Sunday, 2 February 2014

"The Ant and the Dove" by Aesop (in English)

     An Ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and
being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of
drowning.  A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked
a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her.  The Ant
climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank.  Shortly
afterwards a birdcatcher came and stood under the tree, and laid
his lime-twigs for the Dove, which sat in the branches.  The Ant,
perceiving his design, stung him in the foot.  In pain the
birdcatcher threw down the twigs, and the noise made the Dove
take wing.

            One good turn deserves another

Saturday, 1 February 2014

No title by Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa) (in Portuguese)

... Como, nos dias de grandes acontecimentos no centro da cidade,
Nos bairros quase-excêntricos as conversas em silêncio às portas
A expectativa em grupos...
Ninguém sabe nada.
Leve rastro de brisa
Coisa nenhuma que é real
E que, com um afago ou um sopro
Toca o que há até que seja...
Magnificência da naturalidade.
Que Áricas inéditas em cada desejo!
Que melhores coisas que tudo lá longe!
Meu cotovelo toca no da vizinha do eléctrico
Com uma involuntariedade fruste
Curto-circuito da proximidade...
Ideias ao acaso
Como um balde que se entornou —
Fito-o é um balde entornado...
Jaz: jazo...

Friday, 31 January 2014

"Anoitecer" by Raimundo Correia (in Portuguese)

Esbraseia o Ocidente na agonia
O sol... Aves em bandos destacados,
Por céus de ouro e púrpura raiados,
Fogem... Fecha-se a pálpebra do dia...

Delineiam-se além da serranja
Os vértices de chamas aureolados,
E em tudo, em torno, esbatem derramados
Uns tons suaves de melancolia.

Um mudo de vapores no ar flutua...
Como uma informe nódoa avulta e cresce
A sombra à proporção que a luz recua.

A natureza apática esmaece...
Pouco a pouco, entre as árvores, a lua
Surge trêmula, trêmula.... Anoitece.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Untitled Poem by Cecília Meireles (in Portuguese)

Eu canto porque o instante existe
e a minha vida está completa.
Não sou alegre nem sou triste:
sou poeta.

Irmão das coisas fugidias,
não sinto gozo nem tormento.
Atravesso noites e dias
no vento.

Se desmorono ou se edifico,
se permaneço ou me desfaço, -
não sei, não sei. Não sei se fico
ou passo.

Sei que canto. E a canção é tudo.
Tem sangue eterno a asa ritmada.
E um dia sei que estarei mudo:
-mais nada.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

"The Kissing of Sal Snooboo" by Robert E. Howard (in English)

A bunch of the girls were whooping it up
In the old Lip-stick saloon,
And the kid at the player-piano
Was twanging a jazzy tune,
When out of the night with perfume on his shirt
And stacomb upon his hair,
A young man staggered inside the door
And meowed like a grizzly-bear.
He kicked the kid off the piano stool
And sat him down to play.
The piano yowled like an old tom cat
To the tune of "Hip! Hurray!"
Says he, "Gals, you don’t know me,
But, by gosh, I know you,
And one of you is a classy dame,
And that one is Sal Snooboo!"

She squawked and somebody turned the lights,
Something went “Smack!” in the dark.
There was nothing for anybody to do
But to stand still and s****** and hark.
Somebody turned the lights on,
And Sally was standing there,
But the stranger wasn’t; he was done,
And Sal was arranging her hair.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

"A Vision" by Oscar Wilde (in English)

Two crowned Kings, and One that stood alone
With no green weight of laurels round his head,
But with sad eyes as one uncomforted,
And wearied with man's never-ceasing moan
For sins no bleating victim can atone,
And sweet long lips with tears and kisses fed.
Girt was he in a garment black and red,
And at his feet I marked a broken stone
Which sent up lilies, dove-like, to his knees.
Now at their sight, my heart being lit with flame,
I cried to Beatrice, 'Who are these? '
And she made answer, knowing well each name,
'AEschylos first, the second Sophokles,
And last (wide stream of tears!) Euripides.'