Wednesday, 3 November 2021

"Litany of Saints" (in Latin and English)

V.Kyrie, eléison.

R. Christe, eléison.

V.Kyrie, eléison.


V.Christe, audi nos.

R. Christe, exáudi nos.


V.Pater de cælis, Deus.

R. Miserére nobis.

V.Fili, Redémptor mundi, Deus.

R. Miserére nobis.

V.Spíritus Sancte, Deus.

R. Miserére nobis.

V.Sancta Trínitas, unus Deus.

R. Miserére nobis.


V.Sancta María.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Dei Génitrix.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Virgo vírginum.

R. Ora pro nobis.


V.Sancte Michael.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Gabriel.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Raphael.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Omnes sancti Angeli et Archangeli.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V.Omnes sancti beatórum Spírituum ordines.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Sancte Joánnes Baptista.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Josephe.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Omnes sancti Patriárchæ et Prophetæ.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V.Sancte Petre.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Paule.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Andrea.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Jacobe.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Joánnes.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Thoma.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Jacobe.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Philippe.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Bartholomæe.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Matthæe.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Simon.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Thaddæe.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Matthia.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Barnaba.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Luca.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Marce.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Omnes sancti Apóstoli et Evangelistæ.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Omnes sancti Discípuli Dómini.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Omnes sancti Innocéntes.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Sancte Stephane.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V. Sancte Laurénti.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Vincenti.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancti Fabiane et Sebastiane.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V.Sancti Joánnes et Paule.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V.Sancti Cosma et Damiane.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V.Sancti Gervasi et Protasi.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V. Omnes sancti Mártyres.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Sancte Silvester.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Gregóri.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Ambrósi.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Augustine.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Hieronyme.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Martine.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Nicolaë.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Omnes sancti Pontifices et Confessores.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Omnes sancti Doctores.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V.Sancte Antoni.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Benedicte.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Bernarde.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancte Dominice.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V. Sancte Francisce.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Omnes sancti Sacerdótes et Levitæ.

R. Orate pro nobis.

V.Omnes sancti Monachi et Eremitæ.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Sancta María Magdalena.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Agatha.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Lucia.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Agnes.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Cæcilia.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Catharina.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Sancta Anastasia.

R. Ora pro nobis.

V.Omnes sanctæ Vírgines et Víduæ.

R. Orate pro nobis.


V.Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei.

R. Intercédite pro nobis.

V.Propitius esto.

R. Parce nobis, Dómine.

V.Propitius esto.

R. Exáudi nos, Dómine.

V.Ab omni malo.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Ab omni peccáto.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Ab ira tua.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.A subitanea et improvisa morte.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Ab insídiis diaboli.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Ab ira, et ódio, et omni mala voluntáte.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.A spíritu fornicatiónis.

R. Líbera nos, Domine.

V.A fulgure et tempestáte.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.A flagello terræmotus.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.A peste, fame et bello.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.A morte perpetua.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per mystérium sanctæ Incarnatiónis tuæ.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per advéntum tuum.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per nativitátem tuam.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per baptismum et sanctum jejunium tuum.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per crucem et passiónem tuam.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per mortem et sepultúram tuam.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per sanctam resurrectiónem tuam.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per admirábilem ascensiónem tuam.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.Per advéntum Spíritus Sancti Paracliti.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.

V.In die judícii.

R. Líbera nos, Dómine.


R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut nobis parcas.

R.  Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut nobis indulgeas.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut ad veram pœniténtiam nos perducere dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut Ecclésiam tuam sanctam regere et conservare dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut domnum Apostolicum et omnes ecclesiásticos ordines in sancta religióne conservare dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut inimícos sanctæ Ecclésiæ humiliare dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut régibus et princípibus christiánis pacem et veram concordiam donare dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut cuncto pópulo christiáno pacem et unitátem largiri dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut omnes errántes ad unitátem Ecclésiæ revocare, et infidéles univérsos ad Evangélii lumen perducere dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut nosmetípsos in tuo sancto servítio confortare et conservare dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut mentes nostras ad cæléstia desidéria erigas.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut ómnibus benefactóribus nostris sempitérna bona retríbuas.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut ánimas nostras, fratrum, propinquorum et benefactórum nostrórum ab ætérna damnatióne erípias.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut fructus terræ dare et conservare dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut ómnibus fidelibus defunctis réquiem ætérnam donare dignéris.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Ut nos exáudire dignéris.

R.  Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Fili Dei.

R. Te rogamus, audi nos.

V.Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.

R. Parce nobis, Dómine.

V.Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.

R. Exáudi nos, Dómine.

V.Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi.

R. Miserére nobis.

V.Christe, audi nos.

R. Christe, exáudi nos.

V.Kyrie, eléison.

R. Christe, eléison.

V.Kyrie, eléison.

Pater noster. (secréto usque ad)

V.Et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem.

R. Sed líbera nos a malo.


Psalmus 69. Deus, in adjutórium

1 Deus, in adjutórium meum inténde: * Dómine ad adjuvándum me festína.

2 Confundántur et revereántur, qui quærunt ánimam meam. * Avertántur retrórsum, et erubéscant, qui volunt mihi mala.

3 Avertántur statim erubescéntes, * qui dicunt mihi : Euge, euge.

4 Exsúltent et læténtur in te omnes qui quærunt te, * et dicant semper : Magnificétur Dóminus : qui díligunt salutáre tuum.

5 Ego vero egénus, et pauper sum : * Deus, ádjuva me.

6 Adjútor meus, et liberátor meus es tu : * Dómine, ne moréris.

7 Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto.

8 Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.


V.Salvos fac servos tuos.

R. Deus meus, sperántes in te.

V.Esto nobis, Dómine, turris fortitúdinis.

R. A fácie inimíci.

V.Nihil profíciat inimícus in nobis.

R. Et fílius iniquitátis non appónat nocére nobis.

V.Dómine, non secúndum peccáta nostra fácias nobis.

R. Neque secúndum iniquitátes nostras retríbuas nobis.

V.Orémus pro Pontifice nostro (Nomen).

R. Dóminus consérvet eum, et vivíficet eum, et beátum fáciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in ánimam inimicórum ejus.

(Vacante Apostolica Sede, Versus cum suo Responsorio præteritur.)

V.Orémus pro benefactóribus nostris.

R. Retribúere dignáre, Dómine, ómnibus, nobis bona faciéntibus propter nomen tuum, vitam ætérnam. Amen.


V.Orémus pro fidelibus defunctis.

R. Réquiem ætérnam dona eis, Dómine, et lux perpétua luceat eis.

V.Requiéscant in pace.

R. Amen.

V.Pro frátribus nostris abséntibus.

R. Salvos fac servos tuos, Deus meus, sperántes in te.

V.Mitte eis, Dómine, auxílium de sancto.

R. Et de Sion tuere eos.

V.Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.

R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.

R. Et cum spíritu tuo.


Oremus. (Oratio)

Deus, cui proprium est miseréri semper et parcere : súscipe deprecatiónem nostram; ut nos, et omnes fámulos tuos, quos delictórum catena constringit, miserátio tuæ pietátis clementer absolvat.

Exáudi, quæsumus, Dómine, supplícium preces, et confiténtium tibi parce peccátis : ut páriter nobis indulgéntiam tríbuas benignus et pacem.

Ineffábilem nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam clementer osténde : ut simul nos et a peccátis ómnibus exuas, et a pœnis, quas pro his meremur, erípias.

Deus, qui culpa offenderis, pœniténtia placaris : preces pópuli tui supplicántis propítius réspice; et flagélla tuæ iracúndiæ, quæ pro peccátis nostris meremur, averte.


(If the Holy See is vacant, the following Collect is omitted.)

Omnípotens sempiterne Deus, miserére famulo tuo Pontifici nostro (Nomen), et dírige eum secúndum tuam cleméntiam in viam salútis ætérnæ : ut, te donante, tibi placita cupiat, et tota virtúte perfíciat.

Deus, a quo sancta desidéria, recta consília et justa sunt ópera : da servis tuis illam, quam mundus dare non potest, pacem; ut et corda nostra mandátis tuis dedita, et, hóstium subláta formidine, témpora sint, tua protectióne, tranquilla.

Ure igne Sancti Spíritus renes nostros et cor nostrum, Dómine : ut tibi casto corpore serviamus, et mundo corde placeámus.

Fidélium, Deus, ómnium conditor et redemptor, animábus famulórum famularumque tuárum remissiónem cunctórum tríbue peccatórum : ut indulgéntiam, quam semper optavérunt, piis supplicatiónibus consequántur.

Actiónes nostras, quæsumus, Dómine, aspirándo prævéni et adjuvándo proséquere : ut cuncta nostra orátio et operátio a te semper incipiat et per te cœpta finiátur.

Omnípotens sempiterne Deus, qui vivórum domináris simul et mortuórum, ómniumque miseréris quos tuos fide et ópere futuros esse prænoscis : te supplices exorámus; ut, pro quibus effúndere preces decrevimus, quosque vel præsens sæculum adhuc in carne retinet vel futúrum jam exutos corpore suscépit, intercedéntibus ómnibus Sanctis tuis, pietátis tuæ cleméntia, ómnium delictórum suórum véniam consequántur. Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum, qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sæcula sæculórum.

R. Amen.


V.Dóminus vobíscum.

R. Et cum spíritu tuo.

V. Exáudiat nos omnípotens et miséricors Dóminus.

R. Amen.

V.Et fidélium ánimæ † per misericórdiam Dei requiéscant in pace.

R. Amen.




V.Lord, have mercy.

R.Christ, have mercy.

V.Lord, have mercy.

V. O Christ, hear us.

R.O Christ, graciously hear us.


V.O God the Father of heaven.

R.Have mercy upon us.

V.O God the Son, Redeemer of the world.

R.Have mercy upon us.

V.O God the Holy Ghost.

R.Have mercy upon us.

V.O Holy Trinity, one God.

R.Have mercy upon us.


V.Holy Mary.

R.Pray for us.

V.Holy Mother of God.

R.Pray for us.

V.Holy Virgin of virgins.

R. Pray for us.


V.Saint Michael.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Gabriel.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Raphael.

R.Pray for us.

V.All ye holy Angels and Archangels.

R.Pray for us.

V.All ye holy orders of blessed Spirits.

R.Pray for us.


V.Saint John the Baptist.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Joseph.

R.Pray for us.

V.All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Peter.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Paul.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Andrew.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint James.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint John.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Thomas.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint James.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Philip.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Bartholomew.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Matthew.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Simon.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Jude.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Matthias.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Barnabas.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Luke.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Mark.

R.Pray for us.

V.All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists.

 R.Pray for us.


V.All ye holy Disciples of the Lord.

R.Pray for us.


V.All ye Holy Innocents.

R.Pray for us.


V.Saint Stephen.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Lawrence.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Vincent.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Fabian and Saint Sebastian.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint John and Saint Paul.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian.

R.Pray for us.

V. Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius.

R.Pray for us.

V.All ye holy Martyrs.

R.Pray for us.


V.Saint Sylvester.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Gregory.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Ambrose.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Augustine.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Jerome.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Martin.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Nicholas.

R.Pray for us.

V. All ye holy Bishops and Confessors.

R.Pray for us.


V.All ye holy Doctors.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Anthony.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Benedict.

R.Pray for us.

V. Saint Bernard.

R.Pray for us.

V. Saint Dominic.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Francis.

R.Pray for us.


V.All ye holy Priests and Levites.

R.Pray for us.


V.All ye holy Monks and Hermits.

R.Pray for us.


V.Saint Mary Magdalene.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Agatha.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Lucy.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Agnes.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Cecilia.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Catherine.

R.Pray for us.

V.Saint Anastasia.

R.Pray for us.

V.All ye holy Virgins and Widows.

R.Pray for us.


V.All ye Holy, Righteous, and Elect of God.

R.Intercede for us.


V.Be thou merciful.

R.Spare us, Lord.

V.Be thou merciful.

R.Graciously hear us, Lord.

V.From all evil.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From all deadly sin.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From thine anger.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From sudden and unrepentant death.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From the crafts and assaults of the devil.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From anger, and hatred, and all uncharitableness.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From the spirit of fornication.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.


V.From lightning and tempest.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From the peril of earthquake, fire, and flood.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From pestilence, famine, and battle.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.From everlasting damnation.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By the mystery of thy Holy Incarnation.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By thine Advent.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By thy Nativity.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By thy Baptism and holy Fasting.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By thy Cross and Passion.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By thy precious Death and Burial.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By thy holy Resurrection.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By thy glorious Ascension.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.By the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.

V.In the day of Judgement.

R.Good Lord, deliver us.


V.Even though we be sinners.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to spare us.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to pity and pardon us.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to give us true repentance.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to rule and govern thy holy Church.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to preserve the Apostolic Lord, and to keep all orders of the Church in thy sacred religion.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to overthrow the enemies of thy holy Church.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to bestow on all Christian kings and princes true peace and concord.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to give to all Christian nations both peace and unity.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to restore unity to thy Church, and to lead all unbelievers into the light of thy holy Gospel.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to strengthen and preserve us in true worshipping of thee.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to endue our hearts with heavenly desires.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to bestow on all our benefactors thine everlasting benefits.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to deliver from eternal damnation our souls, and those of our brethren, kindred, and benefactors.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee to bestow upon all thy faithful departed rest eternal.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.That it may please thee graciously to hear our prayer.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.O Son of God.

R.We beseech thee to hear us, Lord.

V.O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.

R.Spare us, Lord.

V.O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.

R.Graciously hear us, Lord.

V.O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world.

R.Have mercy upon us.


V.O Christ, hear us.

R.O Christ, graciously hear us.

V.Lord, have mercy upon us.

R.Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.


Our Father (which words are said aloud, and the rest secretly to):

V.And lead us not into temptation.

R.…But deliver us from evil.


Psalm 69. Deus, in adjutórium

1 Haste thee, O God, to deliver me; * make haste to help me, O LORD.

2 Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul; * let them be turned backward and put to confusion that wish me evil.

3 Let them for their reward be soon brought to shame, * that cry over me, There! there!

4 But let all those that seek thee be joyful and glad in thee: * and let all such as delight in thy salvation say always, The LORD be praised.

5 As for me, I am poor and in misery: * haste thee unto me, O God.

6 Thou art my helper, and my redeemer: * O LORD, make no long tarrying.

7 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

8 As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


V.O God, save thy servants.

R.That put their trust in thee.

V.Be unto us, O LORD, a tower of strength.

R.From the face of the enemy.

V.Let the enemy prevail nothing against us.

R.Nor the son of wickedness approach to afflict us.

V.O LORD, deal not with us after our sins.

R.Neither reward us according to our iniquities.

V.Let us pray for our Pope (Name).

R.The Lord preserve him and keep him alive, that he may be blessed upon earth; and deliver not thou him into the will of his enemies.

(If the Holy See is vacant, the above Versicle with its Response is omitted.)

V.Let us pray for our benefactors.

R.Vouchsafe, O Lord, for thy Name's sake, to reward with eternal life all them that do us good. Amen.


V.Let us pray for the faithful departed.

R.Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them.

V.May they rest in peace.



V.Let us pray for our absent brethren.

R.Save thy servants, O my God, that put their trust in thee.

V.Send them help, O LORD, from thy holy place.

R.And from Zion deliver them.

V.O LORD, hear my prayer.

R.And let my cry come unto thee.

V.The Lord be with you.

R.And with thy spirit.

Let us pray. (Collects)

O God, whose nature and property is ever to have mercy and to forgive : receive our humble petitions; and though we be tied and bound by the chain of our sins, yet let the pitifulness of thy great mercy loose us.

We beseech thee, O LORD, mercifully to hear the prayers of thy humble servants, and to forgive the sins of them that confess the same unto thee : that they may obtain of thy loving-kindness pardon and peace.


O Lord, we pray thee, shew forth upon us thy servants the abundance of thy unspeakable mercy : that we may be delivered from the chain of our sins, and from the punishment which for the same we have most righteously deserved.

O God, who art wroth with them that sin against thee, and sparest them that are penitent : we beseech thee to hear the prayers of thy people that call upon thee; that we, which have most justly deserved the scourges of thine anger, may by thy great mercy be delivered from the same.


(If the Holy See is vacant, the following Collect is omitted.)

Almighty and everlasting God, we beseech thee to have compassion upon (Name), our Pope, and by thy mercy govern him in the way of everlasting life : that, being endued with thy grace, he may ever seek those things that are pleasing unto thee, and with his whole strength perform the same.

O God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed : give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments, and also that by thee we being defended from the fear of our enemies may pass our time in rest and quietness.

Grant, O Lord, we pray thee, that the fire of thy Holy Ghost may in such wise cleanse our reins and our hearts : that we serving thee in pureness both of body and soul may be found an acceptable people in thy sight.

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all them that believe : grant unto the souls of thy servants and handmaidens the remission of all their sins; that, as they have ever desired thy merciful pardon, so by the supplications of their brethren they may receive the same.

Prevent us, O LORD, in all our doings with thy most gracious favour, and further us with thy continual help : that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy Name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life.

Almighty and everlasting God, who hast dominion both of the quick and the dead, who likewise hast mercy upon all men, whom by reason of their faith and works thou hast foreknown : we commend unto thee all those for whom we now do offer our prayers, whether in this world they still be held in the bonds of the flesh, or being delivered therefrom have passed into that which is to come; beseeching thee that at the intercession of all thy Saints they may of thy bountiful goodness obtain the remission of all their sins. Through our LORD, Jesus Christ thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.

R. Amen.


V.The LORD be with you.

R.And with thy spirit.

V.May the Almighty and Merciful Lord graciously hear us.


V.And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.



Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Tuesday's Serial: "The Time Machine, an invention" by H. G. Wells (in English) - III

VII. A Sudden Shock

“As I stood there musing over this too perfect triumph of man, the full moon, yellow and gibbous, came up out of an overflow of silver light in the north-east. The bright little figures ceased to move about below, a noiseless owl flitted by, and I shivered with the chill of the night. I determined to descend and find where I could sleep.

“I looked for the building I knew. Then my eye travelled along to the figure of the White Sphinx upon the pedestal of bronze, growing distinct as the light of the rising moon grew brighter. I could see the silver birch against it. There was the tangle of rhododendron bushes, black in the pale light, and there was the little lawn. I looked at the lawn again. A queer doubt chilled my complacency. ‘No,’ said I stoutly to myself, ‘that was not the lawn.’

“But it was the lawn. For the white leprous face of the sphinx was towards it. Can you imagine what I felt as this conviction came home to me? But you cannot. The Time Machine was gone!

“At once, like a lash across the face, came the possibility of losing my own age, of being left helpless in this strange new world. The bare thought of it was an actual physical sensation. I could feel it grip me at the throat and stop my breathing. In another moment I was in a passion of fear and running with great leaping strides down the slope. Once I fell headlong and cut my face; I lost no time in stanching the blood, but jumped up and ran on, with a warm trickle down my cheek and chin. All the time I ran I was saying to myself: ‘They have moved it a little, pushed it under the bushes out of the way.’ Nevertheless, I ran with all my might. All the time, with the certainty that sometimes comes with excessive dread, I knew that such assurance was folly, knew instinctively that the machine was removed out of my reach. My breath came with pain. I suppose I covered the whole distance from the hill crest to the little lawn, two miles perhaps, in ten minutes. And I am not a young man. I cursed aloud, as I ran, at my confident folly in leaving the machine, wasting good breath thereby. I cried aloud, and none answered. Not a creature seemed to be stirring in that moonlit world.

“When I reached the lawn my worst fears were realised. Not a trace of the thing was to be seen. I felt faint and cold when I faced the empty space among the black tangle of bushes. I ran round it furiously, as if the thing might be hidden in a corner, and then stopped abruptly, with my hands clutching my hair. Above me towered the sphinx, upon the bronze pedestal, white, shining, leprous, in the light of the rising moon. It seemed to smile in mockery of my dismay.

“I might have consoled myself by imagining the little people had put the mechanism in some shelter for me, had I not felt assured of their physical and intellectual inadequacy. That is what dismayed me: the sense of some hitherto unsuspected power, through whose intervention my invention had vanished. Yet, for one thing I felt assured: unless some other age had produced its exact duplicate, the machine could not have moved in time. The attachment of the levers—I will show you the method later—prevented anyone from tampering with it in that way when they were removed. It had moved, and was hid, only in space. But then, where could it be?

“I think I must have had a kind of frenzy. I remember running violently in and out among the moonlit bushes all round the sphinx, and startling some white animal that, in the dim light, I took for a small deer. I remember, too, late that night, beating the bushes with my clenched fist until my knuckles were gashed and bleeding from the broken twigs. Then, sobbing and raving in my anguish of mind, I went down to the great building of stone. The big hall was dark, silent, and deserted. I slipped on the uneven floor, and fell over one of the malachite tables, almost breaking my shin. I lit a match and went on past the dusty curtains, of which I have told you.

“There I found a second great hall covered with cushions, upon which, perhaps, a score or so of the little people were sleeping. I have no doubt they found my second appearance strange enough, coming suddenly out of the quiet darkness with inarticulate noises and the splutter and flare of a match. For they had forgotten about matches. ‘Where is my Time Machine?’ I began, bawling like an angry child, laying hands upon them and shaking them up together. It must have been very queer to them. Some laughed, most of them looked sorely frightened. When I saw them standing round me, it came into my head that I was doing as foolish a thing as it was possible for me to do under the circumstances, in trying to revive the sensation of fear. For, reasoning from their daylight behaviour, I thought that fear must be forgotten.

“Abruptly, I dashed down the match, and knocking one of the people over in my course, went blundering across the big dining-hall again, out under the moonlight. I heard cries of terror and their little feet running and stumbling this way and that. I do not remember all I did as the moon crept up the sky. I suppose it was the unexpected nature of my loss that maddened me. I felt hopelessly cut off from my own kind—a strange animal in an unknown world. I must have raved to and fro, screaming and crying upon God and Fate. I have a memory of horrible fatigue, as the long night of despair wore away; of looking in this impossible place and that; of groping among moonlit ruins and touching strange creatures in the black shadows; at last, of lying on the ground near the sphinx and weeping with absolute wretchedness, even anger at the folly of leaving the machine having leaked away with my strength. I had nothing left but misery. Then I slept, and when I woke again it was full day, and a couple of sparrows were hopping round me on the turf within reach of my arm.

“I sat up in the freshness of the morning, trying to remember how I had got there, and why I had such a profound sense of desertion and despair. Then things came clear in my mind. With the plain, reasonable daylight, I could look my circumstances fairly in the face. I saw the wild folly of my frenzy overnight, and I could reason with myself. ‘Suppose the worst?’ I said. ‘Suppose the machine altogether lost—perhaps destroyed? It behoves me to be calm and patient, to learn the way of the people, to get a clear idea of the method of my loss, and the means of getting materials and tools; so that in the end, perhaps, I may make another.’ That would be my only hope, a poor hope, perhaps, but better than despair. And, after all, it was a beautiful and curious world.

“But probably the machine had only been taken away. Still, I must be calm and patient, find its hiding-place, and recover it by force or cunning. And with that I scrambled to my feet and looked about me, wondering where I could bathe. I felt weary, stiff, and travel-soiled. The freshness of the morning made me desire an equal freshness. I had exhausted my emotion. Indeed, as I went about my business, I found myself wondering at my intense excitement overnight. I made a careful examination of the ground about the little lawn. I wasted some time in futile questionings, conveyed, as well as I was able, to such of the little people as came by. They all failed to understand my gestures; some were simply stolid, some thought it was a jest and laughed at me. I had the hardest task in the world to keep my hands off their pretty laughing faces. It was a foolish impulse, but the devil begotten of fear and blind anger was ill curbed and still eager to take advantage of my perplexity. The turf gave better counsel. I found a groove ripped in it, about midway between the pedestal of the sphinx and the marks of my feet where, on arrival, I had struggled with the overturned machine. There were other signs of removal about, with queer narrow footprints like those I could imagine made by a sloth. This directed my closer attention to the pedestal. It was, as I think I have said, of bronze. It was not a mere block, but highly decorated with deep framed panels on either side. I went and rapped at these. The pedestal was hollow. Examining the panels with care I found them discontinuous with the frames. There were no handles or keyholes, but possibly the panels, if they were doors, as I supposed, opened from within. One thing was clear enough to my mind. It took no very great mental effort to infer that my Time Machine was inside that pedestal. But how it got there was a different problem.

“I saw the heads of two orange-clad people coming through the bushes and under some blossom-covered apple-trees towards me. I turned smiling to them, and beckoned them to me. They came, and then, pointing to the bronze pedestal, I tried to intimate my wish to open it. But at my first gesture towards this they behaved very oddly. I don’t know how to convey their expression to you. Suppose you were to use a grossly improper gesture to a delicate-minded woman—it is how she would look. They went off as if they had received the last possible insult. I tried a sweet-looking little chap in white next, with exactly the same result. Somehow, his manner made me feel ashamed of myself. But, as you know, I wanted the Time Machine, and I tried him once more. As he turned off, like the others, my temper got the better of me. In three strides I was after him, had him by the loose part of his robe round the neck, and began dragging him towards the sphinx. Then I saw the horror and repugnance of his face, and all of a sudden I let him go.

“But I was not beaten yet. I banged with my fist at the bronze panels. I thought I heard something stir inside—to be explicit, I thought I heard a sound like a chuckle—but I must have been mistaken. Then I got a big pebble from the river, and came and hammered till I had flattened a coil in the decorations, and the verdigris came off in powdery flakes. The delicate little people must have heard me hammering in gusty outbreaks a mile away on either hand, but nothing came of it. I saw a crowd of them upon the slopes, looking furtively at me. At last, hot and tired, I sat down to watch the place. But I was too restless to watch long; I am too Occidental for a long vigil. I could work at a problem for years, but to wait inactive for twenty-four hours—that is another matter.

“I got up after a time, and began walking aimlessly through the bushes towards the hill again. ‘Patience,’ said I to myself. ‘If you want your machine again you must leave that sphinx alone. If they mean to take your machine away, it’s little good your wrecking their bronze panels, and if they don’t, you will get it back as soon as you can ask for it. To sit among all those unknown things before a puzzle like that is hopeless. That way lies monomania. Face this world. Learn its ways, watch it, be careful of too hasty guesses at its meaning. In the end you will find clues to it all.’ Then suddenly the humour of the situation came into my mind: the thought of the years I had spent in study and toil to get into the future age, and now my passion of anxiety to get out of it. I had made myself the most complicated and the most hopeless trap that ever a man devised. Although it was at my own expense, I could not help myself. I laughed aloud.

“Going through the big palace, it seemed to me that the little people avoided me. It may have been my fancy, or it may have had something to do with my hammering at the gates of bronze. Yet I felt tolerably sure of the avoidance. I was careful, however, to show no concern and to abstain from any pursuit of them, and in the course of a day or two things got back to the old footing. I made what progress I could in the language, and in addition I pushed my explorations here and there. Either I missed some subtle point or their language was excessively simple—almost exclusively composed of concrete substantives and verbs. There seemed to be few, if any, abstract terms, or little use of figurative language. Their sentences were usually simple and of two words, and I failed to convey or understand any but the simplest propositions. I determined to put the thought of my Time Machine and the mystery of the bronze doors under the sphinx, as much as possible in a corner of memory, until my growing knowledge would lead me back to them in a natural way. Yet a certain feeling, you may understand, tethered me in a circle of a few miles round the point of my arrival.



VIII. Explanation

“So far as I could see, all the world displayed the same exuberant richness as the Thames valley. From every hill I climbed I saw the same abundance of splendid buildings, endlessly varied in material and style, the same clustering thickets of evergreens, the same blossom-laden trees and tree ferns. Here and there water shone like silver, and beyond, the land rose into blue undulating hills, and so faded into the serenity of the sky. A peculiar feature, which presently attracted my attention, was the presence of certain circular wells, several, as it seemed to me, of a very great depth. One lay by the path up the hill which I had followed during my first walk. Like the others, it was rimmed with bronze, curiously wrought, and protected by a little cupola from the rain. Sitting by the side of these wells, and peering down into the shafted darkness, I could see no gleam of water, nor could I start any reflection with a lighted match. But in all of them I heard a certain sound: a thud—thud—thud, like the beating of some big engine; and I discovered, from the flaring of my matches, that a steady current of air set down the shafts. Further, I threw a scrap of paper into the throat of one, and, instead of fluttering slowly down, it was at once sucked swiftly out of sight.

“After a time, too, I came to connect these wells with tall towers standing here and there upon the slopes; for above them there was often just such a flicker in the air as one sees on a hot day above a sun-scorched beach. Putting things together, I reached a strong suggestion of an extensive system of subterranean ventilation, whose true import it was difficult to imagine. I was at first inclined to associate it with the sanitary apparatus of these people. It was an obvious conclusion, but it was absolutely wrong.

“And here I must admit that I learnt very little of drains and bells and modes of conveyance, and the like conveniences, during my time in this real future. In some of these visions of Utopias and coming times which I have read, there is a vast amount of detail about building, and social arrangements, and so forth. But while such details are easy enough to obtain when the whole world is contained in one’s imagination, they are altogether inaccessible to a real traveller amid such realities as I found here. Conceive the tale of London which a negro, fresh from Central Africa, would take back to his tribe! What would he know of railway companies, of social movements, of telephone and telegraph wires, of the Parcels Delivery Company, and postal orders and the like? Yet we, at least, should be willing enough to explain these things to him! And even of what he knew, how much could he make his untravelled friend either apprehend or believe? Then, think how narrow the gap between a negro and a white man of our own times, and how wide the interval between myself and these of the Golden Age! I was sensible of much which was unseen, and which contributed to my comfort; but save for a general impression of automatic organisation, I fear I can convey very little of the difference to your mind.

“In the matter of sepulture, for instance, I could see no signs of crematoria nor anything suggestive of tombs. But it occurred to me that, possibly, there might be cemeteries (or crematoria) somewhere beyond the range of my explorings. This, again, was a question I deliberately put to myself, and my curiosity was at first entirely defeated upon the point. The thing puzzled me, and I was led to make a further remark, which puzzled me still more: that aged and infirm among this people there were none.

“I must confess that my satisfaction with my first theories of an automatic civilisation and a decadent humanity did not long endure. Yet I could think of no other. Let me put my difficulties. The several big palaces I had explored were mere living places, great dining-halls and sleeping apartments. I could find no machinery, no appliances of any kind. Yet these people were clothed in pleasant fabrics that must at times need renewal, and their sandals, though undecorated, were fairly complex specimens of metalwork. Somehow such things must be made. And the little people displayed no vestige of a creative tendency. There were no shops, no workshops, no sign of importations among them. They spent all their time in playing gently, in bathing in the river, in making love in a half-playful fashion, in eating fruit and sleeping. I could not see how things were kept going.

“Then, again, about the Time Machine: something, I knew not what, had taken it into the hollow pedestal of the White Sphinx. Why? For the life of me I could not imagine. Those waterless wells, too, those flickering pillars. I felt I lacked a clue. I felt—how shall I put it? Suppose you found an inscription, with sentences here and there in excellent plain English, and interpolated therewith, others made up of words, of letters even, absolutely unknown to you? Well, on the third day of my visit, that was how the world of Eight Hundred and Two Thousand Seven Hundred and One presented itself to me!

“That day, too, I made a friend—of a sort. It happened that, as I was watching some of the little people bathing in a shallow, one of them was seized with cramp and began drifting downstream. The main current ran rather swiftly, but not too strongly for even a moderate swimmer. It will give you an idea, therefore, of the strange deficiency in these creatures, when I tell you that none made the slightest attempt to rescue the weakly crying little thing which was drowning before their eyes. When I realised this, I hurriedly slipped off my clothes, and, wading in at a point lower down, I caught the poor mite and drew her safe to land. A little rubbing of the limbs soon brought her round, and I had the satisfaction of seeing she was all right before I left her. I had got to such a low estimate of her kind that I did not expect any gratitude from her. In that, however, I was wrong.

“This happened in the morning. In the afternoon I met my little woman, as I believe it was, as I was returning towards my centre from an exploration, and she received me with cries of delight and presented me with a big garland of flowers—evidently made for me and me alone. The thing took my imagination. Very possibly I had been feeling desolate. At any rate I did my best to display my appreciation of the gift. We were soon seated together in a little stone arbour, engaged in conversation, chiefly of smiles. The creature’s friendliness affected me exactly as a child’s might have done. We passed each other flowers, and she kissed my hands. I did the same to hers. Then I tried talk, and found that her name was Weena, which, though I don’t know what it meant, somehow seemed appropriate enough. That was the beginning of a queer friendship which lasted a week, and ended—as I will tell you!

“She was exactly like a child. She wanted to be with me always. She tried to follow me everywhere, and on my next journey out and about it went to my heart to tire her down, and leave her at last, exhausted and calling after me rather plaintively. But the problems of the world had to be mastered. I had not, I said to myself, come into the future to carry on a miniature flirtation. Yet her distress when I left her was very great, her expostulations at the parting were sometimes frantic, and I think, altogether, I had as much trouble as comfort from her devotion. Nevertheless she was, somehow, a very great comfort. I thought it was mere childish affection that made her cling to me. Until it was too late, I did not clearly know what I had inflicted upon her when I left her. Nor until it was too late did I clearly understand what she was to me. For, by merely seeming fond of me, and showing in her weak, futile way that she cared for me, the little doll of a creature presently gave my return to the neighbourhood of the White Sphinx almost the feeling of coming home; and I would watch for her tiny figure of white and gold so soon as I came over the hill.

“It was from her, too, that I learnt that fear had not yet left the world. She was fearless enough in the daylight, and she had the oddest confidence in me; for once, in a foolish moment, I made threatening grimaces at her, and she simply laughed at them. But she dreaded the dark, dreaded shadows, dreaded black things. Darkness to her was the one thing dreadful. It was a singularly passionate emotion, and it set me thinking and observing. I discovered then, among other things, that these little people gathered into the great houses after dark, and slept in droves. To enter upon them without a light was to put them into a tumult of apprehension. I never found one out of doors, or one sleeping alone within doors, after dark. Yet I was still such a blockhead that I missed the lesson of that fear, and in spite of Weena’s distress, I insisted upon sleeping away from these slumbering multitudes.

“It troubled her greatly, but in the end her odd affection for me triumphed, and for five of the nights of our acquaintance, including the last night of all, she slept with her head pillowed on my arm. But my story slips away from me as I speak of her. It must have been the night before her rescue that I was awakened about dawn. I had been restless, dreaming most disagreeably that I was drowned, and that sea anemones were feeling over my face with their soft palps. I woke with a start, and with an odd fancy that some greyish animal had just rushed out of the chamber. I tried to get to sleep again, but I felt restless and uncomfortable. It was that dim grey hour when things are just creeping out of darkness, when everything is colourless and clear cut, and yet unreal. I got up, and went down into the great hall, and so out upon the flagstones in front of the palace. I thought I would make a virtue of necessity, and see the sunrise.

“The moon was setting, and the dying moonlight and the first pallor of dawn were mingled in a ghastly half-light. The bushes were inky black, the ground a sombre grey, the sky colourless and cheerless. And up the hill I thought I could see ghosts. Three several times, as I scanned the slope, I saw white figures. Twice I fancied I saw a solitary white, ape-like creature running rather quickly up the hill, and once near the ruins I saw a leash of them carrying some dark body. They moved hastily. I did not see what became of them. It seemed that they vanished among the bushes. The dawn was still indistinct, you must understand. I was feeling that chill, uncertain, early-morning feeling you may have known. I doubted my eyes.

“As the eastern sky grew brighter, and the light of the day came on and its vivid colouring returned upon the world once more, I scanned the view keenly. But I saw no vestige of my white figures. They were mere creatures of the half-light. ‘They must have been ghosts,’ I said; ‘I wonder whence they dated.’ For a queer notion of Grant Allen’s came into my head, and amused me. If each generation die and leave ghosts, he argued, the world at last will get overcrowded with them. On that theory they would have grown innumerable some Eight Hundred Thousand Years hence, and it was no great wonder to see four at once. But the jest was unsatisfying, and I was thinking of these figures all the morning, until Weena’s rescue drove them out of my head. I associated them in some indefinite way with the white animal I had startled in my first passionate search for the Time Machine. But Weena was a pleasant substitute. Yet all the same, they were soon destined to take far deadlier possession of my mind.

“I think I have said how much hotter than our own was the weather of this Golden Age. I cannot account for it. It may be that the sun was hotter, or the earth nearer the sun. It is usual to assume that the sun will go on cooling steadily in the future. But people, unfamiliar with such speculations as those of the younger Darwin, forget that the planets must ultimately fall back one by one into the parent body. As these catastrophes occur, the sun will blaze with renewed energy; and it may be that some inner planet had suffered this fate. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that the sun was very much hotter than we know it.

“Well, one very hot morning—my fourth, I think—as I was seeking shelter from the heat and glare in a colossal ruin near the great house where I slept and fed, there happened this strange thing. Clambering among these heaps of masonry, I found a narrow gallery, whose end and side windows were blocked by fallen masses of stone. By contrast with the brilliancy outside, it seemed at first impenetrably dark to me. I entered it groping, for the change from light to blackness made spots of colour swim before me. Suddenly I halted spellbound. A pair of eyes, luminous by reflection against the daylight without, was watching me out of the darkness.

“The old instinctive dread of wild beasts came upon me. I clenched my hands and steadfastly looked into the glaring eyeballs. I was afraid to turn. Then the thought of the absolute security in which humanity appeared to be living came to my mind. And then I remembered that strange terror of the dark. Overcoming my fear to some extent, I advanced a step and spoke. I will admit that my voice was harsh and ill-controlled. I put out my hand and touched something soft. At once the eyes darted sideways, and something white ran past me. I turned with my heart in my mouth, and saw a queer little ape-like figure, its head held down in a peculiar manner, running across the sunlit space behind me. It blundered against a block of granite, staggered aside, and in a moment was hidden in a black shadow beneath another pile of ruined masonry.

“My impression of it is, of course, imperfect; but I know it was a dull white, and had strange large greyish-red eyes; also that there was flaxen hair on its head and down its back. But, as I say, it went too fast for me to see distinctly. I cannot even say whether it ran on all fours, or only with its forearms held very low. After an instant’s pause I followed it into the second heap of ruins. I could not find it at first; but, after a time in the profound obscurity, I came upon one of those round well-like openings of which I have told you, half closed by a fallen pillar. A sudden thought came to me. Could this Thing have vanished down the shaft? I lit a match, and, looking down, I saw a small, white, moving creature, with large bright eyes which regarded me steadfastly as it retreated. It made me shudder. It was so like a human spider! It was clambering down the wall, and now I saw for the first time a number of metal foot and hand rests forming a kind of ladder down the shaft. Then the light burned my fingers and fell out of my hand, going out as it dropped, and when I had lit another the little monster had disappeared.

“I do not know how long I sat peering down that well. It was not for some time that I could succeed in persuading myself that the thing I had seen was human. But, gradually, the truth dawned on me: that Man had not remained one species, but had differentiated into two distinct animals: that my graceful children of the Upper World were not the sole descendants of our generation, but that this bleached, obscene, nocturnal Thing, which had flashed before me, was also heir to all the ages.

“I thought of the flickering pillars and of my theory of an underground ventilation. I began to suspect their true import. And what, I wondered, was this Lemur doing in my scheme of a perfectly balanced organisation? How was it related to the indolent serenity of the beautiful Overworlders? And what was hidden down there, at the foot of that shaft? I sat upon the edge of the well telling myself that, at any rate, there was nothing to fear, and that there I must descend for the solution of my difficulties. And withal I was absolutely afraid to go! As I hesitated, two of the beautiful upperworld people came running in their amorous sport across the daylight in the shadow. The male pursued the female, flinging flowers at her as he ran.

“They seemed distressed to find me, my arm against the overturned pillar, peering down the well. Apparently it was considered bad form to remark these apertures; for when I pointed to this one, and tried to frame a question about it in their tongue, they were still more visibly distressed and turned away. But they were interested by my matches, and I struck some to amuse them. I tried them again about the well, and again I failed. So presently I left them, meaning to go back to Weena, and see what I could get from her. But my mind was already in revolution; my guesses and impressions were slipping and sliding to a new adjustment. I had now a clue to the import of these wells, to the ventilating towers, to the mystery of the ghosts; to say nothing of a hint at the meaning of the bronze gates and the fate of the Time Machine! And very vaguely there came a suggestion towards the solution of the economic problem that had puzzled me.

“Here was the new view. Plainly, this second species of Man was subterranean. There were three circumstances in particular which made me think that its rare emergence above ground was the outcome of a long-continued underground habit. In the first place, there was the bleached look common in most animals that live largely in the dark—the white fish of the Kentucky caves, for instance. Then, those large eyes, with that capacity for reflecting light, are common features of nocturnal things—witness the owl and the cat. And last of all, that evident confusion in the sunshine, that hasty yet fumbling awkward flight towards dark shadow, and that peculiar carriage of the head while in the light—all reinforced the theory of an extreme sensitiveness of the retina.

“Beneath my feet, then, the earth must be tunnelled enormously, and these tunnellings were the habitat of the New Race. The presence of ventilating shafts and wells along the hill slopes—everywhere, in fact, except along the river valley—showed how universal were its ramifications. What so natural, then, as to assume that it was in this artificial Underworld that such work as was necessary to the comfort of the daylight race was done? The notion was so plausible that I at once accepted it, and went on to assume the how of this splitting of the human species. I dare say you will anticipate the shape of my theory; though, for myself, I very soon felt that it fell far short of the truth.

“At first, proceeding from the problems of our own age, it seemed clear as daylight to me that the gradual widening of the present merely temporary and social difference between the Capitalist and the Labourer was the key to the whole position. No doubt it will seem grotesque enough to you—and wildly incredible!—and yet even now there are existing circumstances to point that way. There is a tendency to utilise underground space for the less ornamental purposes of civilisation; there is the Metropolitan Railway in London, for instance, there are new electric railways, there are subways, there are underground workrooms and restaurants, and they increase and multiply. Evidently, I thought, this tendency had increased till Industry had gradually lost its birthright in the sky. I mean that it had gone deeper and deeper into larger and ever larger underground factories, spending a still-increasing amount of its time therein, till, in the end—! Even now, does not an East-end worker live in such artificial conditions as practically to be cut off from the natural surface of the earth?

“Again, the exclusive tendency of richer people—due, no doubt, to the increasing refinement of their education, and the widening gulf between them and the rude violence of the poor—is already leading to the closing, in their interest, of considerable portions of the surface of the land. About London, for instance, perhaps half the prettier country is shut in against intrusion. And this same widening gulf—which is due to the length and expense of the higher educational process and the increased facilities for and temptations towards refined habits on the part of the rich—will make that exchange between class and class, that promotion by intermarriage which at present retards the splitting of our species along lines of social stratification, less and less frequent. So, in the end, above ground you must have the Haves, pursuing pleasure and comfort and beauty, and below ground the Have-nots, the Workers getting continually adapted to the conditions of their labour. Once they were there, they would no doubt have to pay rent, and not a little of it, for the ventilation of their caverns; and if they refused, they would starve or be suffocated for arrears. Such of them as were so constituted as to be miserable and rebellious would die; and, in the end, the balance being permanent, the survivors would become as well adapted to the conditions of underground life, and as happy in their way, as the Overworld people were to theirs. As it seemed to me, the refined beauty and the etiolated pallor followed naturally enough.

“The great triumph of Humanity I had dreamed of took a different shape in my mind. It had been no such triumph of moral education and general co-operation as I had imagined. Instead, I saw a real aristocracy, armed with a perfected science and working to a logical conclusion the industrial system of today. Its triumph had not been simply a triumph over Nature, but a triumph over Nature and the fellow-man. This, I must warn you, was my theory at the time. I had no convenient cicerone in the pattern of the Utopian books. My explanation may be absolutely wrong. I still think it is the most plausible one. But even on this supposition the balanced civilisation that was at last attained must have long since passed its zenith, and was now far fallen into decay. The too-perfect security of the Overworlders had led them to a slow movement of degeneration, to a general dwindling in size, strength, and intelligence. That I could see clearly enough already. What had happened to the Undergrounders I did not yet suspect; but, from what I had seen of the Morlocks—that, by the bye, was the name by which these creatures were called—I could imagine that the modification of the human type was even far more profound than among the ‘Eloi,’ the beautiful race that I already knew.

“Then came troublesome doubts. Why had the Morlocks taken my Time Machine? For I felt sure it was they who had taken it. Why, too, if the Eloi were masters, could they not restore the machine to me? And why were they so terribly afraid of the dark? I proceeded, as I have said, to question Weena about this Underworld, but here again I was disappointed. At first she would not understand my questions, and presently she refused to answer them. She shivered as though the topic was unendurable. And when I pressed her, perhaps a little harshly, she burst into tears. They were the only tears, except my own, I ever saw in that Golden Age. When I saw them I ceased abruptly to trouble about the Morlocks, and was only concerned in banishing these signs of her human inheritance from Weena’s eyes. And very soon she was smiling and clapping her hands, while I solemnly burnt a match.



IX. The Morlocks

“It may seem odd to you, but it was two days before I could follow up the new-found clue in what was manifestly the proper way. I felt a peculiar shrinking from those pallid bodies. They were just the half-bleached colour of the worms and things one sees preserved in spirit in a zoological museum. And they were filthily cold to the touch. Probably my shrinking was largely due to the sympathetic influence of the Eloi, whose disgust of the Morlocks I now began to appreciate.

“The next night I did not sleep well. Probably my health was a little disordered. I was oppressed with perplexity and doubt. Once or twice I had a feeling of intense fear for which I could perceive no definite reason. I remember creeping noiselessly into the great hall where the little people were sleeping in the moonlight—that night Weena was among them—and feeling reassured by their presence. It occurred to me even then, that in the course of a few days the moon must pass through its last quarter, and the nights grow dark, when the appearances of these unpleasant creatures from below, these whitened Lemurs, this new vermin that had replaced the old, might be more abundant. And on both these days I had the restless feeling of one who shirks an inevitable duty. I felt assured that the Time Machine was only to be recovered by boldly penetrating these mysteries of underground. Yet I could not face the mystery. If only I had had a companion it would have been different. But I was so horribly alone, and even to clamber down into the darkness of the well appalled me. I don’t know if you will understand my feeling, but I never felt quite safe at my back.

“It was this restlessness, this insecurity, perhaps, that drove me farther and farther afield in my exploring expeditions. Going to the south-westward towards the rising country that is now called Combe Wood, I observed far-off, in the direction of nineteenth-century Banstead, a vast green structure, different in character from any I had hitherto seen. It was larger than the largest of the palaces or ruins I knew, and the façade had an Oriental look: the face of it having the lustre, as well as the pale-green tint, a kind of bluish-green, of a certain type of Chinese porcelain. This difference in aspect suggested a difference in use, and I was minded to push on and explore. But the day was growing late, and I had come upon the sight of the place after a long and tiring circuit; so I resolved to hold over the adventure for the following day, and I returned to the welcome and the caresses of little Weena. But next morning I perceived clearly enough that my curiosity regarding the Palace of Green Porcelain was a piece of self-deception, to enable me to shirk, by another day, an experience I dreaded. I resolved I would make the descent without further waste of time, and started out in the early morning towards a well near the ruins of granite and aluminium.

“Little Weena ran with me. She danced beside me to the well, but when she saw me lean over the mouth and look downward, she seemed strangely disconcerted. ‘Good-bye, little Weena,’ I said, kissing her; and then putting her down, I began to feel over the parapet for the climbing hooks. Rather hastily, I may as well confess, for I feared my courage might leak away! At first she watched me in amazement. Then she gave a most piteous cry, and running to me, she began to pull at me with her little hands. I think her opposition nerved me rather to proceed. I shook her off, perhaps a little roughly, and in another moment I was in the throat of the well. I saw her agonised face over the parapet, and smiled to reassure her. Then I had to look down at the unstable hooks to which I clung.

“I had to clamber down a shaft of perhaps two hundred yards. The descent was effected by means of metallic bars projecting from the sides of the well, and these being adapted to the needs of a creature much smaller and lighter than myself, I was speedily cramped and fatigued by the descent. And not simply fatigued! One of the bars bent suddenly under my weight, and almost swung me off into the blackness beneath. For a moment I hung by one hand, and after that experience I did not dare to rest again. Though my arms and back were presently acutely painful, I went on clambering down the sheer descent with as quick a motion as possible. Glancing upward, I saw the aperture, a small blue disc, in which a star was visible, while little Weena’s head showed as a round black projection. The thudding sound of a machine below grew louder and more oppressive. Everything save that little disc above was profoundly dark, and when I looked up again Weena had disappeared.

“I was in an agony of discomfort. I had some thought of trying to go up the shaft again, and leave the Underworld alone. But even while I turned this over in my mind I continued to descend. At last, with intense relief, I saw dimly coming up, a foot to the right of me, a slender loophole in the wall. Swinging myself in, I found it was the aperture of a narrow horizontal tunnel in which I could lie down and rest. It was not too soon. My arms ached, my back was cramped, and I was trembling with the prolonged terror of a fall. Besides this, the unbroken darkness had had a distressing effect upon my eyes. The air was full of the throb and hum of machinery pumping air down the shaft.

“I do not know how long I lay. I was arroused by a soft hand touching my face. Starting up in the darkness I snatched at my matches and, hastily striking one, I saw three stooping white creatures similar to the one I had seen above ground in the ruin, hastily retreating before the light. Living, as they did, in what appeared to me impenetrable darkness, their eyes were abnormally large and sensitive, just as are the pupils of the abysmal fishes, and they reflected the light in the same way. I have no doubt they could see me in that rayless obscurity, and they did not seem to have any fear of me apart from the light. But, so soon as I struck a match in order to see them, they fled incontinently, vanishing into dark gutters and tunnels, from which their eyes glared at me in the strangest fashion.

“I tried to call to them, but the language they had was apparently different from that of the Overworld people; so that I was needs left to my own unaided efforts, and the thought of flight before exploration was even then in my mind. But I said to myself, ‘You are in for it now,’ and, feeling my way along the tunnel, I found the noise of machinery grow louder. Presently the walls fell away from me, and I came to a large open space, and striking another match, saw that I had entered a vast arched cavern, which stretched into utter darkness beyond the range of my light. The view I had of it was as much as one could see in the burning of a match.

“Necessarily my memory is vague. Great shapes like big machines rose out of the dimness, and cast grotesque black shadows, in which dim spectral Morlocks sheltered from the glare. The place, by the bye, was very stuffy and oppressive, and the faint halitus of freshly-shed blood was in the air. Some way down the central vista was a little table of white metal, laid with what seemed a meal. The Morlocks at any rate were carnivorous! Even at the time, I remember wondering what large animal could have survived to furnish the red joint I saw. It was all very indistinct: the heavy smell, the big unmeaning shapes, the obscene figures lurking in the shadows, and only waiting for the darkness to come at me again! Then the match burnt down, and stung my fingers, and fell, a wriggling red spot in the blackness.

“I have thought since how particularly ill-equipped I was for such an experience. When I had started with the Time Machine, I had started with the absurd assumption that the men of the Future would certainly be infinitely ahead of ourselves in all their appliances. I had come without arms, without medicine, without anything to smoke—at times I missed tobacco frightfully!—even without enough matches. If only I had thought of a Kodak! I could have flashed that glimpse of the Underworld in a second, and examined it at leisure. But, as it was, I stood there with only the weapons and the powers that Nature had endowed me with—hands, feet, and teeth; these, and four safety-matches that still remained to me.

“I was afraid to push my way in among all this machinery in the dark, and it was only with my last glimpse of light I discovered that my store of matches had run low. It had never occurred to me until that moment that there was any need to economise them, and I had wasted almost half the box in astonishing the Overworlders, to whom fire was a novelty. Now, as I say, I had four left, and while I stood in the dark, a hand touched mine, lank fingers came feeling over my face, and I was sensible of a peculiar unpleasant odour. I fancied I heard the breathing of a crowd of those dreadful little beings about me. I felt the box of matches in my hand being gently disengaged, and other hands behind me plucking at my clothing. The sense of these unseen creatures examining me was indescribably unpleasant. The sudden realisation of my ignorance of their ways of thinking and doing came home to me very vividly in the darkness. I shouted at them as loudly as I could. They started away, and then I could feel them approaching me again. They clutched at me more boldly, whispering odd sounds to each other. I shivered violently, and shouted again—rather discordantly. This time they were not so seriously alarmed, and they made a queer laughing noise as they came back at me. I will confess I was horribly frightened. I determined to strike another match and escape under the protection of its glare. I did so, and eking out the flicker with a scrap of paper from my pocket, I made good my retreat to the narrow tunnel. But I had scarce entered this when my light was blown out and in the blackness I could hear the Morlocks rustling like wind among leaves, and pattering like the rain, as they hurried after me.

“In a moment I was clutched by several hands, and there was no mistaking that they were trying to haul me back. I struck another light, and waved it in their dazzled faces. You can scarce imagine how nauseatingly inhuman they looked—those pale, chinless faces and great, lidless, pinkish-grey eyes!—as they stared in their blindness and bewilderment. But I did not stay to look, I promise you: I retreated again, and when my second match had ended, I struck my third. It had almost burnt through when I reached the opening into the shaft. I lay down on the edge, for the throb of the great pump below made me giddy. Then I felt sideways for the projecting hooks, and, as I did so, my feet were grasped from behind, and I was violently tugged backward. I lit my last match … and it incontinently went out. But I had my hand on the climbing bars now, and, kicking violently, I disengaged myself from the clutches of the Morlocks, and was speedily clambering up the shaft, while they stayed peering and blinking up at me: all but one little wretch who followed me for some way, and well-nigh secured my boot as a trophy.

“That climb seemed interminable to me. With the last twenty or thirty feet of it a deadly nausea came upon me. I had the greatest difficulty in keeping my hold. The last few yards was a frightful struggle against this faintness. Several times my head swam, and I felt all the sensations of falling. At last, however, I got over the well-mouth somehow, and staggered out of the ruin into the blinding sunlight. I fell upon my face. Even the soil smelt sweet and clean. Then I remember Weena kissing my hands and ears, and the voices of others among the Eloi. Then, for a time, I was insensible.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

“Sublimis Deus” by Pope Paul III (translated into English)

To all faithful Christians to whom this writing may come, health in Christ our Lord and the apostolic benediction.


The sublime God so loved the human race that He created man in such wise that he might participate, not only in the good that other creatures enjoy, but endowed him with capacity to attain to the inaccessible and invisible Supreme Good and behold it face to face; and since man, according to the testimony of the sacred scriptures, has been created to enjoy eternal life and happiness, which none may obtain save through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, it is necessary that he should possess the nature and faculties enabling him to receive that faith; and that whoever is thus endowed should be capable of receiving that same faith. Nor is it credible that any one should possess so little understanding as to desire the faith and yet be destitute of the most necessary faculty to enable him to receive it. Hence Christ, who is the Truth itself, that has never failed and can never fail, said to the preachers of the faith whom He chose for that office ‘Go ye and teach all nations.’ He said all, without exception, for all are capable of receiving the doctrines of the faith.

The enemy of the human race, who opposes all good deeds in order to bring men to destruction, beholding and envying this, invented a means never before heard of, by which he might hinder the preaching of God’s word of Salvation to the people: he inspired his satellites who, to please him, have not hesitated to publish abroad that the Indians of the West and the South, and other people of whom We have recent knowledge should be treated as dumb brutes created for our service, pretending that they are incapable of receiving the Catholic Faith.

We, who, though unworthy, exercise on earth the power of our Lord and seek with all our might to bring those sheep of His flock who are outside into the fold committed to our charge, consider, however, that the Indians are truly men and that they are not only capable of understanding the Catholic Faith but, according to our information, they desire exceedingly to receive it. Desiring to provide ample remedy for these evils, We define and declare by these Our letters, or by any translation thereof signed by any notary public and sealed with the seal of any ecclesiastical dignitary, to which the same credit shall be given as to the originals, that, notwithstanding whatever may have been or may be said to the contrary, the said Indians and all other people who may later be discovered by Christians, are by no means to be deprived of their liberty or the possession of their property, even though they be outside the faith of Jesus Christ; and that they may and should, freely and legitimately, enjoy their liberty and the possession of their property; nor should they be in any way enslaved; should the contrary happen, it shall be null and have no effect.

By virtue of Our apostolic authority We define and declare by these present letters, or by any translation thereof signed by any notary public and sealed with the seal of any ecclesiastical dignitary, which shall thus command the same obedience as the originals, that the said Indians and other peoples should be converted to the faith of Jesus Christ by preaching the word of God and by the example of good and holy living.


Rome, May 29, 1537.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Friday's Sung Word: "Habeas Corpus" by Noel Rosa and Orestes Barbosa (in Portuguese)

No tribunal da minha consciência
O teu crime não tem apelação
Debalde tu alegas inocência
Mas não terás minha absolvição

Os autos do processo da agonia
Que me causaste em troca ao bem que fiz
Correram lá naquela pretoria
Na qual o coração foi o juiz

Tu tens as agravantes da surpresa
(E) Também as da premeditação
Mas na minh'alma tu não ficas presa
Porque o teu caso é caso de expulsão

Tu vais ser deportada do meu peito
Porque teu crime encheu-me de pavor
Talvez o habeas-corpus da saudade
Consinta o teu regresso ao meu amor


You can listen "Habeas Corpus" sung by Caola here.