CIRANDA - a round dance of Portuguese origin found throughout Brazil in both children's and adult versions. The children's ciranda is a round game with sung verses. The adult version is a group dance performed in a circle around a small ensemble of musicians and a singer.
CIRANDA, CIRANDINHA - is a children ciranda game where the children, hand in hand, walk clockwise while singing the song. Once finished, someone is invited to go to the center and recite a poem, usually a "quadra", traditional poem form of four verses of seven sylabs.
Ciranda, cirandinha
Vamos todos cirandar
Vamos dar a meia volta
Volta e meia vamos dar"
O anel que tu me deste
Era vidro e se quebrou.
O amor que tu me tinhas
Era pouco e se acabou.
Senhor(a) N.N.,
Entre dentro desta roda,
diga um verso bem bonito,
diga "adeus" e vá-se embora.
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