Saturday 3 June 2023

Good Reading: Four Short Letters from Billy the Kid do the Governor Lew Wallace (in English)


Santa Fe

Jan 1st 1881


Gov. Lew Wallace


Dear Sir

     I would like to see you for a few moments if you can spare time.


Yours Respect-

W.H. Bonney




Santa Fe Jail   New Mex

March 2d 1881


Gov. Lew Wallace

Dear Sir,


      I wish you would come down to the jail and see me. it will be to your interest to come and see me. I have some letters which date back two years, and there are Parties who are very anxious to get them but I shall not dispose of them until I see you. that is if you will come imediately.


Yours Respect-

Wm H. Bonney




Santa Fe in Jail

March 4, 1881


Gov. Lew Wallace

Dear Sir


      I wrote You a little note the day before yesterday but have received no answer. I Expect you have forgotten what you promised me, this Month two years ago, but I have not and I think You had ought to have come and seen me as I requested you to. I have done everything that I promised you I would and You have done nothing that You promised me.


      I think when You think the matter over You will come down and See me, and I can then Explain Everything to You.


      Judge Leonard Passed through here on his way East, in January and promised to come and See me on his way back, but he did not fulfill his Promise. It looks to me like I am getting left in the Cold. I am not treated right by Sherman, he lets Every Stranger that comes to see me through Curiosity in to see me, but will not let a Single one of my friends in, Not even an Attorney.


      I guess they mean to Send me up without giving me any Show but they will have a nice time doing it. I am not intirely without friends.


       I shall Expect to See you some time today.


 Patiently Waiting

 I am truly Yours Respect-

Wm. H. Bonney




Santa Fe New Mexico

March 27th /81


Gov. Lew Wallace

Dear Sir


      For the last time I ask, Will you keep your promise. I start below tomorrow send awnser by bearer.


Yours Respt-


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