Saturday 28 January 2023

Good Reading: Letter from Governor Lew Wallace to Billy the Kid's Letter from 13th March, 1879 (in English)

Lincoln, March 15, 1879


W.H. Bonney,

Come to the house of Squire Wilson (not the lawyer) at nine o'clock next Monday night alone. I don't mean his office, but his residence. Follow along the foot of the mountain south of the town, come in on that side, and knock on the east door. I have authority to exempt you from prosecution, if you will testify to what you say you know.

The object of the meeting at Squire Wilson's is to arrange the matter in a way to make your life safe. To do that the utmost secrecy is to be used. So come along. Don't tell anybody -not a living soul- where you are coming or the object. If you could trust Jesse Evans, you can trust me.

  Lew Wallace

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