Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Tuesday's Serial: "The Dialogue" by St. Catherine of Siena (translated into English) - the end

How the truly obedient receive a hundredfold for one, and also eternal lift; and what is meant by this one, and this hundredfold.
"In them is fulfilled the saying of the sweet and amorous Word, My only-begotten Son, in the gospel when He replied to Peter's demand, 'Master, we have left everything for your love's sake, and have followed You, what will you give us?' My Truth replied, 'I will give you a hundredfold for one, and you shall possess eternal life.' As if My Truth had wished to say, 'You have done well, Peter, for in no other way could you follow Me. And I, in this life, will give you a hundredfold for one.' And what is this hundredfold, beloved daughter, besides which the apostle obtained eternal life? To what did My Truth refer? To temporal substance?
"Properly speaking, no. Do I not, however, often cause one who gives alms to multiply in temporal goods? In return for what do I this? In return for the gift of his own will. This is the one for which I repay him a hundredfold. What is the meaning of the number a hundred? A hundred is a perfect number, and cannot be added to except by recommencing from the first. So charity is the most perfect of all the virtues, so perfect that no higher virtue can be attained except by recommencing at the beginning of self- knowledge, and thus increasing many hundredfold in merit; but you always necessarily arrive at the number one hundred. This is that hundredfold which is given to those who have given Me the unit of their own will, both in general obedience, and in the particular obedience of the religious life. And in addition to this hundred you also possess eternal life, for charity alone enters into eternal life, like a mistress bringing with her the fruit of all the other virtues, while they remain outside, bringing their fruit, I say, into Me, the eternal life, in whom the obedient taste eternal life. It is not by faith that they taste eternal life, for they experience in its essence that which they have believed through faith; nor by hope, for they possess that for which they had hoped, and so with all the other virtues, Queen Charity alone enters and possesses Me, her possessor. See, therefore, that these little ones receive a hundredfold for one, and also eternal life, for here they receive the fire of divine charity figured by the number of a hundred (as has been said). And because they have received this hundredfold from Me, they possess a wonderful and hearty joy, for there is no sadness in charity, but the joy of it makes the heart large and generous, not narrow or double. A soul wounded by this sweet arrow does not appear one thing in face and tongue while her heart is different. She does not serve, or act towards her neighbor with dissembling and ambition, because charity is an open book to be read by all. Wherefore the soul who possesses charity never falls into trouble, or the affliction of sadness, or jars with obedience, remains obedient until death."

Of the perversities, miseries, and labors of the disobedient man; and of the miserable fruits which proceed from disobedience.
"Contrariwise, a wicked disobedient man dwells in the ship of a religious order with so much pain to himself and others, that in this life he tastes the earnest of hell, he remains always in sadness and confusion of mind, tormented by the sting of conscience, with hatred of his order and superior, insupportable to himself. What a terrible thing it is, My daughter, to see one who has once taken the key of obedience of a religious order, living in disobedience, to which he has made himself a slave, for of disobedience he has made his mistress with her companion impatience, nourished by pride, and his own pleasure, which pride (as has been said) issues from self-love. For him everything is the contrary to what it would be for the obedient man. For how can this wretch be in any other state than suffering, for he is deprived of charity, he is obliged by force to incline the neck of his own will, and pride keeps it erect, all his desires are in discord with the will of the order. The order commands obedience, and he loves disobedience; the order commands voluntary poverty, and he avoids it, possessing and acquiring riches; the order commands continence and purity, and he desires lewdness. By transgressing these three vows, My daughter, a religious comes to ruin, and falls into so many miseries, that his aspect is no longer that of a religious but of an incarnate devil, as in another place I related to you at greater length. I will, however, tell you something now of their delusion, and of the fruit which they obtained by disobedience to the commendation and exhortation of obedience. This wretched man is deluded by his self-love, because the eye of his intellect is fixed, with a dead faith, on pleasing his self-will, and on things of the world. He left the world in body, but remained there in his affections, and because obedience seems wearisome to him he wishes to disobey in order to avoid weariness; whereby he arrives at the greatest weariness of all, for he is obliged to obey either by force or by love, and it would have been better and less wearisome to have obeyed by love than without it. Oh! how deluded he is, and no one else deceives him but himself. Wishing to please himself he only gives himself displeasure, for the actions which he will have to do, through the obedience imposed on him, do not please him. He wishes to enjoy delights and make this life his eternity, but the order wishes him to be a pilgrim, and continually proves it to him; for when he is in a nice pleasant resting place, where he would like to remain for the pleasures and delights he finds there, he is transferred elsewhere, and the change gives him pain, for his will was active against his obedience, and yet he is obliged to endure the discipline and labors of the order, and thus remains in continual torment. See, therefore, how he deludes himself; for, wishing to fly pain, he on the contrary falls into it, for his blindness does not let him know the road of true obedience, which is a road of truth founded by the obedient Lamb, My only-begotten Son, who removed pain from it, so that he walks by the road of lies, believing that he will find delight there, but finding on the contrary pain and bitterness. Who is his guide? Self-love, that is his own passion for disobedience. Such a man thinks like a fool to navigate this tempestuous sea, with the strength of his own arms, trusting in his own miserable knowledge, and will not navigate it in the arms of his order, and of his superior. Such a one is indeed in the ship of the order in body, and not in mind; he has quitted it in desire, not observing the regulations or customs of the order, nor the three vows which he promised to observe at the time of his profession; he swims in the tempestuous sea, tossed to and fro by contrary winds, fastened only to the ship by his clothes, wearing the religious habit on his body but not on his heart. Such a one is no friar, but a masquerader, a man only in appearance. His life is lower than an animal's, and he does not see that he labors more swimming with his arms, than the good religious in the ship, or that he is in danger of eternal death; for if his clothes should be suddenly torn from the ship, which will happen at the moment of death, he will have no remedy. No, he does not see, for he has darkened his light with the cloud of self-love, whence has come his disobedience, which prevents him seeing his misery, wherefore he miserably deceives himself. What fruit is produced by this wretched tree?
"The fruit of death, because the root of his affection is planted in pride, which he has drawn from self-love. Wherefore everything that issues from this root -- flowers, leaves, and fruit -- is corrupt, and the three boughs of this tree, which are obedience, poverty, and continence, which spring from the foot of the tree; that is, his affections are corrupted. The leaves produced by this tree, which are his words, are so corrupt that they would be out of place in the mouth of a ribald secular; and if he have to preach My doctrine, he does so in polished terms, not simply, as one who should feed souls with the seed of My Word, but with eloquent language. Look at the stinking flowers of this tree, which are his diverse and various thoughts, which he voluntarily welcomes with delight and pleasure, not flying the occasions of them, but rather seeking them in order to be able to accomplish a sinful act, the which is the fruit which kills him, depriving him of the light of grace, and giving him eternal death. And what stench comes from this fruit, sprung from the flowers of the tree? The stench of disobedience, for, in the secret of his heart, he wishes to examine and judge unfaithfully his superior's will; a stench of impurity, for he takes delight in many foul conversations, wretchedly tempting his penitents.
"Wretch that you are, do you not see that under the color of devotion you conceal a troop of children? This comes from your disobedience. You have not chosen the virtues for your children as does the truly obedient religious; you strive to deceive your superior when you see that he denies you something which your perverse will desires, using the leaves of smooth or rough words, speaking irreverently and reproving him. You can not endure your brother, nor even the smallest word and reproof which he may make to you, but in such a case you immediately bring forth the poisoned fruit of anger and hatred against him, judging that to be done to your hurt which was done for your good, and thus taking scandal, your soul and body living in pain. Why has your brother displeased you? Because you live for your own sensual pleasure, you fly your cell as if it were a prison, for you have abandoned the cell of self-knowledge, and thus fallen into disobedience, wherefore you can not remain in your material cell. You will not appear in the refectory against your will whilst you have anything to spend; when you have nothing left necessity takes you there.
"Therefore the obedient have done well, who have chosen to observe their vow of poverty, so that they have nothing to spend, and therefore are not led away from the sweet table of the refectory, where obedience nourishes both body and soul in peace and quiet. The obedient religious does not think of laying a table, or of providing food for himself like this wretched man, to whose taste it is painful to eat in the refectory, wherefore he avoids it; he is always the last to enter the choir, and the first to leave it; with his lips he approaches Me, with his heart he is far from Me. He gladly escapes from the chapter-house when he can through fear of penance. When he is obliged to be there, he is covered with shame and confusion for the faults which he felt it no shame to commit. What is the cause of this? Disobedience. He does not watch in prayer, and not only does he omit mental prayer, but even the Divine office to which he is obliged. He has no fraternal charity, because he loves no one but himself, and that not with a reasonable but with a bestial love. So great are the evils which fall on the disobedient; so many are the fruits of sorrow which he produces, that your tongue could not relate them. Oh! disobedience, which deprives the soul of the light of obedience, destroying peace, and giving war! Disobedience destroys life and gives death, drawing the religious out of the ship of the observance of his order, to drown him in the sea, making him swim in the strength of his own arms, and not repose on those of the order. Disobedience clothes him with every misery, causes him to die of hunger, taking away from him the food of the merit of obedience, it gives him continual bitterness, depriving him of every sweetness and good, causing him to dwell with every evil in life it gives him the earnest of cruel torments to endure, and if he do not amend before his clothes are loosened from the ship at death, disobedience will lead the soul to eternal damnation, together with the devils who fell from heaven, because they rebelled against Me. In the same way have you, oh! disobedient man, having rebelled against obedience and cast from you the key which would have opened the door of heaven, opened instead the door of hell with the key of disobedience."

How God does not reward merit according to the labor of the obedient, nor according to the length of time which it takes, but according to the love and promptitude of the truly obedient; and of the miracles which God has performed by means of this virtue; and of discretion in obedience, and of the works and reward of the truly obedient man.
"I have appointed you all to labor in the vineyard of obedience in different ways, and every man will receive a price, according to the measure of his love, and not according to the work he does, or the length of time for which he works, that is to say, that he who comes early will not have more than he who comes late, as My Truth told you in the holy gospel by the example of those who were standing idle and were sent by the lord of the vineyard to labor; for he gave as much to those who went at dawn, as to those who went at prime or at tierce, and those who went at sext, at none, and even at vespers, received as much as the first: My Truth showing you in this way that you are rewarded not according to time or work, but according to the measure of your love. Many are placed in their childhood to work in the vineyard; some enter later in life, and others in old age; sometimes these latter labor with such fire of love, seeing the shortness of the time, that they rejoin those who entered in their childhood, because they have advanced but slowly. By love of obedience, then, does the soul receive her merit, filling the vessel of her heart in Me, the Sea Pacific. There are many whose obedience is so prompt, and has become, as it were, so incarnate in them, that not only do they wish to see reason in what is ordered them by their superior, but they hardly wait until the word is out of his mouth, for with the light of faith they understand his intention. Wherefore the truly obedient man obeys rather the intention than the word, judging that the will of his superior is fixed in My will, and that therefore his command comes from My dispensation, and from My will, wherefore I say to you that he rather obeys the intention than the word. He also obeys the word, having first spiritually obeyed in affection his superior's will, seeing and judging it by the light of faith to be Mine. This is well shown in the lives of the fathers, where you read of a religious, who at once obeyed in his affection the command of his superior, commencing to write the letter o, though he had not space to finish it; wherefore to show how pleasing his prompt obedience was to Me, My clemency gave him a proof by writing the other half of the letter in gold. This glorious virtue is so pleasing to Me, that to no other have I given so many miraculous signs and testimonies, for it proceeds from the height of faith.
"In order to show how pleasing it is to Me, the earth obeys this virtue, the animals obey it -- water grows solid under the feet of the obedient man. And as for the obedience of the earth, you remember having read of that disciple who, being given a dry stick by his abbot, and being ordered by obedience to plant it in the earth and water it every day, did not proceed to ask how could it possibly do any good, but, without inquiring about possibilities, he fulfilled his obedience in such virtue of faith that the dry wood brought forth leaves and fruits, as a sign that that soul had risen from the dryness of disobedience, and, covered by the green leaves of virtue, had brought forth the fruit of obedience, wherefore the fruit of this tree was called by the holy fathers the fruit of obedience. You will also find that animals obey the obedient man; for a certain disciple, commanded by obedience, through his purity and virtue caught a dragon and brought it to his abbot, but the abbot, like a true physician of the soul, in order that he might not be tossed about by the wind of vainglory, and to prove his patience, sent him away with harsh words, saying: 'Beast that you are, you have brought along another beast with yourself.' And as to fire, you have read in the holy scripture that many were placed in the fire, rather than transgress My obedience, and, at My command were not hurt by it. This was the case of the three children, who remained happily in the furnace -- and of many others of whom I could tell you. The water bore up Maurus who had been sent by obedience to save a drowning disciple; he did not think of himself, but thought only with the light of faith of how to fulfill the command of his superior, and so walked upon the water as if he had been on dry land, and so saved the disciple. In everything, if you open the eye of the intellect, you will find shown forth the excellence of this virtue. Everything else should be abandoned for the sake of obedience. If you were lifted up in such contemplation and union of mind with Me, that your body was raised from the earth, and an obedience were imposed on you (speaking generally, and not in a particular case, which cannot give a law), you ought, if possible, to force yourself to arise, to fulfill the obedience imposed on you, though you should never leave prayer, except for necessity, charity, or obedience. I say this in order that you may see how prompt I wish the obedience of My servants to be, and how pleasing it is to Me. Everything that the obedient man does is a source of merit to him. If he eats, obedience is his food; if he sleeps, his dreams are obedience; if he walks, if he remains still, if he fasts, if he watches -- everything that he does is obedience; if he serve his neighbor, it is obedience that he serves. How is he guided in the choir, in the refectory, or his cell? By obedience, with the light of the most holy faith, with which light he has slain and cast from him his humbled self-will, and abandoned himself with self-hatred to the arms of his order and superior. Reposing with obedience in the ship, allowing himself to be guided by his superior, he has navigated the tempestuous sea of this life, with calm and serene mind and tranquillity of heart, because obedience and faith have taken all darkness from him; he remains strong and firm, having lost all weakness and fear, having destroyed his own will, from which comes all feebleness and disordinate fear. And what is the food of this spouse obedience? She eats knowledge of self, and of Me, knowing her own non- existence and sinfulness, and knowing that I am He who is, thus eating and knowing My Truth in the Incarnate Word. What does she drink? The Blood, in which the Word has shown her, My Truth, and the ineffable love which I have for her, and the obedience imposed on Him by Me, His Eternal Father, so she becomes inebriated with the love and obedience of the Word, losing herself and her own opinions and knowledge, and possessing Me by grace, tasting Me by love, with the light of faith in holy obedience.
"The obedient man speaks words of peace all his life, and at his death receives that which was promised him at his death by his superior, that is to say, eternal life, the vision of peace, and of supreme and eternal tranquillity and rest, the inestimable good which no one can value or understand, for, being the infinite good, it cannot be understood by anything smaller than itself, like a vessel, which, dipped into the sea, does not comprehend the whole sea, but only that quantity which it contains. The sea alone contains itself. So I, the Sea Pacific, am He who alone can comprehend and value Myself truly. And in My own estimate and comprehension of Myself I rejoice, and this joy, the good which I have in Myself, I share with you, and with all, according to the measure of each. I do not leave you empty, but fill you, giving you perfect beatitude; each man comprehends and knows My goodness in the measure in which it is given to him. Thus, then, the obedient man, with the light of faith in the truth burning in the furnace of charity, anointed with humility, inebriated with the Blood, in company with his sister patience, and with self- contempt, fortitude, and enduring perseverance, and all the other virtues (that is, with the fruit of the virtues), receives his end from Me, his Creator."

This is a brief repetition of the entire book.
"I have now, oh dearest and best beloved daughter, satisfied from the beginning to the end your desire concerning obedience.
"If you remember well, you made four petitions of Me with anxious desire, or rather I caused you to make them in order to increase the fire of My love in your soul: one for yourself, which I have satisfied, illuminating you with My Truth, and showing you how you may know this truth which you desired to know; explaining to you how you might come to the knowledge of it through the knowledge of yourself and Me, through the light of faith. The second request you made of Me was that I should do mercy to the world. In the third you prayed for the mystical body of the holy Church, that I would remove darkness and persecutions from it, punishing its iniquities at own desire in your person. As to this I explained that no penalty inflicted in finite time can satisfy for a sin committed against Me, the Infinite Good, unless it is united with the desire of the soul and contrition of the heart. How this is to be done I have explained to you. I have also told you that I wish to do mercy to the world, proving to you that mercy is My special attribute, for through the mercy and the inestimable love which I had for man, I sent to the earth the Word, My only-begotten Son, whom, that you might understand things quite clearly, I represented to you under the figure of a Bridge, reaching from earth to heaven, through the union of My divinity with your human nature.
"I also showed you, to give you further light concerning My truth, how this Bridge is built on three steps; that is, on the three powers of the soul. These three steps I also represented to you, as you know, under figures of your body -- the feet, the side, and the mouth -- by which I also figured three states of soul -- the imperfect state, the perfect state, and the most perfect state, in which the soul arrives at the excellence of unitive love. I have shown you clearly in each state the means of cutting away imperfection and reaching perfection, and how the soul may know by which road she is walking and of the hidden delusions of the devil and of spiritual self-love. Speaking of these three states I have also spoken of the three judgments which My clemency delivers -- one in this life, the second at death on those who die in mortal sin without hope, of whom I told you that they went under the Bridge by the Devil's road, when I spoke to you of their wretchedness. And the third is that of the last and universal judgment. And I who told you somewhat of the suffering of the damned and the glory of the blessed, when all shall have reassumed their bodies given by Me, also promised you, and now again I repeat my promise, that through the long endurance of My servants I will reform My spouse. Wherefore I invite you to endure, Myself lamenting with you over her iniquities. And I have shown you the excellence of the ministers I have given her, and the reverence in which I wish seculars to hold them, showing you the reason why their reverence towards My ministers should not diminish on account of the sins of the latter, and how displeasing to me is such diminution of reverence; and of the virtue of those who live like angels. And while speaking to you on this subject, I also touched on the excellence of the sacraments. And further wishing you to know of the states of tears and whence they proceed, I spoke to you on the subject and told you that all tears issue from the fountain of the heart, and pointed out their causes to you in order.
"I told you not only of the four states of tears, but also of the fifth, which germinates death. I have also answered your fourth request, that I would provide for the particular case of an individual; I have provided as you know. Further than this, I have explained My providence to you, in general and in particular, showing you how everything is made by divine providence, from the first beginning of the world until the end, giving you and permitting everything to happen to you, both tribulations and consolations temporal and spiritual, and every circumstance of your life for your good, in order that you may be sanctified in Me, and My Truth be fulfilled in you, which truth is that I created you in order to possess eternal life, and manifested this with the blood of My only-begotten Son, the Word.
"I have also in My last words fulfilled your desire and My promise to speak of the perfection of obedience and the imperfection of disobedience; and how obedience can be obtained and how destroyed. I have shown it to you as a universal key, and so it is. I have also spoken to you of particular obedience, and of the perfect and imperfect, and of those in religion, and of those in the world, explaining the condition of each distinctly to you, and of the peace given by obedience, and the war of disobedience, and how the disobedient man is deceived, showing you how death came into the world by the disobedience of Adam, and how I, the Eternal Father, supreme and eternal Truth, give you this conclusion of the whole matter, that in the obedience of the only- begotten Word, My Son, you have life, and as from that first old man you contracted the infection of death, so all of you who will take the key of obedience have contracted the infection of the life of the new Man, sweet Jesus, of whom I made a Bridge, the road to Heaven being broken. And now I urge you and My other servants to grief, for by your grief and humble and continual prayer I will do mercy to the world. Die to the world and hasten along this way of truth, so as not to be taken prisoner if you go slowly. I demand this of you now more than at first, for now I have manifested to you My Truth. Beware that you never leave the cell of self-knowledge, but in this cell preserve and spend the treasure which I have given you, which is a doctrine of truth founded upon the living stone, sweet Christ Jesus, clothed in light which scatters darkness, with which doctrine clothe yourself, My best beloved and sweetest daughter, in the truth."

How this most devout soul, thanking and praising God, makes prayer for the whole world and for the Holy Church, and commending the virtue of faith brings this work to an end.
Then that soul, having seen with the eye of the intellect, and having known by the light of holy faith the truth and excellence of obedience, hearing and tasting it with love and ecstatic desire, gazed upon the divine majesty and gave thanks to Him, saying, "Thanks, thanks to You, oh eternal Father, for You have not despised me, the work of Your hands, nor turned Your face from me, nor despised my desires; You, the Light, have not regarded my darkness; You, true Life, have not regarded my living death; You, the Physician, have not been repelled by my grave infirmities; You, the eternal Purity, have not considered the many miseries of which I am full; You, who are the Infinite, have overlooked that I am finite; You, who are Wisdom, have overlooked my folly; Your wisdom, Your goodness, Your clemency, Your infinite good, have overlooked these infinite evils and sins, and the many others which are in me. Having known the truth through Your clemency, I have found Your charity, and the love of my neighbor. What has constrained me? Not my virtues, but only Your charity. May that same charity constrain You to illuminate the eye of my intellect with the light of faith, so that I may know and understand the truth which You have manifested to me. Grant that my memory may be capable of retaining Your benefits, that my will may burn in the fire of Your charity, and may that fire so work in me that I give my body to blood, and that by that blood given for love of the Blood, together with the key of obedience, I may unlock the door of Heaven. I ask this of You with all my heart, forevery rational creature, both in general and in particular, in the mystical body of the holy Church. I confess and do not deny that You loved me before I existed, and that Your love for me is ineffable, as if You were mad with love for Your creature. Oh, eternal Trinity! oh Godhead! which Godhead gave value to the Blood of Your Son, You, oh eternal Trinity, are a deep Sea, into which the deeper I enter the more I find, and the more I find the more I seek; the soul cannot be satiated in Your abyss, for she continually hungers after You, the eternal Trinity, desiring to see You with light in Your light. As the hart desires the spring of living water, so my soul desires to leave the prison of this dark body and see You in truth. How long, oh! Eternal Trinity, fire and abyss of love, will Your face be hidden from my eyes? Melt at once the cloud of my body. The knowledge which You have given me of Yourself in Your truth, constrains me to long to abandon the heaviness of my body, and to give my life for the glory and praise of Your Name, for I have tasted and seen with the light of the intellect in Your light, the abyss of You -- the eternal Trinity, and the beauty of Your creature, for, looking at myself in You, I saw myself to be Your image, my life being given me by Your power, oh! eternal Father, and Your wisdom, which belongs to Your only-begotten Son, shining in my intellect and my will, being one with Your Holy Spirit, who proceeds from You and Your Son, by whom I am able to love You. You, Eternal Trinity, are my Creator, and I am the work of Your hands, and I know through the new creation which You have given me in the blood of Your Son, that You are enamored of the beauty of Your workmanship. Oh! Abyss, oh! Eternal Godhead, oh! Sea Profound! what more could You give me than Yourself; You are the fire which ever burns without being consumed; You consume in Your heat all the soul's self-love; You are the fire which takes away all cold; with Your light You do illuminate me so that I may know all Your truth; You are that light above all light, which illuminates supernaturally the eye of my intellect, clarifying the light of faith so abundantly and so perfectly, that I see that my soul is alive, and in this light receives You -- the true light. By the Light of faith I have acquired wisdom in the wisdom of the Word -- Your only-begotten Son. In the light of faith I am strong, constant, and persevering. In the light of faith I hope, suffer me not to faint by the way. This light, without which I should still walk in darkness, teaches me the road, and for this I said, Oh! Eternal Father, that You have illuminated me with the light of holy faith. Of a truth this light is a sea, for the soul revels in You, Eternal Trinity, the Sea Pacific. The water of the sea is not turbid, and causes no fear to the soul, for she knows the truth; it is a deep which manifests sweet secrets, so that where the light of Your faith abounds, the soul is certain of what she believes. This water is a magic mirror into which You, the Eternal Trinity, bid me gaze, holding it with the hand of love, that I may see myself, who am Your creature, there represented in You, and Yourself in me through the union which You made of Your godhead with our humanity. For this light I know to represent to myself You -- the Supreme and Infinite Good, Good Blessed and Incomprehensible, Good Inestimable. Beauty above all beauty; Wisdom above all wisdom -- for You are wisdom itself. You, the food of the angels, have given Yourself in a fire of love to men; You, the garment which covers all our nakedness, feed the hungry with Your sweetness. Oh! Sweet, without any bitter, oh! Eternal Trinity, I have known in Your light, which You have given me with the light of holy faith, the many and wonderful things You have declared to me, explaining to me the path of supreme perfection, so that I may no longer serve You in darkness, but with light, and that I may be the mirror of a good and holy life, and arise from my miserable sins, for through them I have hitherto served You in darkness. I have not known Your truth and have not loved it. Why did I not know You? Because I did not see You with the glorious light of the holy faith; because the cloud of self-love darkened the eye of my intellect, and You, the Eternal Trinity, have dissipated the darkness with Your light. Who can attain to Your Greatness, and give You thanks for such immeasurable gifts and benefits as You have given me in this doctrine of truth, which has been a special grace over and above the ordinary graces which You give also to Your other creatures? You have been willing to condescend to my need and to that of Your creatures -- the need of introspection. Having first given the grace to ask the question, You reply to it, and satisfy Your servant, penetrating me with a ray of grace, so that in that light I may give You thanks. Clothe me, clothe me with You, oh! Eternal Truth, that I may run my mortal course with true obedience and the light of holy faith, with which light I feel that my soul is about to become inebriated afresh."

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Homily and Profession of Faith of Pope Saint Paul VI (translated into Portuguese)


Veneráveis irmãos e diletos filhos:

1. Encerramos, com esta Liturgia solene, tanto a celebração do XIX centenário do martírio dos Santos Apóstolos Pedro e Paulo, como este ano que denominamos "Ano da Fé". Nós o dedicamos à comemoração dos Apóstolos, não só com a intenção de testemunhar nossa vontade inquebrantável de conservar sem corrupção o depósito da Fé (cf. 1Tm 6, 20) que eles nos transmitiram, senão também para confirmar o nosso propósito de relacionar a mesma Fé com a vida dos tempos atuais, em que a Igreja deve peregrinar no mundo.

2. Sentimo-nos na obrigação de agradecer publicamente a todos os fiéis que responderam ao nosso convite, fazendo com que o "Ano da Fé" produzisse o máximo de frutos, quer por uma adesão mais profunda à Palavra de Deus, quer pela renovação da profissão de fé em muitas comunidades, quer pela confirmação da própria fé, com o testemunho de uma vida autenticamente cristã. Por isso, ao mesmo tempo que expressamos nosso reconhecimento, sobretudo a nossos Irmãos no Episcopado e a todos os filhos da Santa Igreja, queremos dar-lhes nossa Bênção Apostólica.

3. Julgamos ainda que devemos cumprir o mandato, conferido por Cristo a Pedro, de quem somos Sucessor, embora o último na ordem dos méritos, a saber: o de confirmar na fé os irmãos (Lc 22, 32). Portanto, ainda que estejamos conscientes de nossa pequenez, contando porém com toda a força desse mandato que nos impele, vamos fazer uma profissão de fé, recitar uma fórmula de "Credo" que, embora não se deva chamar estritamente definição dogmática, contudo repete, quanto à substância, a fórmula de Nicéia ― a fórmula da imortal Tradição da Santa Igreja de Deus ― com algumas explicações exigidas pelas condições espirituais de nossa época.

4. Ao fazer isto, bem sabemos que perturbações em relação à fé agitam hoje certos grupos de homens. Eles não escaparam à influência de um mundo que se está transformando profundamente e no qual tantas verdades são postas em discussão ou totalmente negadas. Mais ainda: vemos que até alguns católicos se deixam dominar por uma espécie de sede de mudança e novidades. A Igreja, sem dúvida, julga ser de sua obrigação continuar sempre o seu esforço em penetrar mais e mais os insondáveis mistérios de Deus, ricos de tantos frutos de salvação para todos, e em apresentá-los ao mesmo tempo, de modo cada vez mais apto, às gerações que se sucedem. Mas é preciso juntamente empregar o máximo cuidado a fim de que, ao cumprir o necessário dever da investigação, não se destruam verdades da doutrina cristã. Se isto acontecesse ― e vemos dolorosamente como hoje de fato acontece ― iria causar perturbação e dúvida no espírito de muitos fiéis.

5. A este respeito, muito importa advertir que, além daquilo que se pode observar e reconhecer cientificamente, a inteligência que Deus nos deu atinge o que é e não só as expressões subjetivas das chamadas estruturas ou da evolução da consciência humana. Aliás, devemos lembrar que pertence à interpretação ou hermenêutica, depois de examinar a palavra que foi pronunciada, procurarmos compreender e distinguir o sentido subjacente a qualquer texto e não inventar de certo modo esse sentido, segundo hipóteses arbitrárias.

6. Acima de tudo, porém, confiamos firmissimamente no Espírito Santo ― alma da Igreja ― e na fé teologal, em que se sustenta a vida do Corpo Místico. Por outra parte, não ignorando que o povo espera a palavra do Vigário de Cristo, correspondemos a essa expectativa com alocuções e homilias, que proferimos bem frequentemente. Hoje, todavia, se nos oferece a oportunidade para pronunciar uma palavra mais solene.

7. Neste dia, pois, que escolhemos para encerramento do "Ano da Fé", nesta solenidade dos Santos Apóstolos Pedro e Paulo, queremos prestar à Majestade Suprema de Deus a homenagem de uma profissão de fé. E como outrora, em Cesaréia de Felipe, Simão Pedro, em nome dos Doze Apóstolos, à margem das opiniões humanas, confessou ser Cristo verdadeiramente o Filho de Deus vivo, assim também hoje o seu humilde sucessor, Pastor da Igreja universal, em nome de todo o Povo de Deus, eleva a sua voz para dar firmíssimo testemunho da Verdade divina, que só foi confiada à Igreja para que ela anuncie a todas as nações. Queremos que esta nossa profissão de fé seja suficientemente explícita e completa para satisfazer, de maneira adequada, à necessidade de luz que angustia a tantos fiéis e a todos aqueles que no mundo buscam a Verdade, seja qual for o grupo espiritual a que pertençam. Portanto, para a glória de Deus onipotente e Senhor nosso, Jesus Cristo; confiando no auxílio da Santíssima Virgem Maria e dos Bem-Aventurados Pedro e Paulo; para utilidade e progresso espiritual da Igreja; em nome de todos os sagrados Pastores e de todos os fiéis cristãos; em plena comunhão convosco, irmãos e filhos caríssimos, vamos pronunciar agora esta profissão de fé:

8. Cremos em um só Deus ― Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo ― Criador das coisas visíveis ― como este mundo, onde se desenrola nossa vida passageira ―, Criador das coisas invisíveis ― como são os puros espíritos, que também chamamos anjos [1] ―, Criador igualmente, em cada homem, da alma espiritual e imortal [2].

9. Cremos que este Deus único é tão absolutamente uno em sua essência santíssima como em todas as suas demais perfeições: na sua onipotência, na sua ciência infinita, na sua providência, na sua vontade e no seu amor. Ele é Aquele que é, conforme Ele próprio revelou a Moisés (cf. Ex 3, 14); Ele é Amor como nos ensinou o Apóstolo São João (cf. 1Jo 4, 8); de tal maneira que estes dois nomes ― Ser e Amor ― exprimem inefavelmente a mesma divina essência Daquele que se quis manifestar a nós e que, habitando uma luz inacessível (cf 1Tm 6,16), está, por si mesmo, acima de todo nome, de todas as coisas e de todas as inteligências criadas. Só Deus pode dar-nos um conhecimento exato e pleno de si mesmo, revelando-se como Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo, de cuja vida eterna somos pela graça chamados a participar, aqui na terra, na obscuridade da fé, e, depois da morte, na luz sempiterna. As relações mútuas, que constituem eternamente as Três Pessoas, sendo, cada uma delas, o único e mesmo Ser Divino, perfazem a bem-aventurada vida íntima do Deus Santíssimo, infinitamente acima de tudo o que podemos conceber à maneira humana [3]. Entretanto, rendemos graças à Bondade divina pelo fato de poderem numerosíssimos crentes dar testemunho conosco, diante dos homens, sobre a unidade de Deus, embora não conheçam o mistério da Santíssima Trindade.

10. Cremos, portanto, em Deus Pai que desde toda a eternidade gera o Filho; cremos no Filho, Verbo de Deus que é eternamente gerado; cremos no Espírito Santo, Pessoa incriada, que procede do Pai e do Filho como Amor sempiterno de ambos. Assim nas três Pessoas Divinas que são igualmente eternas e iguais entre si [4], a vida e a felicidade de Deus perfeitamente uno superabundam e se consumam na superexcelência e glória próprias da Essência incriada; e sempre se deve venerar a unidade na Trindade e a Trindade na unidade [5].

11. Cremos em Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, o Filho de Deus. Ele é o Verbo eterno, nascido do Pai antes de todos os séculos e consubstancial ao Pai, homoousious to Patri. Por Ele tudo foi feito. Encarnou por obra do Espírito Santo, de Maria Virgem, e se fez homem. Portanto, é igual ao Pai, segundo a divindade, mas inferior ao Pai, segundo a humanidade[6], absolutamente uno, não por uma confusão de naturezas (que é impossível), mas pela unidade da pessoa [7].

12. Ele habitou entre nós, cheio de graça e de verdade. Anunciou e fundou o Reino de Deus, manifestando-nos em si mesmo o Pai. Deu-nos o seu mandamento novo de nos amarmos uns aos outros como Ele nos amou. Ensinou-nos o caminho das bem-aventuranças evangélicas, isto é: a ser pobres de espírito e mansos, a tolerar os sofrimentos com paciência, a ter sede de justiça, a ser misericordiosos, puros de coração e pacíficos, a suportar perseguição por causa da virtude. Padeceu sob Pôncio Pilatos, Cordeiro de Deus que carregou os pecados do mundo, e morreu por nós pregado na Cruz, trazendo-nos a salvação pelo seu Sangue redentor. Foi sepultado e ressuscitou ao terceiro dia pelo seu próprio poder, elevando-nos por esta sua ressurreição a participarmos da vida divina que é a graça. Subiu ao céu, de onde há de vir novamente, mas então com glória, para julgar os vivos e os mortos, a cada um segundo os seus méritos: os que corresponderam ao Amor e à Misericórdia de Deus irão para a vida eterna; porém os que os tiverem recusado até a morte serão destinados ao fogo que nunca cessará. E o seu reino não terá fim.

13. Cremos no Espírito Santo, Senhor que dá a vida e que com o Pai e o Filho é juntamente adorado e glorificado. Foi Ele que falou pelos profetas e nos foi enviado por Jesus Cristo, depois de sua ressurreição e ascensão ao Pai. Ele ilumina, vivifica, protege e governa a Igreja, purificando seus membros, se estes não rejeitam a graça. Sua ação, que penetra no íntimo da alma, torna o homem capaz de responder àquele preceito de Cristo: "Sede perfeitos como perfeito é o vosso Pai celeste" (cf. Mt 5, 48).

14. Cremos que Maria Santíssima, que permaneceu sempre Virgem, tornou-se Mãe do Verbo Encarnado, nosso Deus e Salvador, Jesus Cristo [8]; e que por motivo desta eleição singular, em consideração dos méritos de seu Filho, foi remida de modo mais sublime [9], e preservada imune de toda a mancha do pecado original [10]; e que supera de longe todas as demais criaturas, pelo dom de uma graça insigne [11].

15. Associada por um vínculo estreito e indissolúvel aos mistérios da Encarnação e da Redenção [12], a Santíssima Virgem Maria, Imaculada, depois de terminar o curso de sua vida terrestre, foi elevada em corpo e alma à glória celestial [13]; e, tornada semelhante a seu Filho, que ressuscitou dentre os mortos, participou antecipadamente da sorte de todos os justos. Cremos que a Santíssima Mãe de Deus, nova Eva, Mãe da Igreja [14], continua no céu a desempenhar seu ofício materno, em relação aos membros de Cristo, cooperando para gerar e desenvolver a vida divina em cada uma das almas dos homens que foram remidos [15].

16. Cremos que todos pecaram em Adão; isto significa que a culpa original, cometida por ele, fez com que a natureza, comum a todos os homens, caísse num estado no qual padece as consequências dessa culpa. Tal estado já não é aquele em que no princípio se encontrava a natureza humana em nossos primeiros pais, uma vez que se achavam constituídos em santidade e justiça, e o homem estava isento do mal e da morte. Portanto, é esta natureza assim decaída, despojada de dom da graça que antes a adornava, ferida em suas próprias forças naturais e submetidas ao domínio da morte, é esta que é transmitida a todos os homens. Exatamente neste sentido, todo homem nasce em pecado. Professamos pois, segundo o Concílio de Trento, que o pecado original é transmitido juntamente com a natureza humana, pela propagação e não por imitação, e se acha em cada um como próprio [16].

17. Cremos que Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, pelo Sacrifício da Cruz, nos remiu do pecado original e de todos os pecados pessoais, cometidos por cada um de nós; de sorte que se impõe como verdadeira a sentença do Apóstolo: "onde abundou o delito, superabundou a graça" (cf. Rm 5, 20).

18. Cremos professando num só Batismo, instituído por Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo para a remissão dos pecados. O Batismo deve ser administrado também às crianças que não tenham podido cometer por si mesmas pecado algum; de modo que, tendo nascido com a privação da graça sobrenatural, renasçam da água e do Espírito Santo para a vida divina em Jesus Cristo [17].

19.Cremos na Igreja una, santa, católica e apostólica, edificada por Jesus Cristo sobre a pedra que é Pedro. Ela é o Corpo Místico de Cristo, sociedade visível, estruturada em órgãos hierárquicos e, ao mesmo tempo, comunidade espiritual. Igreja terrestre, Povo de Deus peregrinando aqui na terra, e Igreja enriquecida de bens celestes, germe e começo do Reino de Deus, por meio do qual a obra e os sofrimentos da Redenção continuam ao longo da história humana, aspirando com todas as forças a consumação perfeita, que se conseguirá na glória celestial após o fim dos tempos [18]. No decurso do tempo, o Senhor Jesus forma a sua Igreja pelos Sacramentos que emanam de sua plenitude [19]. Por eles a Igreja faz com que seus membros participem do mistério da Morte e Ressurreição de Jesus Cristo, pela graça do Espírito Santo que a vivifica e move [20]. Por conseguinte, ela é santa, apesar de incluir pecadores no seu seio; pois em si mesma não goza de outra vida senão a vida da graça. Se realmente seus membros se alimentam dessa vida, se santificam; se dela se afastam, contraem pecados e impurezas espirituais, que impedem o brilho e a difusão de sua santidade. É por isso que ela sofre e faz penitência por esses pecados, tendo o poder de livrar deles a seus filhos, pelo Sangue de Cristo e pelo dom do Espírito Santo.

20. Herdeira das promessas divinas e filha de Abraão segundo o Espírito, por meio daquele povo de Israel, cujos livros sagrados guarda com amor e cujos Patriarcas e Profetas venera com piedade; edificada sobre o fundamento dos Apóstolos, cuja palavra sempre viva e cujos poderes, próprios de Pastores, vem transmitindo fielmente de geração em geração, no sucessor de Pedro e nos Bispos em comunhão com ele; gozando enfim da perpétua assistência do Espírito Santo, a Igreja tem o encargo de conservar, ensinar, explicar e difundir a Verdade que Deus revelou aos homens, veladamente de certo modo pelos Profetas, e plenamente pelo Senhor Jesus. Nós cremos todas essas coisas que estão contidas na Palavra de Deus por escrito ou por tradição, e que são propostas pela Igreja, quer em declaração solene quer no Magistério ordinário e universal, para serem cridas como divinamente reveladas [21]. Nós cremos na infalibilidade de que goza o Sucessor de Pedro, quando fala ex cathedra [22], como Pastor e Doutor de todos os cristãos e que reside também no Colégio dos Bispos, quando com o Papa exerce o Magistério supremo [23].

21. Cremos que a Igreja, fundada por Cristo e pela qual Ele orou, é indefectivelmente una, na fé, no culto e no vínculo da comunhão hierárquica [24]. No seio desta Igreja, a riquíssima variedade dos ritos litúrgicos e a diversidade legítima do patrimônio teológico e espiritual ou de disciplinas peculiares, longe de prejudicar a unicidade, antes a declaram [25].

22. Reconhecendo também que fora da estrutura da Igreja de Cristo existem muitos elementos de santificação e de verdade, que como dons próprios da mesma Igreja impelem à unidade católica [26], e crendo, por outra parte, na ação do Espírito Santo que suscita em todos os discípulos de Cristo o desejo desta unidade [27], esperamos que os cristãos que ainda não gozam da plena comunhão com a única Igreja, se unam afinal num só rebanho sob um único Pastor.

23. Cremos que a Igreja é necessária para a Salvação, pois só Cristo é o Mediador e caminho da salvação, e Ele se torna presente a nós no seu Corpo que é a Igreja [28]. Mas o desígnio divino da Salvação abrange a todos os homens; e aqueles que, ignorando sem culpa o Evangelho de Cristo e sua Igreja, procuram todavia a Deus com sincero coração, e se esforçam, sob o influxo da graça, por cumprir com obras a sua vontade, conhecida pelo ditame da consciência, também esses, em número aliás que somente Deus conhece, podem conseguir a salvação eterna [29].

24. Cremos que a Missa, celebrada pelo sacerdote, que representa a pessoa de Cristo, em virtude do poder recebido no sacramento da Ordem, e oferecida por ele em nome de Cristo e dos membros do seu Corpo Místico, é realmente o Sacrifício do Calvário, que se torna sacramentalmente presente em nossos altares. Cremos que, como o Pão e o Vinho consagrados pelo Senhor, na última ceia, se converteram no seu Corpo e Sangue, que logo iam ser oferecidos por nós na Cruz; assim também o Pão e o Vinho consagrados pelo sacerdote se convertem no Corpo e Sangue de Cristo que assiste gloriosamente no céu. Cremos ainda que a misteriosa presença do Senhor, debaixo daquelas espécies que continuam aparecendo aos nossos sentidos do mesmo modo que antes, é uma presença verdadeira, real e substancial [30].

25. Neste sacramento, pois, Cristo não pode estar presente de outra maneira a não ser pela mudança de toda a substância do pão no seu Corpo, e pela mudança de toda a substância do vinho no seu Sangue, permanecendo apenas inalteradas as propriedades do pão e do vinho, que percebemos com os nossos sentidos. Esta mudança misteriosa é chamada pela Igreja com toda a exatidão e conveniência transubstanciação. Assim, qualquer interpretação de teólogos, buscando alguma inteligência deste mistério, para que concorde com a fé católica, deve colocar bem a salvo que na própria natureza das coisas, isto é, independentemente do nosso espírito, o pão e o vinho deixaram de existir depois da consagração, de sorte que o Corpo adorável e o Sangue do Senhor Jesus estão na verdade diante de nós, debaixo das espécies sacramentais do pão e do vinho [31], conforme o mesmo Senhor quis, para se dar a nós em alimento e para nos associar pela unidade do seu Corpo Místico [32].

26. A única e indivisível existência de Cristo nosso Senhor, glorioso no céu, não se multiplica mas se torna presente pelo Sacramento, nos vários lugares da terra, onde o Sacrifício Eucarístico é celebrado. E depois da celebração do Sacrifício, a mesma existência permanece presente no Santíssimo Sacramento, o qual no sacrário do altar é como o coração vivo de nossas igrejas. Por isso estamos obrigados, por um dever certamente suavíssimo, a honrar e adorar, na Sagrada Hóstia que os nossos olhos vêem, ao próprio Verbo Encarnado que eles não podem ver, e que, sem ter deixado o céu, se tornou presente diante de nós.

27. Confessamos igualmente que o Reino de Deus, começado aqui na terra na Igreja de Cristo, "não é deste mundo" (cf. Jo 18, 36), "cuja figura passa" (cf. 1Cor 7, 31), e também que o seu crescimento próprio não pode ser confundido com o progresso da cultura humana ou das ciências e artes técnicas; mas consiste em conhecer, cada vez mais profundamente, as riquezas insondáveis de Cristo, em esperar sempre com maior firmeza os bens eternos, em responder mais ardentemente ao amor de Deus, enfim em difundir-se cada vez mais largamente a graça e a santidade entre os homens. Mas com o mesmo amor, a Igreja é impelida a interessar-se continuamente pelo verdadeiro bem temporal dos homens. Pois, não cessando de advertir a todos os seus filhos que eles "não possuem aqui na terra uma morada permanente" (cf. Hb 13, 14), estimula-os também a que contribuam, segundo as condições e os recursos de cada um, para o desenvolvimento da própria sociedade humana; promovam a justiça, a paz e a união fraterna entre os homens; e prestem ajuda a seus irmãos, sobretudo aos mais pobres e mais infelizes. Destarte, a grande solicitude com que a Igreja, Esposa de Cristo, acompanha as necessidades dos homens, isto é, suas alegrias e esperanças, dores e trabalhos, não é outra coisa senão o ardente desejo que a impele com força a estar presente junto deles, tencionando iluminá-los com a luz de Cristo, congregar e unir a todos Naquele que é o seu único Salvador. Tal solicitude entretanto, jamais se deve interpretar como se a Igreja se acomodasse às coisas deste mundo, ou se tivesse resfriado no fervor com que ela mesma espera seu Senhor e o Reino eterno.

28. Cremos na vida eterna. Cremos que as almas de todos aqueles que morrem na graça de Cristo ― quer as que se devem ainda purificar no fogo do Purgatório, quer as que são recebidas por Jesus no Paraíso, logo que se separam do corpo, como sucedeu com o Bom Ladrão ―, formam o Povo de Deus para além da morte, a qual será definitivamente vencida no dia da Ressurreição, em que estas almas se reunirão a seus corpos.

29. Cremos que a multidão das almas, que já estão reunidas com Jesus e Maria no Paraíso, constituem a Igreja do céu, onde gozando da felicidade eterna, vêem Deus como Ele é (cf. 1Jo 3, 2) [33], e participam com os santos Anjos, naturalmente em grau e modo diverso, do governo divino exercido por Cristo glorioso, uma vez que intercedem por nós e ajudam muito a nossa fraqueza, com a sua solicitude fraterna [34].

30. Cremos na comunhão de todos os fiéis de Cristo, a saber: dos que peregrinam sobre a terra, dos defuntos que ainda se purificam e dos que gozam da bem-aventurança do céu, formando todos juntos uma só Igreja. E cremos igualmente que nesta comunhão dispomos do amor misericordioso de Deus e dos seus Santos, que estão sempre atentos para ouvir as nossas orações, como Jesus nos garantiu: "Pedi e recebereis" (cf. Lc 11, 9-10; Jo 16, 24). Professando está fé e apoiados nesta esperança, nós aguardamos a ressurreição dos mortos e a vida do século futuro.

Bendito seja Deus: Santo, Santo, Santo! Amém.

Pronunciado diante da Basílica de São Pedro, dia 30 de junho do ano de 1968,
sexto de nosso Pontificado.


[1] cf. Concílio Vaticano I, Constituição Dogmática Dei Filius.
[2] cf. Encíclica Humani Generis; Concílio de Latrão V.
[3] cf. Concílio Vaticano I, Constituição Dogmática Dei Filius.
[4] Símbolo Quicumque, n. 75.
[5] Ibidem.
[6] Ibid. nº 76.
[7] Ibidem.
[8] cf. Concílio de Éfeso: 251-252.
[9] cf. Concílio Vaticano II, Constituição Dogmática Lumen Gentium, 53.
[10] cf. Pio IX, Bula Ineffabilis Deus.
[11] cf. Lumen Gentium, 53.
[12] cf. ibidem 53, 58 e 61.
[13] cf. Constituição Apostólica Munificentissimus Deus.
[14] cf. Lumen Gentium, 53, 56, 61 e 63; Paulo VI, alocução na conclusão da 3ª Sessão do Concílio Vaticano II; Exortação Apostólica Signum Magnum.
[15] cf. Lumen Gentium, 62, Paulo VI, Exortação Apostólica Signum Magnum.
[16] cf. Concílio de Trento, Decreto sobre o pecado original.
[17] cf. Concílio de Trento, ibid.
[18] cf. Lumen Gentium, 8 e 50.
[19] cf. ibid. 7 e 11.
[20] cf. Concílio Vaticano II, Constituição Sacrosanctum Concilium 5 e 6; Lumen Gentium, 7, 12 e 50.
[21] cf. Concílio Vaticano I, constituição Dei Filius.
[22] cf. ibid., Constituição Pastor Aeternus.
[23] cf. Lumen Gentium, 25.
[24] cf. ibid, 8, 18 a 23; Decreto Unitatis Redintegratio.
[25] cf. Lumen Gentium, 23; decreto Orientalium Ecclesiarum 2, 3, 5 e 6.
[26] cf. Lumen Gentium, 8.
[27] cf. ibid. 15.
[28] cf. ibid. 14.
[29] cf. ibid. 16.
[30] cf. Concílio de Trento, Sessão 13, Decreto sobre a Eucaristia.
[31] cf. ibid.; Paulo VI, Encíclica Mysterium Fidei.
[32] cf. Suma Teológica III, q. 73, a. 3.
[33] cf. Bento XII, Constituição Benedictus Deus.
[34]cf. Lumen Gentium, 49.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Friday's Sung Word: "No Rancho Fundo" by Lamartine Babo (lyrics) and Ary Barroso (music) (in Portuguese)

No rancho fundo
Bem prá lá do fim do mundo
Onde a dor e a saudade
Contam coisas da cidade...

No rancho fundo
De olhar triste e profundo
Um moreno canta as "mágua"
Tendo os olhos rasos d'água...

Pobre moreno
Que de noite no sereno
Espera a lua no terreiro
Tendo um cigarro por companheiro...

Sem um aceno,
Ele pega da viola
E a lua por esmola
Vem pro quintal
Deste moreno...

No rancho fundo
Bem prá lá do fim do mundo
Nunca mais houve alegria
Nem de noite, nem de dia...

Os arvoredos
Já não contam mais segredos
E a última palmeira
Ja morreu na cordilheira...

Os passarinhos
Internaram-se nos ninhos
De tão triste esta tristeza
Enche de trevas a natureza...

Tudo por que
Só por causa do moreno
Que era grande, hoje é pequeno
Para uma casa de sapê...

Se Deus soubesse
Da tristeza lá da serra
Mandaria lá prá cima
Todo o amor que há na terra...

Porque o moreno
Vive louco de saudade
Só por causa do veneno
Das mulheres da cidade...

Ele que era
O cantor da primavera
E que fez do rancho fundo
O céu melhor que há no mundo...

O sol queimando
Se uma flor a desabrocha
A montanha vai gelando
Lembra o aroma da cabrocha....

You can hear "No Rancho Fundo" sung by Elisa Coelho here.

You can hear "No Rancho Fundo" sung by Sílvio Caldas here.

You can hear "No Rancho Fundo" sung by Eliseth Cardoso, the Divine,  here.