Thursday, 10 July 2014

Untiled Poem by José Thiesen (in Portuguese)

Reconheço em ti que amo
E mais: vejo em ti
O meu dever de amar
E mais: vejo em ti
A ânsia de sentir-me amado.
            ...e poderei um dia fugir disso?
            ...e poderei um dia mudar isso?
Serei sempre aquele que persegue o Amor
E do Amor sempre foge por dele desconfiar?
            Tão mal feita como os meus poemas
            É a minha vida, mal feita, amada.


Tuesday, 8 July 2014

"12 Angry Men" by Reginald Rose (in English)

Juror #7: I don't know about the rest of 'em but I'm gettin' a little tired of this yakity-yack and back-and-forth, it's gettin' us nowhere. So I guess *I'll* have to break it up; I change my vote to "not guilty."

Juror #3: You *what?*

Juror #7: You heard me, I've... had enough.

Juror #3: Whaddaya mean, you've had enough? That's no answer!

Juror #7: Hey, listen, you just uh... take care of yourself, 'uh? You know?

Juror #11: He's right. That's not an answer. What kind of a man are you? You have sat here and voted "guilty" with everyone else because there are some baseball tickets burning a hole in your pocket? And now you've changed your vote because you say you're sick of all the talking here?

Juror #7: Now listen, buddy - !

Juror #11: Who tells you that you have the right like this to play with a man's life? Don't you care...

Juror #7: Now wait a minute! You can't talk like that to me - !

Juror #11: I *can* talk like that to you! If you want to vote "not guilty", then do it because you are convinced the man is not guilty, not because you've "had enough". And if you think he is guilty, then vote that way! Or don't you have the guts to do what you think is right?

Juror #7: Now listen...

Juror #11: Guilty or not guilty?

Juror #7: I told ya! Not guilty!

Juror #11: Why?

Juror #7: ...Look, I don't have tuh...

Juror #11: You *do* have to! *Say* it! *Why?*

Juror #7: Uhh... I don't, uh... think he's guilty!

[Juror #11 stares back with impatient resignation, and finally returns to his seat]

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Untitled Poem by José Thiesen (in Portuguese)

Eu sabia que virias a mim
- Assim mesmo, amei.
Eu sabia que te irias de mim
- Assim mesmo, deixei.
Eu sabia que ririas de mim
- Assim mesmo, tentei.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

“Acalanto” by Dorival Caymmi (in Portuguese)

É tão tarde
A manhã já vem
Todos dormem
A noite também
Só eu velo
Por você, meu bem
Dorme anjo
O boi pega neném

Lá no céu
Deixam de cantar
Os anjinhos
Foram se deitar
Precisa descansar
Dorme, anjo
Papai vai lhe ninar
"Boi, boi, boi,
Boi da cara preta
Pega essa menina
Que tem medo de careta"

"Acalanto" sung by Nana Caymmi and Dorival Caymmi.

Friday, 4 July 2014

“Fazei o Bem” by Tobias Barreto (in Portuguese)

Fazei o bem: sobre a terra
É a grandeza suprema;
Tem mais luz do que um poema,
Vale mais do que um troféu!

Por uma dádiva ao pobre
 Que é de Deus o grande eleito
Podeis comprar o direito
De que ele goza no céu.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Untitled Poem by José Thiesen (in Portuguese)

Sofre meu coração como se fosse terra seca.
Minha boca seca, coração a sofrer sem teus beijos.
Sofre calada a boca seca, o meu coração.
Calado, sofre meu coração, a boca seca, calada,
Sem teus beijos.