Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday's Serial: "Babes in Toyland" by Glen MacDonough (in English) - II


SCENE II: Garden well

(Gonzorgo and Roderigo enter right.)

Roderigo - Was that the widow Piper who slammed the door in our faces?

Gonzorgo - Yes, it was. Thanks to that gypsy, what was her name gypsy --?

Roderigo - Gypsy Rose Lee.

Gonzorgo - No, no, she was a gypsy Fawn. Not a gypsy Bear (bare)

(enter Barnaby L)

Roderigo - Have you brought our pay?

Barnaby - Pay? You haven't earned it yet. Jane and Alan have returned.

Gonzorgo - Alive?

Barnaby - Painfully so!

Gonzorgo - They suspect...

Barnaby - Nothing. They think it was all an accident. While they still trust us we must try again to -to remove them.

Roderigo - How?

Barnaby - I've told them I bought a new country house while they were away, and you two must take them there tonight, but the road to it leads thru the Spider's Forest. (they exchange knowing glance) Business detains me in the village. In the depth of the forest you will accidentally lose the children.

Roderigo - It's a deadly place. I've heard of it.

Barnaby - Alive with dangers--small chance the children will ever come out of it.

Gonzorgo - But will we?

Barnaby - I don't think so. (Gonzorgo and Roderigo, together)

Gonzorgo & Roderigo - What!

Barnaby - (correcting self) I don't think so many dangers are there....that is, for you.

Gonzorgo - But when we have carried out the designs, we expect to be paid in cash.

Roderigo - Yes, it's strictly a cash and carry proposition.

Barnaby - Don't worry about the money, I'll fetch the children here, and remember everything is on the q.t. (exits)

Gonzorgo & Roderigo - (tog. in rhythm) On the Q.T. On the Q.T.

If we get our dough- re- mi--

Only so fa -for the dough

Ray me fa so la si do!

(they do dance off or specialty dance)

(Boy Blue looks cautiously over the garden well.)

Boy Blue - Come on, the lawn is empty. (Bo Peep looks over the wall)

Bo Peep - Hurry up Mary, now's your chance!!

(Mary looks over wall)

Boy Blue - Do you know where you're going?

Mary - As far from old Barnaby as I can get. And if I never come back, you can have my Shirley Temple doll.

Bo Peep - Oh, don't talk that way!

(Mary climbs down the wall assisted by the vine and Boy Blue and Bo Peep)

Boy Blue - Careful -slowly--there you are!

Mary - Hand down my baggage, please. (they hand her a canary bird cage with bird in it; a shopping bag, a big music roll; a camera, and a little pink parasol) Goodbye! Goodbye!

Boy Blue & Bo Peep - Goodbye!

Mary - Boy Blue, you won't forget to feed the guinea pigs?

Boy Blue - I promise!

Mary - Goodbye! And don't forget to give some little pieces of cheese to my little mice, Mickey and Minnie. And take care of my Donald Duck. (starts to go. Rushes back again) Oh...oh...I forgot!

All - What?

Mary - My overshoes! (they hand the overshoes to her. Mary exits L. to general chorus of goodbyes)

Bo Peep - Tom Tom and Mary gone in one day! Mother will be pleased!

Simon - There she is, coming in the front way with the children.

Bo Peep - Not a word! (after "not a word")

Simon - Here comes somebody! (all start to dodge down. Bo Peep stays)

(Jane enters R)

Bo Peep - Oh, it's only Jane!

Jane - Only me. Where are the rest of the children?

Boy Blue - Getting ready for school.

Bo Peep - I just despise it. Why, I'd rather get married than to go to school. (leaves wall)

Jane - Where are you all now?

Simon - Still in the primary. It's the nasty arithmetic that's keeping us back. Look at those sums we've got for today. (drops book to Jane) Where the leaf is turned down.

Jane - Oh, these are easy.

Red Riding Hood - Come on boys and girls, Jane is going to do our sums for us! (sits on wall other Piper children do the same) I can't do that sum!

SONG NO. 7. or 7-a. "I CAN'T DO THAT SUM". Jane and Ensemble. Children. (Jane exits and after all exit on number)

Barnaby - Now, Alan, my boy, you're going to my new home with Jane-- (enter Gonzorgo and Roderigo L) --and these friends of mine.

Alan - Here's Jane, I'll tell her. (Jane re-enters R) Jane, we're going to Uncle Barnaby's new home!

Jane - Where is it?

Alan - A little journey, and these fellows are to take us. (indicates Gonzorgo and Roderigo.)

Barnaby - They'll see you safely there, and I'll follow.

Alan - We're ready. And tomorrow I want my share of my fortune!

Jane - Me, too!

Barnaby - We'll tend to that when you see me in the morning.

Jane - (looking at Gonzorgo and Roderigo) If those men had long beards--

Alan - I know. You'd think they were the villains who lured us on the boat.

Gonzorgo - It wasn't us. I wouldn't harm a hair in anyone's head -- not even Joe Louis'.

Roderigo - And I have an alibi. See my laywers, O'Brien, O'Rafferty, O'Reilly, and O'Cohen. (they take Jane and alan's arms)

Jane & Alan . Good-bye! Goodbye!

(Jane, Alan, Gonzorgo & Roderigo exeunt L)

Barnaby - And you will never see me again. Goodbye. Goodbye. Forever!

Dark Change:


SCENE III Spider's Forest. Specialty with Animal number. To open scene, possibly the kitchen pirates) Enter Jane & Alan.

Alan - Rest here. This is a good place. (leading her to mouth of Bear's den)

Jane - There's a spider's web.

Alan - With a white moth in it.

Jane - Poor thing! -as badly tangled up in that web as we are in these woods! Do set it free. (Alan releases the moth)

Alan - There it goes, flying for dear life. (looking about) I wish we could fly too!

Jane - I wish we could, for I can't walk!

Alan - Then we'll rest a while. (sits beside Jane) Try to sleep a bit.

Jane - I'm too frightened.

Alan - (badly scared) Frightened! Ha, ha! What's that?

Jane - I don't know. (pointing off) What's that?

Alan - Nothing at all. Don't worry I'm here to protect you! Come, let's go over here and take a little nap.

Jane - Yes, I'm so, so tired!

Alan - (leading her off to one side) Yes, yes, we'll take a little sleep. (they lie down) Sleep, sleep...a little peaceful sleep.

Jane - Goodnight!

Alan - Goodnight! (they doze off.)

Butterfly Ballet: End Of Act I.

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