Wednesday, 15 June 2016

“Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf” (translated into English by Post Wheeler)

 In a certain far-away Tsardom not in this Empire, there lived a Tsar named Vyslav, who had three sons: the first Tsarevitch Dimitri, the second Tsarevitch Vasilii and the third Tsarevitch Ivan.
            The Tsar had a walled garden, so rich and beautiful that in no kingdom of the world was there a more splendid one. Many rare trees grew in it whose fruits were precious jewels, and the rarest of all was an apple tree whose apples were of pure gold, and this the Tsar loved best of all.
            One day he saw that one of the golden apples was missing. He placed guards at all gates of the garden; but in spite of this, each morning on counting, he found one more apple gone. At length he set men on the wall to watch day and night, and these reported to him that every night there came flying into the garden a bird that shone like the moon, whose feathers were gold and its eyes like crystal, which perched on the apple tree, plucked a golden apple and flew away.
            Tsar Vyslav was greatly angered, and calling to him his two eldest sons, said: "My dear children, I have for many days sought to decide which of you should inherit my Tsardom and reign after me. Now, therefore, to the one of you who will catch the Fire Bird, which is the thief of my golden apples, and will bring it to me alive, I will during my life give the half of the Tsardom, and he shall rule after me when I am dead."
            The two sons, hearing, rejoiced, and shouted with one voice: "Gracious Sir! We shall not fail to bring you the Fire Bird alive!"
            Tsarevitch Dimitri and Tsarevitch Vasilii cast lots to see who should have the first trial, and the lot fell to the eldest, Tsarevitch Dimitri, who at evening went into the garden to watch. He sat down under the apple tree and watched till midnight, but when midnight was passed he fell asleep.
            In the morning the Tsar summoned him and said: "Well, my son, didst thou see the Fire Bird who steals my golden apples?" Being ashamed to confess that he had fallen asleep, however, Tsarevitch Dimitri answered: "No, gracious Sir; last night the bird did not visit thy garden."
            The Tsar, however, went himself and counted the apples, and saw that one more had been stolen.
            On the next evening Tsarevitch Vasilii went into the garden to watch, and he, too, fell asleep at midnight, and next morning when his father summoned him, he, like his brother, being ashamed to tell the truth, answered: "Gracious Sir, I watched throughout the night but the Fire Bird that steals the golden apples did not enter thy garden."
            And again Tsar Vyslav went himself and counted and saw that another golden apple was missing.
            On the third evening Tsarevitch Ivan asked permission to watch in the garden, but his father would not permit it. "Thou art but a lad," he said, "and mightest be frightened in the long, dark night." But Ivan continued to beseech him till at length the Tsar consented.
            So Tsarevitch Ivan took his place in the garden, and sat down to watch under the apple tree that bore the golden apples. He watched an hour, he watched two hours, he watched three hours. When midnight drew near sleep al most overcame him, but he drew his dagger and pricked his thigh with its point till the pain aroused him. And suddenly, an hour after midnight, the garden became bright as if with the light of many fires, and the Fire Bird came flying on its golden wings to alight on the lowest bough of the apple tree.
            Tsarevitch Ivan crept nearer, and as it was about to pluck a golden apple in its beak he sprang toward it and seized its tail. The bird, however, beating with its golden wings, tore itself loose and flew away, leaving in his hand a single long feather. He wrapped this in a handkerchief, lay down on the ground and went to sleep.
            In the morning Tsar Vyslav summoned him to his presence, and said: "Well, my dear son, thou didst not, I suppose, see the Fire Bird?"
            Then Tsarevitch Ivan unrolled the handkerchief, and the feather shone so that the whole place was bright with it. The Tsar could not sufficiently admire it, for when it was brought into a darkened room it gleamed as if a hundred candles had been lighted. He put it into his royal treasury as a thing which must be safely kept for ever, and set many watchmen about the garden hoping to snare the Fire Bird, but it came no more for the golden apples.
            Then Tsar Vyslav, greatly desiring it, sent for his two eldest sons, and said: "Ye, my sons, failed even to see the thief of my apples, yet thy brother Ivan has at least brought me one of its feathers. Take horse now, with my blessing, and ride in search of it, and to the one of you who brings it to me alive I will give the half of my Tsardom." And the Tsarevitches Dimitri and Vasilii, envious of their younger brother Ivan, rejoiced that their father did not bid him also go, and mounting their swift horses, rode away, gladly, both of them, in search of the Fire Bird.
            They rode for three days-whether by a near or a far road, or on highland or lowland, the tale is soon told, but the journey is not done quickly-till they came to a green plain from whose center three roads started, and there a great stone was set with these words carved upon it:

Who rides straight forward shall know both hunger and cold.
Who rides to the right shall live, though his steed be dead.
Who rides to the left shall die, though his steed shall live.

They were uncertain what to do, since none of the three roads promised well, and turning aside into a pleasant wood, pitched their silken tents and gave themselves over to rest and idle enjoyment.
            Now when days had passed and they did not return, Tsarevitch Ivan besought his father to give him also his blessing, with leave to ride forth to search for the Fire Bird, but Tsar Vyslav denied him, saying: "My dear son, the wolves will devour thee. Thou art still young and unused to far and difficult journeying. Enough that thy brothers have gone from me. I am already old in age, and walk under the eye of God; if He take away my life, and thou, too, art gone, who will remain to keep order in my Tsardom? Rebellion may arise and there will be no one to quell it, or an enemy may cross our borders and there will be no one to command our troops. Seek not, therefore, to leave me!"
            In spite of all, however, Tsarevitch Ivan would not leave off his beseeching till at length his father consented, and he took Tsar Vyslav's blessing, chose a swift horse for his use and rode away he knew not whither.
            Three days he rode, till he came to the green plain whence the three ways started, and read the words carved on tile great stone that stood there. "I may not take the left road, lest I die," he thought, "nor the middle road, lest I know hunger and cold. Rather will I take the right-hand road, whereon, though my poor horse perish, I at least shall keep my life." So he reined to the right.
            He rode one day, he rode two days, he rode three days, and on the morning of the fourth day, as he led his horse through a forest, a great Gray Wolf leaped from a thicket. "Thou art a brave lad, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf, "but didst thou not read what was written on the rock?" When the Wolf had spoken these words he seized the horse, and tearing it in pieces, devoured it and disappeared.
            Tsarevitch Ivan wept bitterly over the loss of his horse. The whole day he walked, till his weariness could not be told in a tale. He was near to faint from weakness, when again he met the Gray Wolf. "Thou art a brave lad, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf, "and for this reason I feel pity for thee. I have eaten thy good horse, but I will serve thee a service in payment. Sit now on my back and say whither I shall bear thee and wherefore."
            Tsarevitch Ivan seated himself on the back of the Wolf joyfully enough. "Take me, Gray Wolf," he said, "to the Fire Bird that stole my father's golden apples," and instantly the Wolf sped away, twenty times swifter than the swiftest horse. In the middle of the night he stopped at a stone wall.
            "Get down from my back, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf, "and climb over this wall. On the other side is a garden, and in the garden is an iron railing, and behind the railing three cages are hung, one of copper, one of silver, and one of gold. In the copper cage is a crow, in the silver one is a jackdaw, and in the golden cage is the Fire Bird. Open the door of the golden cage, take out the Fire Bird, and wrap it in thy handkerchief. But on no account take the golden cage; if thou dost, great misfortune will follow."
            Tsarevitch Ivan climbed the wall, entered the iron railing and found the three cages as the Gray Wolf had said. He took out the Fire Bird and wrapped it in his handkerchief, but he could not bear to leave behind him the beautiful golden cage.
            The instant he stretched out his hand and took it, how ever, there sounded throughout all the garden a great noise of clanging bells and the twanging of musical instruments to which the golden cage was tied by many invisible cords, and fifty watchmen, waking, came running into the garden. They seized Tsarevitch Ivan, and in the morning they brought him before their Tsar, who was called Dolmat.
            Tsar Dolmat was greatly angered, and shouted in a loud voice: "How now! This is a fine, bold handed Cossack to be caught in such a shameful theft! Who art thou, from what country comest thou? Of what father art thou son, and how art thou named?"
            "I come from the Tsardom of Vyslav," answered Tsarevitch Ivan, "son of Tsar Vyslav, and I am called Ivan. Thy Fire Bird entered my father's garden by night and stole many golden apples from his favorite tree. Therefore the Tsar, my father, sent me to find and bring to him the thief."
            "And how should I know that thou speakest truth?" answered Tsar Dolmat. "Hadst thou come to me first I would have given thee the Fire Bird with honor. How will it be with thee now when I send into all Tsardoms, declaring how thou hast acted shamefully in my borders? However, Tsarevitch Ivan, I will excuse thee this if thou wilt serve me a certain service. If thou wilt ride across three times nine countries to the thirtieth Tsardom of Tsar Afron, and wilt win for me from him the Horse with the Golden Mane, which his father promised me and which is mine by right, then will I give to thee with all joy the Fire Bird. But if thou dost not serve me this service, then will I declare throughout all Tsardoms that thou art a thief, unworthy to share thy father's honors."
            Tsarevitch Ivan went out from Tsar Dolmat in great grief. He found the Gray Wolf and related to him the whole.
            "Thou art a foolish youth Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf. "Why didst thou not recall my words and leave the golden cage?"
            "I am guilty before thee!" answered Ivan sorrowfully.
            "Well," said the Gray Wolf, "I will help thee. Sit on my back, and say whither I shall bear thee and wherefore."
            So Tsarevitch Ivan a second time mounted the Wolf's back. "Take me, Gray Wolf," he said, "across three times nine countries to the thirtieth Tsardom, to Tsar Afron's Horse with the Golden Mane." At once the Wolf began running, fifty times swifter than the swiftest horse. Whether it was a long way or a short way, in the middle of the night he came to the thirtieth Tsardom, to Tsar Afron's Palace, and stopped beside the royal stables, which were built all of white stone.
            "Now, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf, "get down from my back and open the door. The stablemen are all fast asleep, and thou mayest win the Horse with the Golden Mane. Only take not the golden bridle that hangs beside it. If thou takest that, great ill will befall thee."
            Tsarevitch Ivan opened the door of the stables and there he saw the Horse with the Golden Mane, whose brightness was such that the whole stall was lighted by it. But as he was leading it out he saw the golden bridle, and its beauty tempted him to take it also. Scarcely had he touched it, however, when there arose a great clanging and thundering, for the bridle was tied by many cords to instruments of brass. The noise awakened the stablemen, who came running, a hundred of them, and seized Tsarevitch Ivan, and in the morning led him before Tsar Afron.
            The Tsar was much surprised to see so gallant a youth accused of such a theft. "What!" he said. "Thou art a goodly lad to be a robber of my horses. Tell me from what Tsardom dost thou come, son of what father art thou, and what is thy name?"
            "I come from the Tsardom of Tsar Vyslav," replied Tsarevitch Ivan, "whose son I am, and my name is Ivan. Tsar Dolmat laid upon me this service, that I bring him the Horse with the Golden Mane, which thy father promised him and which is his by right."
            "Hadst thou come with such a word from Tsar Dolmat," answered Tsar Afron, "I would have given thee the horse with honor, and thou needst not have taken it from me by stealth. How will it be with thee when I send my heralds into all Tsardoms declaring thee, a Tsar's son, to be a thief? However, Tsarevitch Ivan, I will excuse thee this if thou wilt serve me a certain service. Thou shalt ride over three times nine lands to the country of the Tsar whose daughter is known as Helen the Beautiful, and bring me the Tsarevna to be my wife. For I have loved her for long with my soul and my heart, and yet cannot win her. Do this and I will forgive thee this fault and with joy will give thee the Horse with the Golden Mane and the golden bridle also for Tsar Dolmat. But if thou dost not serve me this service, then will I name thee as a shameful thief in all Tsardoms."
            Tsarevitch Ivan went out from the splendid Palace weeping many tears, and came to the Gray Wolf and told him all that had befallen.
            "Thou hast again been a foolish youth," said the Wolf. "Why didst thou not remember my warning not to touch the golden bridle?"
            "Gray Wolf," said Ivan, still weeping, "I am guilty be fore thee!"
            "Well," said the Wolf, "be it so. I will help thee. Sit upon my back and say whither I shall bear thee and wherefore."
            So Tsarevitch Ivan wiped away his tears and a third time mounted the Wolf's back. "Take me, Gray Wolf," he said, "across three times nine lands to the Tsarevna who is called Helen the Beautiful." And straightway the Wolf began running, a hundred times swifter than the swiftest horse, faster than one can tell in a tale, until he came to the country of the beautiful princess. At length he stopped at a golden railing surrounding a lovely garden.
            "Get down now, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf; "go back along the road by which we came, and wait for me in the open field under the green oak tree." So Tsarevitch Ivan did as he was bidden. But as for the Gray Wolf, he waited there.
            Toward evening, when the sun was very low and its rays were no longer hot, the Tsar's daughter, Helen the Beautiful, went into the garden to walk with her nurse and the ladies-in-waiting of the Court. When she came near, suddenly the Gray Wolf leaped over the railing into the garden, seized her and ran off with her more swiftly than twenty horses. He ran to the open field, to the green oak tree where Tsarevitch Ivan was waiting, and set her down beside him. Helen the Beautiful had been greatly frightened, but dried her tears quickly when she saw the handsome youth.
            "Mount my back, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf, "and take the Tsarevna in your arms."
            Tsarevitch Ivan sat on the Gray Wolf's back and took Helen the Beautiful in his arms, and the Wolf began run- fling more swiftly than fifty horses, across the three times nine countries, back to the Tsardom of Tsar Afron. The nurse and ladies-in-waiting of the Tsarevna hastened to the Palace, and the Tsar sent many troops to pursue them, but fast as they went they could not overtake the Gray Wolf.
            Sitting on the Wolf's back, with the Tsar's beautiful daughter in his arms, Tsarevitch Ivan began to love her with his heart and soul, and Helen the Beautiful began also to love him, so that when the Gray Wolf came to the country of Tsar Afron, to whom she was to be given, Tsarevitch Ivan began to shed many tears.
            "Why dost thou weep, Tsarevitch Ivan?" asked the Wolf, and Ivan answered: "Gray Wolf, my friend! Why should I not weep and be desolate? I myself have begun to love Helen the Beautiful, yet now I must give her up to Tsar Afron for the Horse with the Golden Mane. For if I do not, then Tsar Afron will dishonor my name in all countries."
            "I have served thee in much, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Gray Wolf, "but I will also do thee this service. Listen. When we come near to the Palace, I myself will take the shape of the Tsar's daughter, and thou shalt lead me to Tsar Afron, and shalt take in exchange the Horse with the Golden Mane. Thou shalt mount him and ride far away. Then I will ask leave of Tsar Afron to walk on the open steppe, and when 1 am on the steppe with the Court ladies-in-waiting, thou hast only to think of me, the Gray Wolf, and I shall come once more to thee."
            As soon as the Wolf had uttered these words, he beat his paw against the damp ground and instantly he took the shape of the Tsar's beautiful daughter: so like to her that no one in the world could have told that he was not the Tsarevna herself. Then, bidding Helen the Beautiful wait for him outside the walls, Tsarevitch Ivan led the Gray Wolf into the Palace to Tsar Afron.
            The Tsar, thinking at last he had won the treasure he had so long desired as his wife, was very joyful, and gave Tsarevitch Ivan, for Tsar Dolmat, the Horse with the Golden Mane and the golden bridle. And Tsarevitch Ivan, mounting, rode outside the walls to the real Helen the Beautiful, put her before him on the saddle and set out across the three times nine countries back to the Tsardom of Tsar Dolmat.
            As to the Gray Wolf, he spent one day, he spent two days, he spent three days in Tsar Afron's Palace, all the while having the shape of the beautiful Tsarevna, while the Tsar made preparations for a splendid bridal. On the fourth day he asked the Tsar's permission to go for a walk on the open steppe.
            "Oh, my beautiful Tsar's daughter," said Tsar Afron, "I grant thee whatever thou mayst wish. Go then and walk where it pleaseth thee, and perchance it will soothe thy grief and sorrow at parting from thy father." So he ordered serving-women and all the ladies-in-waiting of the Court to walk with her.
            But all at once, as they walked on the open steppe, Tsarevitch Ivan, far away, riding with the real Helen the Beautiful on the Horse with the Golden Mane, suddenly be thought himself and cried: "Gray Wolf, Gray Wolf, I am thinking of thee now. Where art thou?" At that very instant the false Princess, as she walked with the ladies-in-waiting of Tsar Afron's Court, turned into the Gray Wolf, which ran off more swiftly than seventy horses. The ladies-in waiting hastened to the Palace and Tsar Afron sent many soldiers in pursuit, but they could not catch the Gray Wolf and soon he overtook Tsarevitch Ivan.
            "Mount on my back, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf, "and let Helen the Beautiful ride on the Horse with the Golden Mane."
            Tsarevitch Ivan mounted the Gray Wolf, and the Tsarevna rode on the Horse with the Golden Mane, and so they went on together to the Tsardom of Tsar Dolmat, in whose garden hung the cage with the Fire Bird. Whether the way was a long one or a short one, at length they came near to Tsar Dolmat's Palace. Then Tsarevitch Ivan, getting down from the Wolf's back, said:
            "Gray Wolf, my dear friend! Thou hast served me many services. Serve me also one more, the last and greatest. If thou canst take the shape of Helen the Beautiful, thou canst take also that of this Horse with the Golden Mane. Do this and let me deliver thee to Tsar Dolmat in exchange for the Fire Bird. Then, when I am far away on the road to my own Tsardom, thou canst again rejoin us."
            "So be it," said the Wolf and beat his paw against the dry ground, and immediately he took the shape of the Horse with the Golden Mane, so like to that the Princess rode that no one could have told one from the other. Then Tsarevitch Ivan, leaving Helen the Beautiful on the green lawn with the real Horse with the Golden Mane, mounted arid rode to the Palace gate.
            When Tsar Dolmat saw Tsarevitch Ivan riding on the false Horse with the Golden Mane he rejoiced exceedingly. He came out, embraced Ivan in the wide courtyard and kissed him on the mouth, and taking his right hand, led him into his splendid rooms. He made a great festival, and they sat at oak tables covered with embroidered cloths and for two days ate, drank and made merry. On the third day the Tsar gave to Tsarevitch Ivan the Fire Bird in its golden cage. Ivan took it, went to the green lawn where he had left Helen the Beautiful, mounted the real Horse with the Golden Mane, set the Tsarevna on the saddle before him, and together they rode away across the three times nine lands towards his native country, the Tsardom of Tsar Vyslav.
            As to Tsar Dolmat, for two days he admired the false Horse with the Golden Mane, and on the third day he de sired to ride him. He gave orders, therefore, to saddle him, and mounting, rode to the open steppe. But as he was riding, it chanced that Tsarevitch Ivan, far away with Helen the Beautiful, all at once remembered his promise and cried:
            "Gray Wolf, Gray Wolf, I am thinking of thee!" And at that instant the horse Tsar Dolmat rode threw the Tsar from his back and turned into the Gray Wolf, which ran off more swiftly than a hundred horses.
            Tsar Dolmat hastened to the Palace and sent many soldiers in pursuit, but they could not catch the Gray Wolf, who soon overtook the Horse with the Golden Mane that bore Tsarevitch Ivan and the Tsarevna.
            "Get down, Tsarevitch Ivan," said the Wolf; "mount my back and let Helen the Beautiful ride on the Horse with the Golden Mane."
            So Tsarevitch Ivan mounted the Gray Wolf and the Tsarevna rode on the Horse with the Golden Mane, and at length they came to the forest where the Wolf had devoured Tsarevitch Ivan's horse.
            There the Gray Wolf stopped. "Well, Tsarevitch Ivan," he said, "I have paid for thy horse, and have served thee in faith and truth. Get down now; I am no longer thy servant."
            Tsarevitch Ivan got down from the Wolf's back, weeping many tears that they should part, and the Gray Wolf leaped into a thicket and disappeared, leaving Tsarevitch Ivan, mounted on the Horse with the Golden Mane, with Helen the Beautiful in his arms who held in her hands the golden cage in which was the Fire Bird, to ride to the Palace of Tsar Vyslav.
            They rode on three days, till they came to the green plain where the three ways met, and where stood the great stone, and being very tired, the Tsarevitch and the Tsarevna here dismounted and lay down to rest. He tied the Horse with the Golden Mane to the stone, and lying lovingly side by side on the soft grass, they went to sleep.
            Now it happened that the two elder brothers of Ivan, Tsarevitch Dimitri and Tsarevitch Vasilii, having tired of their amusements in the wood and being minded to return to their father without the Fire Bird, came riding past the spot and found their brother lying asleep with Helen the Beautiful beside him. Seeing not only that he had found the Fire Bird, but a horse with a mane of gold and a lovely Princess, they were envious, and Tsarevitch Dimitri drew his sword, stabbed Tsarevitch Ivan to death, and cut his body into small pieces. They then awoke Helen the Beautiful and began to question her.
            "Lovely Tsarevna," they asked, "from what Tsardom dost thou come, of what father art thou daughter, and how art thou named?"
            Helen the Beautiful, being roughly awakened, and seeing Tsarevitch Ivan dead, was greatly frightened and cried with bitter tears: "I am the Tsar's daughter, Helen the Beautiful, and I belong to Tsarevitch Ivan whom ye have put to a cruel death. If ye were brave knights, ye had ridden against him in the open field; then might ye have been victorious over him with honor; but instead of that ye have slain him when he was asleep. What praise will such an act receive?"
            But Tsarevitch Vasilii set the point of his sword against her breast and said: "Listen, Helen the Beautiful! Thou art now in our hands. We shall bring thee to our little father, Tsar Vyslav, and thou shalt tell him that we, and not Tsarevitch Ivan, found the Fire Bird, and won the Horse with the Golden Mane and thine own lovely self. If thou dost not swear by all holy things to say this, then this instant will we put thee to death!" And the beautiful Tsar's daughter, frightened by their threats, swore that she would speak as they commanded.
            Tsarevitch Dimitri and Tsarevitch Vasilii cast lots to see who should take Helen the Beautiful and who the Horse with the Golden Mane and the Fire Bird. The Princess fell to Tsarevitch Vasilii and the horse and the bird to Tsarevitch Dimitri, and Tsarevitch Vasilii took Helen the Beautiful on his horse and Tsarevitch Dimitri took the Fire Bird and the Horse with the Golden Mane and both rode swiftly to the Palace of their father, Tsar Vyslav.
            The Tsar rejoiced greatly to see them. To Tsarevitch Dimitri, since he had brought him the Fire Bird, he gave the half of his Tsardom, and he made a festival which lasted a whole month, at the end of which time Tsarevitch Vasilii was to wed the Tsarevna, Helen the Beautiful.
            As for Tsarevitch Ivan, dead and cut into pieces, he lay on the green plain for thirty days. And on the thirty- first day it chanced that the Gray Wolf passed that way. He knew at once by his keen scent that the body was that of Tsarevitch Ivan. While he sat grieving for his friend, there came flying an iron-beaked she-crow with two fledglings, who alighted on the ground and would have eaten of the flesh, but the Wolf leaped up and seized one of the young birds.
            Then the mother crow, flying to a little distance, said to him: "O Gray Wolf, wolf's son! Do not devour my little child, since it has in no way harmed thee."
            And the Gray Wolf answered: "Listen, Crow, crow's daughter! Serve me a certain service, and I will not harm thy fledgling. I have heard that across three times nine countries, in the thirtieth Tsardom, are two springs, so placed that none save a bird can come to them, which give forth, the one the water of death, and the other the water of life. Bring to me two bottles of these waters, and I will let thy fledgling go safe and sound.
            But if thou dost not, then I will tear it to pieces and devour it."
            "I will indeed do thee this service, Gray Wolf, wolf's son," said the crow, "only harm not my child," and immediately flew away as swiftly as an arrow.
            The Gray Wolf waited one day, he waited two days, he waited three days, and on the fourth day the she-crow came flying with two little bottles of water in her beak.
            The Gray Wolf tore the fledgling to pieces. He sprinkled the pieces with the water of death and they instantly grew together; he sprinkled the dead body with the water of life and the fledgling shook itself and flew away with the she-crow, safe and sound. The Gray Wolf then sprinkled the pieces of the body of Tsarevitch Ivan with the water of death and they grew together; he sprinkled the dead body with the water of life, and Tsarevitch Ivan stood up, stretched himself and said: "How long I must have slept!"
            "Yes, Tsarevitch Ivan," the Gray Wolf said, "and thou wouldst have slept forever had it not been for me. For thy brothers cut thee to pieces and took away with them the beautiful Tsar's daughter, the Horse with the Golden Mane and the Fire Bird. Make haste now and mount on my back, for thy brother Tsarevitch Vasilii today is to wed thy Helen the Beautiful."
            Tsarevitch Ivan made haste to mount, and the Gray Wolf began running, swifter than a hundred horses, toward the Palace of Tsar Vyslav.
            Whether the way was long or short, he came soon to the city, and there at the gate the Gray Wolf stopped. "Get down now, Tsarevitch Ivan," he said. "I am no longer a servant of thine and thou shalt see me no more, but sometimes remember the journeys thou hast made on the back of the Gray Wolf."
            Tsarevitch Ivan got down, and having bade the Wolf farewell with tears, entered the city and went at once to the Palace, where the Tsarevitch Vasilii was even then being wed to Helen the Beautiful.
            He entered the splendid rooms and came where they sat at table, and as soon as Helen the Beautiful saw him, she sprang up from the table and kissed him on the mouth, crying:
            "This is my beloved, Tsarevitch Ivan, who shall wed me, and not this wicked one, Tsarevitch Vasilii, who sits with me at table!"
            Tsar Vyslav rose up in his place and questioned Helen the Beautiful and she related to him the whole: how Tsarevitch Ivan had won her, with the Horse with the Golden Mane and the Fire Bird, and how his two elder brothers had slain him as he lay asleep and had threatened her with death so that she should say what they bade.
            Tsar Vyslav, hearing, was angered like a great river in a storm. He commanded that the Tsarevitches Dimitri and Vasilii be seized and thrown into prison, and Tsarevitch Ivan, that same day, was wed to the Princess Helen the Beautiful. The Tsar made a great feast and all the people drank wine and mead till it ran down their beards, and the festival lasted many days till there was no one hungry or thirsty in the whole Tsardom.
            And when the rejoicing was ended, the two elder brothers were made, one a scullion and the other a cowherd, but Tsarevitch Ivan lived always with Helen the Beautiful in such harmony and love that neither of them could bear to be without the other even for a single moment.

Monday, 13 June 2016

"Office of the Passion of the Lord" by St. Francis of Assisi (translated into English)

            Here begin the Psalms which our most blessed Father Francis arranged to reverence and recall and praise the Passion of the Lord. And they begin from Compline on Maundy Thursday because on that night our Lord Jesus Christ was betrayed and taken captive. And note that the Blessed Francis was wont to say this office thus: First he said the Prayer which the Lord and Master taught us: Our Father most holy,  with the Praises, to wit, Holy, Holy, Holy. When he had finished the Praises with the Prayer he began this antiphon, namely: Holy Mary. First he said the Psalms of the holy Virgin; besides he said other Psalms which he had selected, and at the end of all the Psalms which he said, he said the Psalms of the Passion, the Psalm being finished he said the antiphon, namely, Holy Virgin Mary. When this antiphon was finished, the office was completed.


Ant. Holy Virgin Mary.

Ps. 55: 9. O God, I have declared to Thee my life; Thou hast set my tears in Thy sight.

Ps. 40: 8. All my enemies devised evils against me.

Ps. 70: 10. They have consulted together.

Ps. 108: 5. And they have repaid me evil for good and hatred for my love.

Ps. 108: 4. Instead of making me a return of love they detracted me; but I gave myself to prayer.

Ps. 21: 12. My holy Father, King of heaven and earth, depart not from me; for tribulation is near and there is none to help.

Ps. 55: 10. When I cry unto Thee, then shall mine enemies be turned back; behold I know that thou art my God.

Ps. 37: 12. My friends and my neighbors have drawn near and stood against me; and they that were near me stood afar off.

Ps. 87: 9. Thou hast put away my acquaintance far from me; they have set me an abomination to them; I was delivered up and came not forth.

Ps. 21: 20. Holy Father, remove not Thy help far from me: My God, look toward my help.

Ps. 37: 23. Attend unto my help, O Lord, the God of my salvation,—Glory be. Holy Virgin Mary, there is none like unto Thee born in the world among women, daughter and handmaid of the most high King, the heavenly Father! Mother of our most holy Lord Jesus Christ, Spouse of the Holy Ghost; pray for us, with St. Michael Archangel, and all the Virtues of heaven, and all the Saints, to thy most holy, beloved Son, our Lord and Master. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen.

            Note that the foregoing antiphon is said at all the Hours and it is said for antiphon, chapter, hymn, versicle, and prayer, and at Matins and at all the Hours likewise. He said nothing else in them except this antiphon with its Psalms. At the completion of the office Blessed Francis always said: Let us bless the Lord God living and true; let us refer praise, glory, honor, blessing and all praise to Him, always. Amen. Amen. Fiat. Fiat.


Ant. Holy Virgin Mary.

Ps. 87: 2. O Lord, the God of my salvation, I have cried in the day and night before Thee.

Ps. 87: 3. Let my prayer come in before Thee; incline Thy ear to my petition.

Ps. 68: 19. Attend to my soul and deliver it: save me because of my enemies.

Ps. 21: 10. For Thou art He that hast drawn me out of the womb; my hope from the breasts of my mother;

Ps. 21: 11. I was cast upon Thee from the womb. From my mother's womb Thou art my God;

Ps. 21: 12. Depart not from me.

Ps. 68: 20. Thou knowest my reproach and my confusion and my shame.

Ps. 68: 21. In Thy sight are all they that afflict me: my heart hath expected reproach and misery. And I looked for one that would grieve together with me, but there was none, and for one that would comfort me and I found none.

Ps. 85: 14. O God, the wicked are risen up against me and the assembly of the mighty have sought my soul; and they have not set Thee before their eyes.

Ps. 87: 5. I am counted among them that go down to the pit; I am become as a man without help,

Ps. 87: 6. free among the dead.
Thou art my Father, most holy, my king and my God.

Ps. 37: 23. Attend unto my help, O Lord God of my salvation.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 56: 1. Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me; for my soul trusteth in Thee.

Ps. 56: 2. And in the shadow of Thy wings will I hope, until iniquity pass away.

Ps. 56: 3. I will cry to my most holy Father, the Most High: to God, who hath done good to me;

Ps. 56: 4. He hath sent from heaven and delivered me; He hath made them a reproach that trod upon me. God hath sent His power and His truth.

Ps. 17: 18. He delivered me from my strongest enemies and from them that hated me; for they were too strong for me.

Ps. 56: 7. They prepared a snare for my feet; and they bowed down my soul; they dug a pit before my face; and they are fallen into it.

Ps. 56: 8. My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready; I will sing, and rehearse a psalm.

Ps. 56: 9. Arise, O my glory, arise psaltery and harp;
I will arise early.

Ps. 56: 10. I will give praise to Thee, O Lord, among the people; I will sing a psalm to Thee among the nations;

Ps. 56: 11. For Thy mercy is magnified even to the heavens; and Thy truth unto the clouds.

Ps. 56: 12. Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; and Thy glory above all the earth.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 55: 2. Have mercy on me, O God, for man hath trodden me under foot; all the day long he hath afflicted me, fighting against me.

Ps. 55: 3. My enemies have trodden on me all the day long; for they are many that make war against me.

Ps. 40: 8. All my enemies devised evil against me;

Ps. 70: Jo. they have taken counsel together.

Ps. 40: 7. They went out and spoke to the same purpose.

Ps. 21: 8. All they that saw me have laughed me to scorn; they have spoken with the lips and wagged the head.

Ps. 21: 7. But I am a worm and no man, a reproach of men and outcast of the people.

Ps. 30: 12. I am become a reproach among all my enemies and very much to my neighbors; and a fear to my acquaintance.

Ps. 21: 20. Holy Father, remove not Thy help far from me; my God, look toward my defense.

Ps. 37: 23. Attend unto my help, O Lord God of my salvation. Glory be, etc.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 141: 2. L cried to the Lord, with my voice; with my voice I made my supplication to the Lord.

Ps. 141: 3. I pour out my prayer in His sight; and before Him I declare my trouble.

Ps. 141: 4. When my spirit failed me, then Thou knewest my paths. In this way wherein I walked, they have hidden a snare for me.

Ps. 141: 5. I looked on my right-hand, and beheld, and there was no one that would know me. Flight hath failed me; and there is no one that hath regard to my soul.

Ps. 68: 8. Because for Thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.

Ps. 68: 9. I am become a stranger to my brethren; and an alien to the sons of my mother.

Ps. 68: 10. Holy Father, the zeal of Thy house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached Thee are fallen upon me.

Ps. 34: 15. And they rejoiced against me and gathered together; scourges were gathered together upon me and I knew not.

Ps. 68: 5. They are multiplied above the hairs of my head who hate me without cause;
My enemies are grown strong who have wrongfully persecuted me; then did pay I that which I took not away.

Ps. 34: 11. Unjust witnesses rising up, have asked me things I knew not.

Ps. 34: 12. They repaid me evil for good and

Ps. 37: 21. detracted me; because I followed goodness.
Thou art my Father, most holy; my King and my God.

Ps. 37: 23. Attend unto my help, O Lord God of my salvation.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Lam. 1: 12. O all ye that pass by, attend and see if there be any sorrow like to my sorrow.

Ps. 21: 17. For many dogs have encompassed me; the council of the malignant hath besieged me.

Ps. 21: 18. They looked and stared upon me;

Ps. 21: 19. they parted my garments among them and upon my vesture cast lots.

Ps. 21: 17. They have dug my hands and my feet;

Ps. 21: 18. they numbered all my bones.

Ps. 21: 14. They have opened their mouth against me: as a lion ravening and roaring.

Ps. 21: 15. I am poured out like water and all my bones are scattered.
And my heart is become like melting wax in the midst of my bowels.

Ps. 21: 16. My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue hath cleaved to my jaws.

Ps. 68: 22. And they gave me gall for my food: and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

Ps. 21: 16. And Thou hast brought me into the dust of death;

Ps. 68: 27. and they have added to the grief of my wounds.
I slept and rose again; and my most holy Father received me with glory.

Ps. 72: 24. Holy Father, Thou hast held my right hand; and by Thy will Thou hast conducted me and hast received me with glory.

Ps. 72: 25. For what have I in heaven; and besides Thee what do I desire upon earth?

Ps. 45: 11. Be still and see that I am God, saith the Lord; I will be exalted among the nations and I will be exalted in the earth. Blessed is the Lord God of Israel,

Ps. 33: 23. who has redeemed the souls of His servants with His own most holy Blood; and none of them that trust in Him shall offend.

Ps. 95: 13. And we know that He cometh; for He will come to judge justice.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 46: 2. O clap your hands, all ye nations, shout unto God with the voice of joy.

Ps. 46: 3. For the Lord is high, terrible: He is a great king over all the earth.
For the most holy Father of heaven, our King, before ages sent His beloved Son from on high:

Ps. 73: 12. and hath wrought salvation in the midst of the earth.

Ps. 95: 11. Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad, let the sea be moved and the fulness thereof:

Ps. 95: 12. the fields and all that are in them shall be joyful.

Ps. 95: 1. Sing unto Him a new canticle; sing unto the Lord, all the earth.

Ps. 95: 4. For the Lord is great and exceedingly to be praised;
He is to be feared above all gods.

Ps. 95: 7. Bring to the Lord, O ye kindreds of the gentiles, bring to the Lord glory and honor.

Ps. 95: 8. Bring to the Lord glory unto His Name.
Bring your own bodies and bear His holy cross; and follow His most holy precepts even unto the end.

Ps. 95: 9. Let all the earth be moved at His presence;

Ps. 95: 10. say among the gentiles that the Lord hath reigned. It is said up to this place daily from Good Friday until the feast of the Ascension. On the feast of the Ascension, however, these versicles are added over and above: And He ascended unto heaven; and sitteth on the right-hand of the most Holy Father in heaven.

Ps. 56: 12. Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; and Thy glory above all the earth.

Ps. 95: 13. And we know that He cometh: for He will come to judge justice.

And note that from the Ascension until the Advent of the Lord this Psalm is said daily in the same manner, namely: "O clap your hands," with the foregoing versicles, "Glory be to the Father" being said where the Psalm ends, namely, "for He will come to judge with justice."
            Note that the foregoing Psalms are said from Good Friday until Easter Sunday: they are said in the same manner from the octave of Whitsunday until the Advent of the Lord and from the octave of the Epiphany until Maundy Thursday, 1 except on Sundays, and the principal feasts, on which they are not said: on the other days however they are said daily.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 69: 2. O God, etc. (Ps. 69), as in the Psalter.

It is said daily at Compline until the octave of Pentecost.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 97: 1. Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle: for He hath done wonderful things. His right hand hath sanctified His Son; and His arm is holy.

Ps. 97: 2. The Lord hath made known His salvation; He hath revealed His justice in the sight of the gentiles.

Ps. 41: 9. In the day time the Lord hath commanded His mercy: and a canticle to Him in the night.

Ps. 117: 24. This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Ps. 117: 26. Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Ps. 117: 27. The Lord is God and He hath shone upon us.

Ps. 95: 11. Let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad: let the sea be moved and the fulness thereof.

Ps. 95: 12. The fields shall rejoice and all that are in them.

Ps. 95: 7. Bring to the Lord, O ye kindreds of the gentiles, bring to the Lord glory and honor:

Ps. 95: 8. bring to the Lord glory unto His Name.

It is said up to this place daily from Easter Sunday to the feast of the Ascension at all the Hours except at Vespers and Compline and Prime. On the night of the Ascension these verses are added:—

Ps. 67: 33. Sing ye to God, ye kingdoms of the earth: sing ye to the Lord: sing ye to God,

Ps. 67: 34. who mounteth above the heaven of heavens to the east. Behold He will give to His voice the voice of power:

Ps. 67: 35. give ye glory to God for Israel: His magnificence and His power is in the clouds.

Ps. 67: 36. God is wonderful in His saints: the God of Israel is He who will give power and strength to His people. Blessed be God.

And note that this Psalm is said daily from the Ascension of the Lord until the octave of Whitsunday with the foregoing versicles at Matins and Tierce and Sext and Nones: "Glory be to the Father," being said where "Blessed be God " is said, and not elsewhere. Also note that it is said in the same manner only at Matins on Sundays and the principal feasts, from the octave of Whitsunday until Maundy Thursday because on that day the Lord ate the Pasch with His disciples, or the other Psalm may be said at Matins or at Vespers when one wishes, to wit, "I will extol Thee, O Lord," as it is in the Psalter, and this from Easter Sunday to the feast of the Ascension and not longer.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. Have mercy on me, etc.—as above.


Psalm. Sing ye to the Lord, etc.—as above.


Psalm. O clap your hands, etc.—as above.

Here begin the other psalms which our most blessed Father Francis likewise arranged which are to be said in place of the foregoing psalms of the Passion of the Lord on Sunday and the principal festivities from the octave of Whitsunday until Advent and from the octave of the Epiphany until Maundy Thursday.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. O God, etc. (Ps. 69),—as it is in the Psalter.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. Sing ye to the Lord, etc.,—as above.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. Have mercy on me, etc.,—as above.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 65: 1. Shout with joy to God, all the earth.

Ps. 65: 2. Sing ye a Psalm to His name: give glory to His praise.

Ps. 65: 3. Say unto God, How terrible are Thy works, O Lord: in the multitude of Thy strength Thy enemies shall lie to Thee.

Ps. 65: 4. Let all the earth adore Thee and sing to Thee: let it sing a psalm to Thy Name.

Ps. 65: 16. Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will tell you what great things He hath done for my soul.

Ps. 65: 17. I cried to Him with my mouth: and I extolled Him with my tongue.

Ps. 17: 7. And He heard my voice from His holy temple: and my cry came before Him.

Ps. 65: 8. O bless our God, ye gentiles: and make the voice of His praise to be heard.

Ps. 71: 17. And in him shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed: all nations shall magnify Him.

Ps. 71: 18. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who only doth wonderful things.

Ps. 71: 19. And blessed be the Name of His majesty forever: and the whole earth shall be filled with His majesty. Amen. Amen.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 19: 2. May the Lord hear thee in the day of tribulation: may the Name of the God of Jacob protect thee: may He

Ps. 19: 3. send thee help from the sanctuary and defend thee out of Sion:

Ps. 19: 4. be mindful of all thy sacrifices, and may thy whole burnt-offering be made fat;

Ps. 19: 5. Give thee according to thy own heart, and confirm all thy counsels.

Ps. 19: 6. We will rejoice in thy salvation; and in the Name of our God we shall be exalted.

Ps. 19: 7. The Lord fulfil all thy petitions: now I know that the Lord hath sent Jesus Christ His Son,

Ps. 9: 9. and will judge the people with justice.

Ps. 9: 10. And the Lord is become a refuge for the poor: a helper in due time of tribulation.

Ps. 9: 11. And let them trust in Thee who know Thy Name.

Ps. 143: 1. Blessed be the Lord my God:

Ps. 58: 17. for Thou art become my support and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Ps. 58: 18. Unto Thee, O my helper, will I sing: for God is my defence, my God, my mercy.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 70: 1. In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped, let me never be put to confusion.

Ps. 70: 2. Deliver me in Thy justice and rescue me: incline Thine ear unto and save me.

Ps. 70: 3. Be Thou unto me, O God, a protector and a place of strength: that Thou mayest make me safe.

Ps. 70: 5. For Thou art my patience, O Lord; my hope, O Lord, from my youth.

Ps. 70: 6. By Thee have I been confirmed from the womb, from my mother's womb Thou art my protector: of Thee I shall continually sing.

Ps. 70: 8. Let my mouth be filled with praise, that I may sing Thy glory; Thy greatness all the day long.

Ps. 68: 17. Hear me, O Lord, for Thy mercy is kind; look upon me according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies.

Ps. 68: 18. And turn not away Thy face from Thy servant; for I am in trouble, hear me speedily.

Ps. 143: 1. Blessed be the Lord my God.

Ps. 58: 17. For Thou art become my support and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Ps. 58: 18. Unto Thee, O my helper, will I sing; for God is my defence, my God, my mercy.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. O clap your hands. . . as above.

Here begin other Psalms which our most blessed Father Francis likewise arranged; which are to be said in place of the foregoing Psalms of the Passion of the Lord from the Advent of the Lord until Christmas eve and not longer.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. How long, O Lord (Ps. 12), as it is found in the Psalter.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 85: 12. I will praise Thee, O Lord, most Holy Father, King of heaven and earth; because

Ps. 85: 17. Thou hast comforted me.

Ps. 24: 5. Thou art God my Saviour.

Ps. 11: 6. I will deal confidently and will not fear.

Ps. 117: 14. The Lord is my strength and my praise; and is become my salvation.

Exod. 15: 6. Thy right hand, O Lord, is magnified in strength;
Thy right hand, O Lord, hath slain the enemy:

Exod. 15: 7. And in the multitude of Thy glory Thou hast put down Thy adversaries.

Ps. 68: 33. Let the poor see and rejoice: seek ye God and your soul shall live.

Ps. 68: 35. Let the heavens and the earth praise Him: the sea and everything that creepeth therein.

Ps. 68: 36. For God will save Sion and the cities of Juda shall be built up.
And they shall dwell there: and acquire it by inheritance.

Ps. 68: 37. And the seed of His servants shall possess it: and they that love His Name shall dwell therein.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. Have mercy on me, etc.—as above.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. Shout with joy, etc.—as above.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. May the Lord hear thee in the day, etc.—as above.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped—as above.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Psalm. O clap your hands, etc.—as above.

Also note that the whole Psalm is not said but up to the verse, "Let all the earth be moved"; understand however that the whole verse "Bring your own bodies" must be said. At the end of this verse "Glory be to the Father" is said. And thus it is said daily at Vespers from Advent until Christmas eve.


Ant. Holy Mary.

Ps. 80: 2. Rejoice to God our helper.

Ps. 46: 2. Shout unto God, living and true, with the voice of triumph.

Ps. 46: 3. For the Lord is high, terrible: a great king over all the earth. For the most holy Father of heaven, our king, before ages sent His Beloved Son from on high and He was born of the Blessed Virgin, holy Mary.

Ps. 88: 27. He shall cry out to me: Thou art my Father;

Ps. 88: 28. And I will make Him My Firstborn, high above the kings of the earth.

Ps. 41: 9. In the day time the Lord hath commanded His mercy: and a canticle to Him in the night.

Ps. 117: 24. This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us rejoice and be glad in it.
For the beloved and most holy Child has been given to us and born for us by the wayside.

Luke 2: 7. And laid in a manger because He had no room in the inn.

Luke 2: 14. Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will.

Ps. 95: 11. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, and let the sea be moved and the fulness thereof.

Ps. 95:12. The fields shall rejoice and all that are in them.

Ps. 95: 1. Sing to Him a new canticle; sing to the Lord, all the earth.

Ps. 95: 4. For the Lord is great and exceedingly to be praised: He is to be feared above all gods.

Ps. 95: 7. Bring to the Lord, O ye kindreds of the gentiles, bring to the Lord glory and honor.

Ps. 95: 8. Bring to the Lord glory unto His Name. Bring your own bodies and bear His holy cross and follow His most holy precepts even unto the end.

And note that this Psalm is said from Christmas until the octave of the Epiphany at all the Hours.