no sign of it, nor of Sir Spofforth’s house. Nowhere was anything to be seen but the same forest growth, the dead leaves scurrying before the chill wind, and the vast brick piles. I had emerged from the cellar into a trackless wilderness.

And now at last my final doubt, which had bred hope, was gone. I ran through the forest, on and on, shouting like a madman and beating my breast, stumbling over the brick heaps that lay everywhere, plunging through thorny undergrowth, heedless of any course. I must have been running for ten minutes when my strength failed me, and I collapsed beside an ancient road, overgrown with shrubs and saplings, yet discernible in its course between the tall trees that bordered it. Before me, far away through the vista line, I saw a white bank against the gray horizon.

I flung myself upon my face and prayed, with all my will, to die.




A shadow swept over me, and, looking up, I saw an airplane gliding noiselessly above; it stopped, hung poised and motionless, and then dropped slowly and almost vertically into the road, coming to ground within a dozen yards of where I lay.

There stepped out a man in a uniform of pale blue, having insewn upon the breast a piece of white linen, cut to the shape of a swan. He came toward me with hesitancy, and stood over me, staring at me and at my clothes with an expression indicative of the greatest bewilderment.

“Where’s your brass, friend?” he inquired after a few moments, speaking in a high-pitched, monotonous, and rather nasal tone. He rubbed his smooth-shaven face in thought. “Where’s your brass?” he repeated.

I perceived that he wore about his neck a twisted cord whose ends were tied through the loop of a brass plate, stamped with letters and figures.

“For God’s sake tell me what year this is!” I cried.

At the profane expletive, which had been drawn from me by my anguish, he recoiled in dismay; he seemed less shocked than frightened; he glanced about him quickly, and then cast a very searching look at me. But next he began to smile in a half-humorous, kindly way.

“You’re one of the escaped defectives, aren’t you?” he inquired. “You have nothing to fear from me, friend. We airplane scouts have no love for the Guard. You can go on your way. But where are you lying up? Are your friends near?”

“Will you tell me what year this is?” I demanded frantically.

“Yap, certainly,” he answered. “This is Thirty-seven, Cold Solstice less five.” He shook his head and began staring at me again.

I laughed hysterically. “I don’t know what that jargon means,” I answered, “but I went to sleep in the vault of the Biological Institute in the year 1915.”

Perplexity had succeeded alarm. The airscout shook his head again. He was one of those deliberate, slow-moving men whose resolutions, tardily made, harden to inflexibility; I recognized the type and found the individual pleasing. He was a good-looking young fellow of about eight and twenty, with straight, dark hair and a very frank countenance. He looked like a sailor, and the rolling, open collar, which fell back, sailor fashion, revealed a muscular throat, tanned, like his face, to the color of the bricks around us.

“I don’t know what to make of you,” he said thoughtfully. “I don’t want to trap you, but you were better off in the art factories. I don’t know what to do with you.”

I sprang to my feet, and for an instant I ceased to realize my predicament. “Will you take me to my friends in London?” I asked. In my mind was the memory of a university acquaintance who lived in St. John’s Wood. But then the swift remembrance came back to me, and I hung my head and groaned.

“Back to London!” exclaimed the airscout. “But you’ll be put to the leather vats. Doctor Sanson is furious, and the police are searching for you everywhere. You’re crazed! What’s the sense of running away from painting pictures and going back to sweat ten years over the hides?”

“Take me to London!” I implored. “I have nowhere to go. Perhaps—I don’t know—”

I was hoping wildly that somebody whom I had known might still survive. But by this time I was beginning to pull myself together. I resolved to wait for his decision.

“Now, friend,” he said, as if he had made up his mind, “your top got stuffed making those factory pictures, as was very natural. Now, I think you had better go back to London, and I’ll take you there, since your friends have shaken you. But of course it must be the police station. I can’t risk my own liberty. Once more, are you sure you want to go? If not, I haven’t seen you.”

“I’ll go,” I answered indifferently.

“Yap? Step in, then!”

I took my seat beside him. It will seem incredible, but I had never ridden in an airplane before. In my other days only a few had seen these craft. It was hardly more than six years since the Wrights had flown when my long sleep began. In spite of my oppression of mind, or perhaps because the days of horror that I had spent in the cellar produced the unavoidable reaction, I began to feel the exhilaration of the flight as we ascended to a height of perhaps a thousand feet and drove northward. The sensation was that of sitting still and seeing the trees flit by beneath me, and would have been pleasing but for the intense cold, which pierced through my rags and numbed me. I perceived that the airplane was under perfect control, and could be stayed without falling. After a while I realized that there was no motor.

My companion saw me looking at the machine. “Improved solar type,” he said, patting her caressingly. “Better than a bird, isn’t she?” He turned toward me. “You’ve been sleeping in the wood these three days?” he asked. “And find the factories best? I don’t score you for that. Where’s the rest of you? Five, weren’t there? Why didn’t you keep together? Where’s that bishop of yours?”

But, seeing that he could elicit no comprehensible answer to his repeated questions—in truth, I did not know how to reply—he relapsed into an equal silence. And now the white bank that I had seen on the horizon began to assume crenellations, which in turn became buildings of immense height and symmetrical aspect. And I forgot my situation in admiration and amazement at the panorama that began to unfold beneath us.

The county of Surrey appeared to be an extensive forest, ending about a waste of dismantled brick, the suburbs of old London, which extended on each side as far as I could see. Then the modern town began: an outer ring of what I took to be enormous factories and storage warehouses; an inner ring, no doubt, of residences; and then the nucleus, the most splendid city that the imagination could have devised.

London seemed to be smaller than the metropolis of a century ago. I could see from the height of Hampstead, in the north, to the region of Dulwich, and from Woolwich to Acton, all clearly defined, like a great map unrolled beneath me, though I could recognize none of the old landmarks, save the unchanging Thames. The interior city was laid out in squares, huge buildings, sometimes enclosing interior courts, occupying the blocks formed by the parallel and intersecting streets. As we drove inward from the outskirts, the buildings became higher, but always uniformly so, the city thus presenting the aspect of a succession of gigantic steps, until the summit, the square mile comprising the heart, was reached.

This consisted of an array of enormous edifices, with fronts perfectly plain, and evidently constructed of brick-faced steel-work, but all glistening a dazzling white, which, even at that height, made my eyes water, and rising uniformly some forty-five or fifty stories. The flat roofs were occupied by gardens or what I took to be gymnasia, sheltered beneath tarpaulins. I saw innumerable airplanes at rest, suspended high above the streets, while others flitted here and there above the roofs, and a whole fleet lay, as if moored, some distance away, apparently over the center of the city, above a singular building, which awakened associations in my mind, though I was unable to name it.

It had a round dome, being, in fact, the only domed building that I could see. This covered only the central portion of the enormous architectural mass, and appeared to float in the air above an aerial garden, laid out with walks that radiated from a flat building, which filled the space between the floating dome and the roof beneath it. I surmised that this must be the new House of Parliament. The entire mass was surrounded by a double wall, with a roofed space of perhaps ninety feet from rear to front, castellated. Mounted on this were what appeared to be a number of large, conical-shaped implements, of great size. Long, graceful bridges on arches connected this wall with the domed building; and wall and building glistened from top to base so brilliantly that the glow seared my eyes like sunlight.

As we were now flying at a low altitude, I turned my attention to the streets, which appeared like canyons far beneath. Along these swarmed a multitude of travelers, dressed in two colors only, white and blue, the latter vastly predominating. I could see no vehicles, and I imagined, what proved to be correct, that the streets themselves were moving. Most of those journeying seemed content to lean back against the railings, the lowest bars of which projected, forming a continuous seat, and rest. Nearly all the streets were traveling in the same direction, those that reversed this movement being small and comparatively empty. From the presence of what seemed to be iron stanchions, set along the edges of these moving ways, I surmised that they were roofed with crystal.

Along the front of the buildings ran single tracks, connecting at regular intervals with the streets beneath by means of elevators, which shot up and down continuously, bearing their freight. These tracks were placed above each other at ten-story intervals, so that there were three or four rows of these aerial streets, ranging from the ground to the upper portions of the buildings, all filled with travelers. The buildings, each comprising an entire block, the elevated streets, with their graceful bridges flung forth across the chasms, the absence of any of the old poverty and dirt, and that huge gathering of human beings, going about their business in so systematic a fashion, fascinated me, and even aroused my enthusiasm.

Signs evidently indicated to persons approaching in airships the purpose of each building and landing-stage, but these were in characters entirely unintelligible to me.

My companion stayed the vessel in the air and tapped me on the arm. I started, to see him regarding me with the same expression of humorous perplexity.

“I must put you off here, friend,” he said. “I think I have done the best I could for you. You would have died in the forest, while here—well, there’s a chance for you. And it’s better to go to the leather vats for a few years than to die and go nowhere. I’ll know you if we meet again. What’s your name?”

“Arnold Pennell,” I answered, clasping the hand that he held out to me.

He almost jumped. “Don’t tell that to the Council, unless you want the Rest Cure,” he said.

“Don’t tell them my name?”

“Not both names, friend. You know what I mean. If you don’t know—” He shrugged his shoulders. “Mine’s Jones,” he said. “My father’s was Williams. My grandfather’s was Jones again. They say it’s one of our oldest names—common in the days before civilization. Now down we go.”


The airplane swooped down and came to rest upon the roof immediately beneath us. On this I saw a number of men, apparently practicing gymnastic exercises; and hardly were we at a standstill when two of them came running up to us. They were clad in blue uniforms resembling that of the airscout, but instead of a swan each wore a shield-shaped piece of linen upon his back and breast.

“What’s this?” they demanded in a breath, pointing at me and bursting into bellowing laughter.

“One of your defectives,” answered Jones. “I found him in the forest while patrolling.”

They rushed at me and dragged me from the airplane, swiftly patting me about the body, as if in search of weapons. Satisfied that I was unarmed, they turned to the airscout.

“You’ll share the reward!” they cried, again simultaneously.

“Keep it!” replied the airscout tartly, and rose into the air, waving me a cordial good-bye.

They rushed me across the roof through a crowd of other men, similarly clad, down an elevator, and into the street. They dragged me upon one of the moving platforms and conveyed me a short distance, descending at the entrance to one of the innumerable shining buildings, over which was inscribed something in the same undecipherable letters.

But, quickly as we had gone, the report of my arrest seemed to have preceded us, for our way was blocked by a vast and constantly increasing crowd, that came running up with lively and shameless curiosity, and, attracted by my rags, I suppose, pressed closely about us and uttered hoots of laughter. I heard the word “defective” bandied from mouth to mouth.

I looked at these people attentively. There were both men and women present, all wearing clothing of the same pale blue color, which seemed to be prescribed, although the cut of each garment was to some extent individual. In effect, the men wore sack suits of a coarsely woven woolen material, with short, loose trousers fastened with laces about the ankles, and square-cut coats having wide lapels extending to a broad, turned-back collar that fell over the shoulders like a sailor’s, revealing a neckpiece of blue linen. The women’s short skirts reached to the tops of their high boots, and the fashion seemed to run to large buttons and loose sleeves. They wore no hats. Upon the breast, near the shoulder, each person wore a small linen badge, indicative of his occupation.

I glanced from one to another, and met hard, mirthless eyes, and mouths twisted in sneering mockery

What disconcerted me was the shrewd, mocking smile upon each face. I glanced from one to another, seeking to find something of the same friendly interest that animated me, and met hard, mirthless eyes, and mouths twisted in sneering mockery.

Another thing that startled and almost terrified me was the absence of a certain conventionality of restraint that had ruled everybody in that other world of mine. For instance, among those gibing at me was a gray-bearded man who danced before me like a small urchin. Another made an expressive pantomime of death. A girl stuck out her tongue at me. I remembered the plaint, that never since the glorious age of Greece had the code of public morality coincided with that privately held. This we all knew; the statesman in parliament was not on bowing terms with the same statesman in the smoking-room. Some said it was Christianity, others respectability that bound us in this organic hypocrisy; but now the two codes seemed to have coalesced. A grandfather grimaced at me; a gray-haired woman put out her foot to trip me; if there had been stones I think they would have flung them at me. But suddenly a youngish lad in white appeared, and the crowd, hastening to make a path for him, shrank back with servile demeanor. Taking advantage of this, my captors, linking their arms in mine, made a rush forward, scattering the mob right and left, and bore me through a swinging door into a small rotunda, in which a number of other policemen were seated with their blue-clad prisoners.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

“Pie Postulatio Voluntatis” by Pope Paschal II (translated into English)

Paschal, bishop, and servant of such as are the servants of God, to his venerable son Gerard, founder and Master of the Hospital at Jerusalem, and to his lawful successors for evermore.


The requests of a devout desire ought to meet with a corresponding fulfillment. Inasmuch, as of your affection thou hast requested, with regard to the Hospital which thou hast founded in the city of Jerusalem, in proximity to the Church of the Blessed John the Baptist, that it should be supported by the authority of the Apostolic See, and fostered by the patronage of the blessed Apostle Peter: We, therefore, much pleased with the pious earnestness of your hospitality, do receive the petition with our paternal favour, and do ordain and establish, by the authority of this our present decree, that that house of God, your Hospital, shall now be placed, and shall for ever remain, under the protection of the Apostolic See, and under that of the Blessed Peter. All things whatsoever, therefore, which by your preserving care and solicitude have been collected for the benefit of the said Hospital, for the support and maintenance of pilgrims, or for relieving the necessities of the poor, whether in the churches of Jerusalem, or in those of parishes within the limits of other cities; and whatsoever goods may have been offered already by the faithful, or for the future may through God’s grace be so offered, or collected by other lawful means; and whatsoever goods have been, or shall be granted to thee, or to thy successors, or to the brethren who are occupied in the care and support of pilgrims, by the venerable brethren the bishops of the diocese of Jerusalem; we hereby decree shall be retained by you and undiminished.

Moreover, as to the tithes of your revenues, which you collect everywhere at your own charge, and by your own toil, we do hereby fix and decree, that they shall be retained by your own Hospital, all opposition on the part of the bishops and their clergy notwithstanding. We also decree as valid all donations which have been made to your Hospital by pious princes, either of their tribute moneys or other donations. We ordain furthermore, that at your death no man shall be appointed in your place, as chief and master, by any underhand subtlety, or by violence; but him only who shall, by the inspiration of God, have been duly elected by the professed brethren of the Institution.

Furthermore, all dignities or possessions which your Hospital at present holds either on this side of the water, in Asia, or in Europe, as also those which hereafter by God’s bounty it may obtain; we confirm them to you and to your successors, who shall devote themselves with pious zeal to the cares of hospitality, and through you to the said Hospital in perpetuity. We further decree that it shall be unlawful for any man whatsoever rashly to disturb your Hospital, or to carry off any of its property, or if carried off to retain possession of it, or to diminish anything from its revenues, or to harass it with audacious annoyances. But let all its property remain intact, for the sole use and enjoyment of those for whose maintenance and support it has been granted. As to the Hospitals or Poor Houses in the Western provinces, in the Borgo of St.Egidio, Asti, Pisa, Bari, Otranto, Taranto and Messina, which are distinguished by the title of Hospitals of Jerusalem, we decree that they shall for ever remain, as they are this day, under the subjection and disposal of yourself and your successors. If, therefore, at a future time, any person, whether ecclesiastical or secular, knowing this paragraph of our constitution, shall attempt to oppose its provisions, and if, after having received a second or third warning, he shall not make a suitable satisfaction and restitution, let him be deprived of all his dignities and honours, and let him know that he stands exposed to the judgment of God, for the iniquity he has perpetrated; and let him be deprived of the Sacraments of the Body and Blood of Christ, and of the benefits of the redemption of our Lord, and at the last judgment let him meet with the severest vengeance. But to all who deal justly and rightly with the same, on them be the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that not only here below they may receive the rewards of good actions, but also before the Judge of all mankind, they may enjoy the blessing of peace eternal.


I Paschal, bishop of the Catholic Church, have signed

I Richard Bishop of Albano, have signed

I Landulphus Archbishop of Benevento, have read and signed

I Canon Bishop of the Church of Preneste, have read and signed

I Anastasio Cardinal priest with the title of Blessed Clement, have signed

I Gregory Bishop of Terracina, have read and signed

I John Bishop of Mellito, have read and signed

I Romuald Cardinal Deacon of the Roman Church, have signed

I Gregorio Cardinal priest of San Crisogono, have read and signed


Given at Benevento, by the hand of John, Cardinal and librarian of the Roman Church, on the 15th day of February, in the 6th cycle of indiction of the incarnation of our Lord, in the year 1113, and in the 14th year of the Pontificate of Pope Paschal II.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Friday's Sung Word: "Tico-Tico no Fubá" by Eurico Barreiros (in Portuguese).

music by Zequinha de Abreu.

Um tico-tico só,
Um tico-tico lá,
Está comendo
Todo, todo meu fubá.

Olha, Seu Nicolau,
Que o fubá se vai,
Pego no meu pica-pau
E um tiro sai.

Coitado... Então eu tenho pena
Do susto que levou
E uma cuia se ia,
Mais fubá eu dou.

Alegre já,
Voando, piando,
Meu fubá, meu fubá,
Saltando de lá pra cá.

Tico-tico engraçadinho
Que está sempre a piar,
Vá fazer o teu ninho
E terás assim um lar.

Procure uma companheira
Que eu te garanto o fubá,
De papada sempre cheia
Não acharás a vida má.

Houve um dia lá
Que ele não voltou,
E seu gostoso fubá
O vento levou.

Triste fiquei,
Quase chorei,
Mas então vi
Logo depois,
Já não eram um,
Mas sim já dois.

Quero contar baixinho
A vida dos dois,
Tiveram seu ninho
E filhotinhos depois.

Todos agora
Pulam ali,
Saltam aqui,
Comendo sempre o fubá
Saltando de lá para cá.


You can listen "Tico-Tico no Fubá" sung by Ademilde Fonseca here.


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Thursday's Serial: “A Moreninha” by Dr. Joaquim Manoel de Macedo (in Portuguese) - IX



Ria-se, jogava-se, brincava-se: todos se haviam já esquecido da pobre Paula. Na verdade também que, por ter a ama de d. Carolina tomado seu copo de vinho a mais, não era justo que tantas moças e moços, em boa disposição de brincar, e umas poucas velhas determinadas a maçar meio mundo, ficassem a noite inteira pensando na carraspana da rapariga. E, além disso, quatro semidoutores já haviam pronunciado favorável prognóstico; como, pois, se arrojaria Paula a morrer contra a ordem expressa dos quatro hipocratíssimos senhores?...

Era por isso que todos brincavam alegremente, menos o sr. Keblerc que, diante de meia dúzia de garrafas vazias, roncava prodigiosamente: grande alemão para roncar!... Era uma escala inteira que ele solfejava com bemóis, bequadros e sustenidos!

Dir-se-ia que entoava um hino… a Baco.

Os rapazes estavam nos seus gerais; a princípio, como era seu velho costume haviam festejado, cumprimentado e aplaudido as senhoras idosas que se achavam na sala, principalmente aquelas que tinham trazido consigo moças; mas, passada meia hora, adeus etiquetas e cerimônias!... Estabeleceu-se um cordão sanitário entre a velhice e a mocidade; a sra. d. Ana achou a ocasião oportuna para ir dar ordens para o chá; d. Violante ocupou-se em desenvolver a um velho roceiro os meios mais adequados para se preencher o deficit provável do Brasil para o ano financeiro de 44 a 45, sem aumentar os direitos de importação, nem criar impostos, abolindo-se, pelo contrário, a décima urbana. Já se vê que d. Violante tinha casas na cidade. Restavam quatro senhoras, que julgaram a propósito jogar o embarque, que na verdade as divertia muito, com o episódio do ás galar o sete; havia, enfim, outra mesa em que alguns senhores, viúvos, casados e velhos pais perdiam ou ganhavam dinheiro no écarté, jogo muito bonito e muito variado, que nos vieram ensinar os senhores franceses, grandes inventores, sem dúvida!...

A rapaziada empregava melhor o seu tempo: também jogava, mas na sua roda não havia nem mesa, nem cartas, nem dados. O seu jogo tinha um diretor que, exceção de regra entre os mais, não podia ter menos de cinqüenta anos: era um homem de estatura muito menos que a ordinária, tinha o rosto muito vermelho, cabelos e barbas ruivos, gordo, de pernas arqueadas, ajuntando ao ridículo de sua figura muito espírito; não estava bem senão entre rapazes. por felicidade deles sempre se encontra desses. Tal o diretor da roda dos moços. O sr. Batista (este o seu nome) era fértil em jogos; quando um aborrecia, vinha logo outro melhor. Já se havia jogado o do toucador e o do enfermo. O terceiro agradou tanto, que se repetia pela duodécima vez, com aplauso geral, principalmente das moças: era, sem mais nem menos, o jogo da palhinha.

Caso célebre!... Já se viu que coincidência!... Ora expliquem. se são capazes... Tem-se jogado a palhinha doze vezes e em todas elas tem a sorte feito com que Filipe abrace d. Clementina e Fabrício d. Joaninha! E sempre, no fim de cada jogo, qualquer das duas recua um passo, como se pouca vontade houvesse nelas de dar o abraço, e fazendo-se coradinha, exclama:

— Quantos abraços!... Pois outra vez?...

— Eu já não dei ainda agora?... Ora isto!...

Entre os rapazes, porém, há um que não está absolutamente satisfeito: é Augusto. Será porque no tal jogo da palhinha tem por vezes ficado viúvo?... Não! Ele esperava isso como castigo da sua inconstância. A causa é outra: a alma da ilha de... não está na sala! Augusto vê o jogo ir indo o seu caminho muito sem ordem; não se rasgou ainda nenhum lenço, Filipe ainda não gritou com a dor de nenhum beliscão, tudo se faz em regra e muito direito; a travessa, a inquieta, a buliçosa, a tentaçãozinha não está aí: d. Carolina está ausente!...

Com efeito, Augusto, sem amar d. Carolina (ele assim o pensa) já faz dela idéia absolutamente diversa da que fazia ainda há poucas horas: agora, segundo ele, a interessante Moreninha é, na verdade, travessa, mas a cada travessura ajunta tanta graça, que tudo se lhe perdoa. D. Carolina é o prazer em ebulição; se é inquieta e buliçosa, está em sê-lo a sua maior graça: aquele rosto moreno, vivo e delicado, aquele corpinho, ligeiro como a abelha, perderia metade do que vale se não estivesse em contínua agitação. O beija-flor nunca se mostra tão belo como quando se pendura na mais tênue flor e voeja nos ares; d. Carolina é como um beija-flor completo.

Neste momento a sra. d. Ana entrou na sala, e depois dirigindo-se à grande varanda da frente, sentou-se defronte do jardim. Batista acabava de dar fim ao jogo da palhinha e começava novo: Augusto pediu que o dispensassem e foi ter com a dona da casa.

— Não joga mais, sr. Augusto? disse ela.

— Por ora não, minha senhora.

— Parece-me pouco alegre.

— Ao contrário… estou satisfeitíssimo.

— Oh! O seu rosto mostra não sentir o que dizem seus lábios; se aqui lhe falta alguma coisa...

— Na verdade que aqui não está tudo, minha senhora.

— Então que falta?

— A sra. d. Carolina!

A boa senhora riu-se com satisfação. Seu orgulho de avó acabava de ser incensado: era tocar-lhe no fraco.

— Gosta de minha neta, sr. Augusto?

— É a delicada borboleta deste jardim, respondeu ele, mostrando as flores.

— Vá buscá-la, disse a sra. d. Ana, apontando para dentro.

— Minha senhora, tanta honra!

— O amigo de meu neto deve merecer minha confiança: esta casa é dos meus amigos e também dos dele. Carolina está, sem dúvida, no quarto de Paula; vá vê-la e consiga arrancá-la de junto da sua ama.

A sra. d. Ana levou Augusto pela mão até o corredor e depois o empurrou brandamente.

— Vá, disse ela, e receba isso como a mais franca prova de minha estima para com o amigo de meu neto.

Augusto não esperou ouvir nova ordem: endireitou para o quarto de Paula, com presteza e alegria. A porta estava cerrada; abriu sem ruído e parou no limiar.

Três pessoas havia nesse quarto: Paula, deitada e abatida sob o peso de sua sofrível mona, era um objeto triste e talvez ridículo, se não padecesse; a segunda era uma escrava que acabava de depor junto do leito a bacia em que Paula deveria tomar o pedilúvio recomendado, objeto indiferente; a terceira era uma menina de quinze anos, que desprezava a sala, em que borbulhava o prazer, pelo quarto em que padecia uma pobre mulher; este objetivo era nobre...

D. Carolina e a escrava tinham as costas voltadas para a porta e por isso não viam Augusto: Paula olhava, mas não via, ou antes não sabia o que via.

— Anda, Tomásia, dá-lhe o escalda-pés! disse d. Carolina.

Pela sua voz conhecia-se que tinha chorado.

A escrava abaixou-se e puxou os pés da pobre Paula; depois, pondo a mão n’água, tirou~a de repente, e sacudindo-a:

— Está fervendo!… disse.

— Não está fervendo, respondeu a menina; deve ser bem quente, assim disseram os moços.

A escrava tornou a pôr a mão e de novo retirou-a com presteza tal, que bateu com os pés de Paula contra a bacia.

— Estonteada!... Sai... Afasta-te, exclamou d. Carolina, arregaçando as mangas de seu lindo vestido.

A escrava não obedeceu.

— Afasta-te daí, disse a menina em tom imperioso; e depois abaixou-se no lugar da escrava, tomou os pés de sua ama, apertou-os contra o peito, chorando, e começou a banhá-los.

Belo espetáculo era o ver essa menina delicada, curvada aos pés de uma rude mulher, banhando-os com sossego, mergulhando suas mãos tão finas, tão lindas, nessa mesma água que fizera lançar um grito de dor à escrava, quando aí tocara de leve com as suas, tão grosseiras e calejadas!... Os últimos vislumbres das impressões desagradáveis que ela causara a Augusto, de todo se esvaíram. Acabou-se a criança estouvada… ficou em seu lugar o anjo de candura.

O sensível estudante viu as mãozinhas tão delicadas da piedosa menina já roxas, e adivinhou que ela estava engolindo suas dores para não gemer; por isso não pôde suster-se e, adiantando-se, disse:

— Perdoe, minha senhora.

— Oh!... O senhor estava aí?

E tenho testemunhado tudo!

A menina abaixou os olhos, confusa, e apontando para a doente, disse:

— Ela me deu de mamar.

— Mas nem por isso deve a senhora condenar suas lindas mãos a serem queimadas, quando algum dos muitos escravos que a cercam poderia encarregar-se do trabalho em que a vi tão piedosamente ocupada.

— Nenhum o fará com jeito.

— Experimente.

— Mas a quem encarregarei?

— A mim, minha senhora.

— O senhor falava de meus escravos...

— Pois nem para escravo eu presto?

— Senhor!

E nisto o estudante abaixou-se e tomou os pés de Paula, enquanto d. Carolina, junto dele, o olhava com ternura.

Quando Augusto julgou que era tempo de terminar, a jovenzinha recebeu os pés de sua ama e os envolveu na toalha que tinha nos braços.

— Agora deixemo-la descansar, disse o moço.

— Ela corre algum risco?…perguntou a menina.

— Afirmo que acordará amanhã perfeitamente boa.

— Obrigada!

— Quer dar-me a honra de acompanhá-la até à sala? disse Augusto, oferecendo a sua mão direita à bela Moreninha.

Ela não respondeu, mas olhou. com gratidão, aceitando o braço do mancebo, deixou o quarto de Paula.




Ao romper do dia de Sant’Ana estavam todos na ilha de... descansando nos braços do sono: era isso muito natural,depois de uma noite como a da véspera, em que tanto se havia brincado.

Com efeito, os jogos de prendas tinham-se prolongado excessivamente. A chegada de d. Carolina e Augusto lhes deu ainda dobrada viveza e fogo. A bonita Moreninha tornou-se mais travessa do que nunca; mil vezes barulhenta, perturbava a ordem dos jogos de modo que era preciso começar de novo o que já estava no fim; outras tantas rebelde, não cumpria certos castigos que lhe impunham, não deu um só beijo e aquele que atreveu-se a abraçá-la, teve em recompensa um beliscão.

Finalmente, ouviu-se a voz de vamos dormir, e cada qual tratou de fazer por consegui-lo.

O último que se deitou foi Augusto e ignora-se por que saiu de luz na mão, a passear pelo jardim, quando todos se achavam acomodados; de volta do seu passeio noturno, atirou-se entre Fabrício e Leopoldo e imediatamente adormeceu. Os estudantes dormiram juntos.

São seis horas da manhã e todos dormem ainda a sono solto. Um autor pode entrar em toda a parte e, pois... não, não, alto lá! No gabinete das moças... Não senhor; no dos rapazes, ainda bem. A porta está aberta. Eis os quatro estudantes estirados numa larga esteira; e como roncam!... Mas que faz o nosso Augusto? Ri-se, murmura frases imperceptíveis, suspira... Então que é isso?... Dá um beijo em Fabrício; acorda espantado e ainda por cima empurra cruelmente o mesmo a quem acaba de beijar...

Oh, beleza! Oh, inexplicável poder de um rosto bonito que, não contente com as zombarias que faz ao homem que vela, o ilude e ainda zomba dele dormindo!

Estava o nosso estudante sonhando que certa pessoa, de quem ele tivera até aborrecimento e que agora começava com olhos travessos a fazer-lhe cócegas no coração, vinha terna e amorosamente despertá-lo; que ele fingira continuar a dormir e ela se sentara à sua cabeceira~ que, traquinas como sempre, em vez de chamá-lo queria rir-se acordando-o pouco a pouco; que para isso aproximava seu rosto do dele, e, assoprando-lhe os lábios, ria-se ao ver as contrações que produzia a titilação causada pelo sopro; que ele, ao sentir tão perto dos seus os lindos lábios dela, estava ardentemente desejoso de furtar-lhe um beijo, mas que temia vê-la fugir ao menor movimento; que finalmente, não podendo mais resistir aos seus férvidos beijos, assentara de, quando se aproximasse o belo rosto, ir de um salto colher o voluptuoso beijo naquela boquinha de botão de rosa; que o rosto chegou à distância de meio palmo e... (aqui parou o sonho e principiou a realidade) e ele deu um salto mas, em lugar de pregar um beijo nos lábios de d. Carolina, foi com toda a força e estouvamento bater com os beiços e nariz contra a testa de Fabrício; depois, como se o colega tivesse culpa de tal infelicidade, deu-lhe dois empurrões dizendo:

— Sai-te daí, peste! ... Ora, quando eu sonhava com um anjo, acordo-me nos braços de Satanás!...

Corra-se, porém, um véu sobre quanto se passou até que se levantaram do almoço. A sociedade se dividiu logo depois em grupos. Uns conversavam, outros jogavam, dois velhos ferraram-se no gamão, as moças espalharam-se pelo jardim e os quatros estudantes tiveram a péssima lembrança de formar uma mesa de voltarete.

E apesar do poder da cachaça do jogo, de cada vez que qualquer deles dava cartas, ficava na mesa um lugar vazio, e junto do arco da varanda, que olhava para o jardim, colocava-se uma sentinela. Já se vê que o voltarete não podia seguir marcha muito regular. Augusto, por exemplo, distraía-se com freqüência tal, que às vezes passava com basto e espadilha, e era codilhado todas as mãos que jogava de feito. A Moreninha já fazia travessuras muito especiais no coração do estudante; e ele, que se acusava de haver sido injusto para com ela, agora a observava com cuidado e prazer, para em compensação render-lhe toda justiça. D. Carolina brilhava jardim e, mais que as outras, por graças e encantos que todos sentiam e que ninguém poderia bem descrever; confessava-se que não era bela, mas jurava-se que era encantadora; alguém queria que ela tivesse maiores olhos, porém não havia quem resistisse à viveza de seus olhares; os que mais apaixonados fossem da doce melancolia de certos semblantes em que a languidez dos olhos e a brandura de custosos risos estão exprimindo amor ardente e sentimentalismo, concordariam por força que no lindo rosto moreno de d. Carolina nada iria melhor do que o prazer que nele transluz e o sorriso engraçado e picante que de ordinário enfeita seus lábios; além disto, sempre em brincadeira, guerreia com todos e em interessante contradição consigo mesma, ela a um tempo solta um ai e uma risada, graceja, fazendo-se de grave, fala, jurando não dizer palavra, apresenta-se escondendo-se, sempre quer jamais querendo.

Nunca também se havia mostrado a Moreninha tão jovial e feiticeira, mas para isso boas razões havia: esse era o dia dos anos da sua boa avó e a pobre Paula, sua estimada amada ama, estava completamente restabelecida.

Eis uma deliciosa invasão!... Dez moças entram de repente na varanda e num momento dado tudo se confunde e amotina; d. Carolina atira no meio da mesa do voltarete uma mão cheia de flores, e enquanto Filipe faz tenção de dirigir-lhe um discurso admoestador, ela furta-lhe a espadilha e voa para tornar a aparecer logo depois. E impossível continuar assim: dá-se por acabado o jogo e a Moreninha, à custa de um único sorriso, faz as pazes com o irmão.

— Parabéns, sra. d. Joaquina, disse Augusto; já triunfou de uma de suas rivais!

— Como?... perguntou ela.

— Ora, que esta minha prima nunca entende as figuras do sr. Augusto, acudiu d. Carolina; explique-se, sr. doutor.

Sua prima, minha senhora, a aurora e a rosa disputam sobre qual primará na viveza da cor, e eu vejo que ela tem presa no cabelo uma das duas rivais.

Eu o encarrego com prazer da guarda fiel desta minha competidora... seja o seu carcereiro! disse d. Quinquina, querendo tirar uma linda rosa do cabelo, para oferecê-la a Augusto.

— Oh! Minha senhora! Seria um cruel castigo para ela, que se mostra tão vaidosa.

— Pois rejeita?...

— Certo que não; aceito, mas rogo um outro obséquio.

— Qual?

— Que por ora lhe conceda seus cabelos por homenagem. Pois bem, será satisfeito; eu guardarei a sua rosa.

— Mas cuidado, não haja quem liberte a bela cativa! disse Leopoldo.

— Protesto que a hei de furtar, acrescentou d. Carolina.

— Desafio-lhe a isso! respondeu a prima.

Então começou uma luta de ardis e cuidados entre a Moreninha e d. Quinquina. Aquela já tinha debalde esgotado quantos estratagemas lhe pôde sugerir seu fértil espírito, e enfim, fingindo-se fatigada, veio sossegadamente conversar junto de d. Quinquina, que, não menos viva, conservava-se na defensiva.

Depois de uma meia hora de hábil afetação, a menina travessa, com um rápido movimento, fez cair o leque de sua adversária; Leopoldo abaixou-se para levantá-lo e d. Quinquina, um instante despercebida, curvou-se também e soltou logo um grito, sentindo a mão da prima sobre a rosa: com a sua foi acudir a esta; houve um conflito entre duas finas mãozinhas, que mutuamente se beliscaram, e em resultado desfolhou-se completamente a rosa.

Morreu a bela cativa! ... Morreu a pobre cativa! ... gritaram as moças.

— D. Carolina está criminosa! disse d. Clementina.

— Vai ao júri, minha senhora!

É verdade, vamos levá-la ao júri.

A idéia foi recebida com aplauso geral: só Filipe se opôs.

Não, não, disse ele. Carolina é muito rebelde, se fosse condenada, não cumpriria a sentença.

— Oh! Maninho! Não diga isso. Você jura obedecer?...

— Eu juro por você.

Tanto pior: era mais um motivo para se tornar perjura. Pois bem, dou a minha palavra, não é suficiente?

— Basta! Basta!

Organizou-se o júri; Fabrício foi encarregado da presidência, um outro moço serviu de escrivão, e cinco moças saíram por sorte para juradas; d. Clementina terá de ser a relatora da sentença. A Augusto declararam suspeito na causa. Filipe foi escolhido para advogado da ré e Leopoldo da autora.

A sessão começou.

Longo fora enumerar tudo o que se passou em duas horas muito agradáveis e por isso muito breves também. Toda a companhia veio tomar parte naquele divertimento improvisado e até, quem o diria?! os dois velhos deixaram o tabuleiro de gamão. Resuma-se alguma coisa.

As testemunhas foram d. Gabriela e uma outra, que deram provas de bastante espírito: o interrogatório de d. Carolina fez rir a quantos o ouviram. O debate dos advogados esteve curioso.

Leopoldo acusou a ré, demonstrando que tinha havido a circunstância agravante da premeditação e que o crime se tornava ainda mais feio, por ser causado pelo ciúme; procurou provar que d. Carolina, cônscia de seus encantos e beleza, queria ser senhora absoluta de todos os corações e até de todos os seres; que ela se enchera de zelos supondo, com razão, que Augusto desse subido valor à rosa, por lhe ser dada por uma moça bela como era a autora e, enfim, que o crime da ré era excessivo, que já na tarde antecedente jurara a perda daquela flor, por desconfiar que o zéfiro brincava mais com ela do que com seus olhos.

Filipe não se deixou ficar atrás. Argumentou dizendo que era impossível decidir que mão tinha dado a morte à bela cativa; que não houvera premeditação, porque a ré não quisera matar, mas sim Libertar; que, se havia crime, só o cometera a autora, por prender uma inocente flor; e que, por último, ainda quando fosse a ré que desfolhara a rosa e mesmo dando-se o propósito de o fazer, dever-se-ia atribuir tal ação à piedade, pois que d. Quinquina a estava matando pouco a pouco com o veneno da inveja, colocando-a tão perto de suas faces, que tanto a venciam em rubor e viço.

As juradas recolheram-se ao boilette e cinco minutos depois voltaram com a sentença, que foi lida por d. Clementina.

O júri declarou d. Carolina criminosa e a condenou a indenizar o dono da rosa com um beijo.

— Para fazer tal, disse a ré, não carecia eu da sentença do júri: tome um beijo, minha prima...

— Não é a mim que o deve dar, respondeu a autora; o dono da rosa é o sr. Augusto.

De rosa fez-se o rosto de d. Carolina.

— O beijo! O beijo! gritaram as juradas. Você deu sua palavra!

Ela hesitou alguns momentos... depois, aproximou-se de Augusto e, com seu sorriso feiticeiro e irresistível nos lábios, disse...

— O senhor me perdoa?...

— Não! Não! Não! clamaram de todos os lados.

Mas a menina parecia contar com o poder de seus lábios, porque, sorrindo-se ainda do mesmo modo, tornou a perguntar com meiguice e ternura:

— Me perdoa?...

— Não! Não!

— Porém, como resistir ao seu sorriso?... Como dizer que não a quem pede como ela?…exclamou Augusto, entusiasmado.

D. Carolina estava, pois, perdoada.

— Agradecida! disse ela com vivo acento de gratidão e estendeu sua destra para Augusto que, não podendo ceder tudo com tão criminoso desinteresse, tomou entre as suas aquela mãozinha de querubim e fez estalar sobre ela o beijo mais gostoso que tinham até então dado seus lábios.

A manhã deste dia foi assim passada e à tarde voltou-se aos preparativos do sarau.