Tuesday 5 April 2022

Tuesday's Serials: "The Epic of Hades" by Lewis Morris (in English) - XIII



                                                        But while I stood

Expectant, lo! a fair pale form drew near

With front severe, and wide blue eyes which bore

Mild wisdom in their gaze. Great purity

Shone from her—not the young-eyed innocence

Of her whom first I saw, but that which comes

From wider knowledge, which restrains the tide

Of passionate youth, and leads the musing soul

By the calm deeps of Wisdom. And I knew

My eyes had seen the fair, the virgin Queen,

Who once within her shining Parthenon

Beheld the sages kneel.

                                             She with clear voice

And coldly sweet, yet with a softness too,

As doth befit a virgin:

                                         "She does right

To boast her sway, my sister, seeing indeed

That all things are as by a double law,

And from a double root the tree of Life

Springs up to the face of heaven. Body and Soul,

Matter and Spirit, lower joys of Sense

And higher joys of Thought, I know that both

Build up the shrine of Being. The brute sense

Leaves man a brute; but, winged with soaring thought

Mounts to high heaven. The unembodied spirit,

Dwelling alone, unmated, void of sense,

Is impotent. And yet I hold there is,

Far off, but not too far for mortal reach,

A calmer height, where, nearer to the stars,

Thought sits alone and gazes with rapt gaze,

A large-eyed maiden in a robe of white.

Who brings the light of Knowledge down, and draws

To her pontifical eyes a bridge of gold,

Which spans from earth to heaven.

                                                                   For what were life,

If things of sense were all, for those large souls

And high, which grudging Nature has shut fast

Within unlovely forms, or those from whom

The circuit of the rapid gliding years

Steals the brief gift of beauty? Shall we hold,

With idle singers, all the treasure of hope

Is lost with youth—swift-fleeting, treacherous youth,

Which fades and flies before the ripening brain

Crowns life with Wisdom's crown? Nay, even in youth,

Is it not more to walk upon the heights

Alone—the cold free heights—and mark the vale

Lie breathless in the glare, or hidden and blurred

By cloud and storm; or pestilence and war

Creep on with blood and death; while the soul dwells

Apart upon the peaks, outfronts the sun

As the eagle does, and takes the coming dawn

While all the vale is dark, and knows the springs

Of tiny rivulets hurrying from the snows,

Which soon shall swell to vast resistless floods,

And feed the Oceans which divide the World?


      Oh, ecstasy! oh, wonder! oh, delight!

Which neither the slow-withering wear of Time,

That takes all else—the smooth and rounded cheek

Of youth; the lightsome step; the warm young heart

Which beats for love or friend; the treasure of hope

Immeasurable; the quick-coursing blood

Which makes it joy to be,—ay, takes them all

And leaves us naught—nor yet satiety

Born of too full possession, takes or mars!

Oh, fair delight of learning! which grows great

And stronger and more keen, for slower limbs,

And dimmer eyes and loneliness, and loss

Of lower good—wealth, friendship, ay, and Love—

When the swift soul, turning its weary gaze

From the old vanished joys, projects itself

Into the void and floats in empty space,

Striving to reach the mystic source of Things,

The secrets of the earth and sea and air,

The Law that holds the process of the suns,

The awful depths of Mind and Thought; the prime

Unfathomable mystery of God!


      Is there, then, any who holds my worship cold

And lifeless? Nay, but 'tis the light which cheers

The waning life! Love thou thy love, brave youth!

Cleave to thy love, fair maid! it is the Law

Which dominates the world, that bids ye use

Your nature; but, when now the fuller tide

Slackens a little, turn your calmer eyes

To the fair page of Knowledge. It is power

I give, and power is precious. It is strength

To live four-square, careless of outward shows,

And self-sufficing. It is clearer sight

To know the rule of life, the Eternal scheme;

And, knowing it, to do and not to err,

And, doing, to be blest."

                                              The calm voice soared

Higher and higher to the close; the cold

Clear accents, fired as by a hidden fire,

Glowed into life and tenderness, and throbbed

As with some spiritual ecstasy

Sweeter than that of Love.




                                                     But as they died,

I heard an ampler voice; and looking, marked

A fair and gracious form. She seemed a Queen

Who ruled o'er gods and men; the majesty

Of perfect womanhood. No opening bud

Of beauty, but the full consummate flower

Was hers; and from her mild large eyes looked forth

Gentle command, and motherhood, and home,

And pure affection. Awe and reverence

O'erspread me, as I knew my eyes had looked

On sovereign Heré, mother of the gods.


      She, with clear, rounded utterance, sweet and calm

"I know Love's fruit is good and fair to see

And taste, if any gain it, and I know

How brief Life's Passion-tide, which when it ends

May change to thirst for Knowledge, and I know

How fair the realm of Mind, wherein the soul

Thirsting to know, wings its impetuous way

Beyond the bounds of Thought; and yet I hold

There is a higher bliss than these, which fits

A mortal life, compact of Body and Soul,

And therefore double-natured—a calm path

Which lies before the feet, thro' common ways

And undistinguished crowds of toiling men,

And yet is hard to tread, tho' seeming smooth,

And yet, tho' level, earns a worthier crown.


      For Knowledge is a steep which few may climb,

While Duty is a path which all may tread.

And if the Soul of Life and Thought be this,

How best to speed the mighty scheme, which still

Fares onward day by day—the Life of the World,

Which is the sum of petty lives, that live

And die so this may live—how then shall each

Of that great multitude of faithful souls

Who walk not on the heights, fulfil himself,

But by the duteous Life which looks not forth

Beyond its narrow sphere, and finds its work,

And works it out; content, this done, to fall

And perish, if Fate will, so the great Scheme

Goes onward?

                            Wherefore am I Queen in Heaven

And Earth, whose realm is Duty, bearing rule

More constant and more wide than those whose words

Thou heardest last. Mine are the striving souls

Of fathers toiling day by day obscure

And unrewarded, save by their own hearts,

Mid wranglings of the Forum or the mart;

Who long for joys of Thought, and yet must toil

Unmurmuring thro' dull lives from youth to age;

Who haply might have worn instead the crown

Of Honour and of Fame: mine the fair mothers

Who, for the love of children and of home,

When passion dies, expend their toilful years

In loving labour sweetened by the sense

Of Duty: mine the statesman who toils on

Thro' vigilant nights and days, guiding his State.

Yet finds no gratitude; and those white souls

Who give themselves for others all their years

In trivial tasks of Pity. The fine growths

Of Man and Time are mine, and spend themselves

For me and for the mystical End which lies

Beyond their gaze and mine, and yet is good,

Tho' hidden from men and gods.

                                                              For as the flower

Of the tiger-lily bright with varied hues

Is for a day, then fades and leaves behind

Fairness nor fruit, while the green tiny tuft

Swells to the purple of the clustering grape

Or golden waves of wheat; so lives of men

Which show most splendid; fade and are deceased

And leave no trace; while those, unmarked, unseen,

Which no man recks of, rear the stately tree

Of Knowledge, not for itself sought out, but found

In the dusty ways of life—a fairer growth

Than springs in cloistered shades; and from the sum

Of Duty, blooms sweeter and more divine

The fair ideal of the Race, than comes

From glittering gains of Learning.

                                                              Life, full life,

Full-flowered, full-fruited, reared from homely earth,

Rooted in duty, and thro' long calm years

Bearing its load of healthful energies;

Stretching its arms on all sides; fed with dews

Of cheerful sacrifice, and clouds of care,

And rain of useful tears; warmed by the sun

Of calm affection, till it breathes itself

In perfume to the heavens—this is the prize

I hold most dear, more precious than the fruit

Of Knowledge or of Love."

                                                 The goddess ceased

As dies some gracious harmony, the child

Of wedded themes which single and alone

Were discords, but united breathe a sound

Sweet as the sounds of heaven.

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