Saturday, 18 April 2015

“O Último Fantasma” by Castro Alves (in English)

Quem és tu? Quem és tu, vulto gracioso,
Que te lavas da noite na orvalhada?
Tens a face nas sombras mergulhada...
Sobre as névoas te libras vaporoso...

Baixas do céu num vão harmonioso!...
Quem és tu, bela e branca desposada?
Da laranjeira em flor, a flor nevada
Cerca—te a fronte, ó ser misterioso!...

Onde nos vimos nós?... É de outra esfera?
És o ser que eu busquei do sul, ao norte...
Por quem meu peito em sonhos desespera?

Quem és tu? Quem és tu? — És minha sorte!
És talvez o ideal que est’alma espera!
És a glória, talvez! Talvez a morte!

Friday, 17 April 2015

Letter from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales to the Catholic electors for occasion of the 2015 general elections in England (in English)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,
The Gospel is radical and challenging. It is the saving message of Jesus Christ. It is a way of life. It teaches us to value each person: the vulnerable child inside the womb; the parent struggling with the pressures of family life; the person striving to combat poverty; the teacher inspiring students to seek the truth; the stranger fleeing violence and persecution in their homeland; the prisoner in his cell in search of redemption; the child in a distant land claiming the right to a future; and the frail elderly person needing care and facing the frontier of death.
                As Catholics, we are called to work for a world shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gospel proclaims the mercy of God and invites us steadfastly to love God and our neighbour. Our relationship with God leads to the desire to build a world in which respect, dignity, equality, justice, and peace are our primary concerns.
Pope Francis tells us that we are ‘missionary disciples’ who witness to the mercy of Christ through the faithfulness of our lives and the world we wish to build. In the light of the Gospel we can be messengers of hope as we challenge the political candidates about the policies they wish to implement and the reasons why.
                At this General Election we are asked to think about the kind of society we want here at home and abroad. Whom you vote for is a matter for you alone. Our aim is to suggest how you might approach this important question in May 2015 and to suggest some key issues for your reflection as you make your own decision.
                Voting in a general election should seldom, if ever, be based on a single issue. Elections involve a whole range of issues, some without doubt more central than others, particularly those concerned with the dignity and value of human life and human flourishing. In this letter, we highlight some important issues – but not the only ones. In each case we suggest a question which you may wish to bear in mind.

Respecting life
                Human beings are created in the image and likeness of God. Each person matters and the foundation of Catholic teaching is the respect for human life from conception to natural death. We support policies that protect the fundamental right to human life. The unborn child is vulnerable and defenceless and, tragically, in our society often the innocent victim of abortion. We oppose calls to introduce assisted suicide or euthanasia. We urge better support for carers and more high quality palliative care and a robust National Health Service on which we can all rely. The House of Lords has been considering a Bill to legalise assisted suicide, and it is likely that there will be renewed efforts by some in the next Parliament to pass such legislation. Where do the candidates in your constituency stand on assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion and other life issues?

Supporting marriage and family life; alleviating poverty
                The Christian understanding of marriage, founded on a loving and faithful relationship between a man and a woman, is the basic building block of society. It provides stability for the nurturing and education of children. Today, families are more diverse and fragile than they were and there are many families of all kinds where love and commitment are found. Society needs good and strong families which are dedicated to the well-being of their children. A commitment to support the family should be at the heart of social and political life. Do your candidates have a commitment to support marriage and family life?
                There are many families in our communities who are financially vulnerable and struggle to make ends meet; housing and living costs are high. Many people do not have a living wage to support them and their families. Too many have to turn to the state for additional income and to external voluntary support such as food banks. Government policies should be assessed on the ways in which they impact those most in need, including those who are homeless or hungry, and how they support and strengthen the family and its capacity to flourish. Where do your candidates stand on directly helping the poorest and most vulnerable people in the UK and also helping them to transform their lives?

Educating for the good of all
                The provision of good education is fundamental to the future of society. We want outstanding schools where success is not just narrowly based on league tables but on how the full potential of every child is developed. Catholic schools and colleges seek to develop to their full potential the God-given gifts of every child. This includes the spiritual dimension of life in which we live as friends of Jesus Christ. Catholic schools serve over 845,000 children in England and Wales and are generally more ethnically diverse than many other schools. They make a positive contribution to society as they help pupils to become good citizens with clear moral principles to guide their lives and thereby help build up the network of relationships in society. Future government policy should ensure that the poorest have access to high quality education and that Catholic parents have true choice for educating their children in Catholic schools. How will candidates in your constituency ensure the best outcomes for the poorest children? Will they support parental choice for faith-based education?

Building communities
                As human beings we share a common humanity and are members of a single human family. We rightly have ties to our own families and communities, but are always called by the Gospel to a wider solidarity with others and to help build a society based on love and justice, where decisions are made at the most appropriate level (whether local, national or international). The principles of solidarity and subsidiarity assist us in how to think about the future of Europe. Where do your candidates stand in protecting these values in the debate about European institutions?
                For some communities many factors make life more difficult, including rising inequality, increased loneliness for many older people, job insecurity and overstretched community services. Building communities is something that can only be done by active citizens. It cannot only be left just to politicians or government. Where do your candidates stand on the role of the voluntary sector and how its work can be enhanced?
                The private sector also has a vital role. Business should see itself at the service of society, solving problems and meeting needs. The market economy exists to serve humanity. People are not merely economic units to be exploited. The dignity of work should always be respected. Do your candidates support a living wage and a thriving private sector committed to fair pay and the dignity of human work?
                Violence and conflict have led to the massive displacement of people, many of whom seek asylum or refuge. There are also workers and students from overseas who contribute much to the common good of our country. Indeed, most people who settle in this country find work in order to bring up their families and contribute to society’s well-being. Immigration is a highly emotive issue and every country needs a policy to control immigration, as well as a positive commitment to policies that facilitate the integration of migrants into the mainstream of society. There is a great danger of blaming immigrants for the ills of society. We support policies which fairly regulate immigration and uphold the human rights of all, recognising the rights, dignity and protection of refugees and migrants. Where do your candidates stand on issues of asylum and immigration?
                In recent years we have witnessed a dramatic increase both in violent extremism and in the persecution of people on the basis of their religious beliefs. Many have suffered appalling violence. The recognition and respect given to religious belief is now a crucial issue in many societies including our own. Catholics seek to recognise the signs of God’s goodness everywhere, promote mutual understanding, defend the fundamental rights and freedoms of all, including the right to practice their religion, both in private and in public, and the duty to strive to contribute to the common good of all. Where do your candidates stand on these issues of religious freedom, mutual respect and the role of faith in God in contemporary Britain, and in defending fundamental human rights and promoting religious freedom overseas?

Caring for the world
                God has given us a good world in which to live and an abundance of gifts of which we are the stewards. Such gifts are distributed unevenly across the world. There is a great gulf between the rich and the poor. We are not the owners of these goods but the custodians of them and they should be for the benefit of all people. As members of one human family, the richer nations such as ours have a duty to help the development of the poorer nations. What are the views of your candidates about overseas aid and development?
                We know that caring for the planet involves concern for the environment and protecting the livelihood of the poorest people in the world. What are the views of your candidates on tackling climate change and supporting sustainable development?

                As followers of Christ, we work with him to renew the face of the earth. This begins with our daily personal encounter with him through prayer and the sacraments. We are called to live out his teaching through active love of neighbour wherever that may be; in our homes, in our work places, in our parishes and in the wider communities of which we form a part. As his disciples, we search for mercy, compassion and justice in all we say and do, and challenge where these are absent in our world. Together with the state and politicians, we are responsible for the kind of society we build. That is why our actions are more important than our opinions.
                Politics is a vital and necessary vocation. It carries important responsibilities not only for policy decisions but also for shaping the hopes and aspirations of people. Political leaders can choose to appeal to our sense of hope or of fear, to our desires to care for others or for ourselves, and to our sense of solidarity or to our selfishness.
                We expect politicians to be committed to the common good. We also each have a responsibility to be involved in the democratic process. It is important that we vote. It is a duty which springs from the privilege of living in a democratic society. In deciding how we vote the question for each one of us is then: How, in the light of the Gospel, can my vote best serve the common good?
                Prior to casting your vote, you may wish to use the following prayer: “Lord, grant us wisdom that we may walk with integrity, guarding the path of justice and knowing the protection of your loving care for all”.
                With our very best wishes

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President
Archbishop Peter Smith, Vice President

Letter from Bishop Demetrio Fernández (in Spanish)

Córdoba, 16 de abril de 2015 

                En el mundo entero. Celebramos este año el centenario de aquel genocidio armenio, que eliminó a un millón y medio de cristianos, sólo por ser cristianos. A lo largo del siglo XX ha habido otros exterminios. En nuestra patria mismamente, en los años `30 nuestros padres y abuelos sufrieron persecución y muchos de ellos martirio (ya reconocido oficialmente por la Iglesia). Antes, sucedió en México con la revolución cristera. Después, en muchos países del este de Europa. O en China, en Vietnam, etc. A lo largo de toda la historia, los cristianos han sido perseguidos por ser cristianos. Y la sangre de los mártires ha sido siempre semilla de nuevos cristianos. No saben los perseguidores que cuanto más persiguen, más afianzan la fe cristiana en tantos lugares de la tierra. Y la Iglesia se ha abierto camino a lo largo de la historia, en medio de persecuciones y carencias.
                Otro tipo de persecución, más disimulada, es la de amordazar a los cristianos en los países de occidente, los países más desarrollados, relegando la presencia de Dios a lo más íntimo de la conciencia y estableciendo una “neutralidad” laica en la sociedad civil. Se trata de plantear la vida y la sociedad como si Dios no existiera o haciendo abstracción de Dios. La confesión pública de la fe se permite, pero no el influjo de la fe en la esfera de lo público, ni siquiera cuando los cristianos son la inmensa mayoría. No estoy hablando de confesionalidad, sino de presencia de lo cristiano en la esfera pública, dentro de una sana laicidad positiva. En este contexto, la fuerza del Evangelio se amortigua con el consumismo, la búsqueda del placer y la comodidad, el afán de tener más, la corrupción en todas sus formas. Corre más peligro la fe en estos ambientes relajados que en aquellos en los que se persigue cruentamente a los cristianos.
                En nuestros días esa persecución sangrienta continúa en lugares muy distintos: Tierra santa, Irak, Siria, Libia, Nigeria, Kenia, produciendo listas innumerables de mártires, sólo por ser cristianos. No pasa una semana sin que tengamos nuevas noticias en este sentido.
                ¿Qué podemos hacer? –En primer lugar, rezar por todos los perseguidos a causa de su fe, para que el Señor los sostenga, los consuele, los asista. “Bienaventurados vosotros cuanto os insulten, os persigan y os calumnien de cualquier modo por mi causa. Alegraos” (Mt 5,11), nos dice Jesús. El previó que en el mundo tendríamos luchas y persecuciones. Por tanto, no es nada nuevo que los discípulos de Cristo sufran persecución por causa del Evangelio: “vuestra recompensa será grande en el cielo”. Los mártires nos hablan, por tanto, de otra vida superior, de la vida eterna a la que llegamos por el camino de los mandamientos y a donde llegan de un golpe los que son sacrificados por ser cristianos.
                Pero, además, hemos de ser sensibles y estar atentos para mostrar nuestra solidaridad con los hermanos cristianos que sufren por causa de su fe. Especialmente llamativo es el silencio de los países occidentales ante todas estas torturas, y peor todavía la indiferencia globalizada, como si con nosotros no fuera este asunto. Somos más sensibles ante los que mueren de hambre que ante los que mueren por su fe. Y no debiera darse ni lo uno ni lo otro. Hay cauces para hacer llegar nuestra ayuda material a esos campos de refugiados, donde carecen de todo, solamente por ser cristianos.
                Y no olvidemos nunca que el perdón es una característica cristiana. Lo que saldría espontáneamente de un corazón herido, sería la venganza, el odio, la revancha antes o después. Sin embargo, nuestros hermanos cristianos que mueren por ser cristianos nos dan un precioso testimonio de amor, de amor supremo, perdonando incluso a quienes los torturan. Ese amor sólo puede brotar de un corazón como el de Cristo, que al ser crucificado, perdonaba a sus enemigos y los disculpaba: “Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen” (Lc 23,34). No es bueno, por tanto, tapar y olvidar el pasado. Recordamos para perdonar, recordamos para que las heridas queden sanadas, recordamos para aprender de ellos a amar sin medida.

                Recibid mi afecto y mi bendición:
                                + Demetrio Fernández, obispo de Córdoba

“The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri (Inferno: Canto XX) (in Italian)

Inferno: Canto XX

Di nova pena mi conven far versi
  e dar matera al ventesimo canto
  de la prima canzon ch'e` d'i sommersi.

Io era gia` disposto tutto quanto
  a riguardar ne lo scoperto fondo,
  che si bagnava d'angoscioso pianto;

e vidi gente per lo vallon tondo
  venir, tacendo e lagrimando, al passo
  che fanno le letane in questo mondo.

Come 'l viso mi scese in lor piu` basso,
  mirabilmente apparve esser travolto
  ciascun tra 'l mento e 'l principio del casso;

che' da le reni era tornato 'l volto,
  e in dietro venir li convenia,
  perche' 'l veder dinanzi era lor tolto.

Forse per forza gia` di parlasia
  si travolse cosi` alcun del tutto;
  ma io nol vidi, ne' credo che sia.

Se Dio ti lasci, lettor, prender frutto
  di tua lezione, or pensa per te stesso
  com'io potea tener lo viso asciutto,

quando la nostra imagine di presso
  vidi si` torta, che 'l pianto de li occhi
  le natiche bagnava per lo fesso.

Certo io piangea, poggiato a un de' rocchi
  del duro scoglio, si` che la mia scorta
  mi disse: <<Ancor se' tu de li altri sciocchi?

Qui vive la pieta` quand'e` ben morta;
  chi e` piu` scellerato che colui
  che al giudicio divin passion comporta?

Drizza la testa, drizza, e vedi a cui
  s'aperse a li occhi d'i Teban la terra;
  per ch'ei gridavan tutti: "Dove rui,

Anfiarao? perche' lasci la guerra?".
  E non resto` di ruinare a valle
  fino a Minos che ciascheduno afferra.

Mira c'ha fatto petto de le spalle:
  perche' volle veder troppo davante,
  di retro guarda e fa retroso calle.

Vedi Tiresia, che muto` sembiante
  quando di maschio femmina divenne
  cangiandosi le membra tutte quante;

e prima, poi, ribatter li convenne
  li duo serpenti avvolti, con la verga,
  che riavesse le maschili penne.

Aronta e` quel ch'al ventre li s'atterga,
  che ne' monti di Luni, dove ronca
  lo Carrarese che di sotto alberga,

ebbe tra ' bianchi marmi la spelonca
  per sua dimora; onde a guardar le stelle
  e 'l mar no li era la veduta tronca.

E quella che ricuopre le mammelle,
  che tu non vedi, con le trecce sciolte,
  e ha di la` ogne pilosa pelle,

Manto fu, che cerco` per terre molte;
  poscia si puose la` dove nacqu'io;
  onde un poco mi piace che m'ascolte.

Poscia che 'l padre suo di vita uscio,
  e venne serva la citta` di Baco,
  questa gran tempo per lo mondo gio.

Suso in Italia bella giace un laco,
  a pie` de l'Alpe che serra Lamagna
  sovra Tiralli, c'ha nome Benaco.

Per mille fonti, credo, e piu` si bagna
  tra Garda e Val Camonica e Pennino
  de l'acqua che nel detto laco stagna.

Loco e` nel mezzo la` dove 'l trentino
  pastore e quel di Brescia e 'l veronese
  segnar poria, s'e' fesse quel cammino.

Siede Peschiera, bello e forte arnese
  da fronteggiar Bresciani e Bergamaschi,
  ove la riva 'ntorno piu` discese.

Ivi convien che tutto quanto caschi
  cio` che 'n grembo a Benaco star non puo`,
  e fassi fiume giu` per verdi paschi.

Tosto che l'acqua a correr mette co,
  non piu` Benaco, ma Mencio si chiama
  fino a Governol, dove cade in Po.

Non molto ha corso, ch'el trova una lama,
  ne la qual si distende e la 'mpaluda;
  e suol di state talor essere grama.

Quindi passando la vergine cruda
  vide terra, nel mezzo del pantano,
  sanza coltura e d'abitanti nuda.

Li`, per fuggire ogne consorzio umano,
  ristette con suoi servi a far sue arti,
  e visse, e vi lascio` suo corpo vano.

Li uomini poi che 'ntorno erano sparti
  s'accolsero a quel loco, ch'era forte
  per lo pantan ch'avea da tutte parti.

Fer la citta` sovra quell'ossa morte;
  e per colei che 'l loco prima elesse,
  Mantua l'appellar sanz'altra sorte.

Gia` fuor le genti sue dentro piu` spesse,
  prima che la mattia da Casalodi
  da Pinamonte inganno ricevesse.

Pero` t'assenno che, se tu mai odi
  originar la mia terra altrimenti,
  la verita` nulla menzogna frodi>>.

E io: <<Maestro, i tuoi ragionamenti
  mi son si` certi e prendon si` mia fede,
  che li altri mi sarien carboni spenti.

Ma dimmi, de la gente che procede,
  se tu ne vedi alcun degno di nota;
  che' solo a cio` la mia mente rifiede>>.

Allor mi disse: <<Quel che da la gota
  porge la barba in su le spalle brune,
  fu - quando Grecia fu di maschi vota,

si` ch'a pena rimaser per le cune -
  augure, e diede 'l punto con Calcanta
  in Aulide a tagliar la prima fune.

Euripilo ebbe nome, e cosi` 'l canta
  l'alta mia tragedia in alcun loco:
  ben lo sai tu che la sai tutta quanta.

Quell'altro che ne' fianchi e` cosi` poco,
  Michele Scotto fu, che veramente
  de le magiche frode seppe 'l gioco.

Vedi Guido Bonatti; vedi Asdente,
  ch'avere inteso al cuoio e a lo spago
  ora vorrebbe, ma tardi si pente.

Vedi le triste che lasciaron l'ago,
  la spuola e 'l fuso, e fecersi 'ndivine;
  fecer malie con erbe e con imago.

Ma vienne omai, che' gia` tiene 'l confine
  d'amendue li emisperi e tocca l'onda
  sotto Sobilia Caino e le spine;

e gia` iernotte fu la luna tonda:
  ben ten de' ricordar, che' non ti nocque
  alcuna volta per la selva fonda>>.

Si` mi parlava, e andavamo introcque.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

"Vuestra Soy, Para Vos Nací" by St. Therese of Avila (in Spanish)

Vuestra soy, para Vos nací,
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Soberana Majestad,
eterna sabiduría,
bondad buena al alma mía;
Dios alteza, un ser, bondad,
la gran vileza mirad
que hoy os canta amor así:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Vuestra soy, pues me criastes,
vuestra, pues me redimistes,
vuestra, pues que me sufristes,
vuestra pues que me llamastes,
vuestra porque me esperastes,
vuestra, pues no me perdí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

¿Qué mandáis, pues, buen Señor,
que haga tan vil criado?
¿Cuál oficio le habéis dado
a este esclavo pecador?
Veisme aquí, mi dulce Amor,
amor dulce, veisme aquí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Veis aquí mi corazón,
yo le pongo en vuestra palma,
mi cuerpo, mi vida y alma,
mis entrañas y afición;
dulce Esposo y redención,
pues por vuestra me ofrecí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Dadme muerte, dadme vida:
dad salud o enfermedad,
honra o deshonra me dad,
dadme guerra o paz crecida,
flaqueza o fuerza cumplida,
que a todo digo que sí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Dadme riqueza o pobreza,
dad consuelo o desconsuelo,
dadme alegría o tristeza,
dadme infierno o dadme cielo,
vida dulce, sol sin velo,
pues del todo me rendí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Si queréis, dadme oración,
si no, dadme sequedad,
si abundancia y devoción,
y si no esterilidad.
Soberana Majestad,
sólo hallo paz aquí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mi?

Dadme, pues, sabiduría,
o por amor, ignorancia;
dadme años de abundancia,
o de hambre y carestía;
dad tiniebla o claro día,
revolvedme aquí o allí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Si queréis que esté holgando,
quiero por amor holgar.
Si me mandáis trabajar,
morir quiero trabajando.
Decid, ¿dónde, cómo y cuándo?
Decid, dulce Amor, decid:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Dadme Calvario o Tabor,
desierto o tierra abundosa;
sea Job en el dolor,
o Juan que al pecho reposa;
sea viña fructuosa
o estéril, si cumple así:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Sea José puesto en cadenas,
o de Egipto adelantado,
o David sufriendo penas,
o ya David encumbrado;
sea Jonás anegado,
o libertado de allí:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Esté callando o hablando,
haga fruto o no le haga,
muéstreme la ley mi llaga,
goce de Evangelio blando;
esté penando o gozando,
sólo vos en mí vivid:
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Vuestra soy, para vos nací,
¿qué mandáis hacer de mí?

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

“The Ass and the Mule” by Aesop (translated into English)

     A Muleteer set forth on a journey, driving before him an Ass and a Mule, both well laden. The Ass, as long as he traveled along the plain, carried his load with ease, but when he began to ascend the steep path of the mountain, felt his load to be more than he could bear. He entreated his companion to relieve him of a small portion, that he might carry home the rest; but the Mule paid no attention to the request. The Ass shortly afterwards fell down dead under his burden. Not knowing what else to do in so wild a region, the Muleteer placed upon the Mule the load carried by the Ass in addition to his own, and at the top of all placed the hide of the Ass, after he had skinned him. The Mule, groaning beneath his heavy burden, said to himself: "I am treated according to my deserts. If I had only been willing to assist the Ass a little in his need, I should not now be bearing, together with his burden, himself as well."

                        "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"-